Chapter. 13

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"Find the others and get to the control bridge!" Garnet instructed.
"But we don't know where they are!" Steven yelled. Garnet gently kissed his forehead.
"Future vision..." Steven mumbled in awe, his pupils stars.
"Wait, are you gonna be able to beat her on your own?" you asked.
"Its okay (Y/n), I'm never alone." Garnet said in reply with an adorable smile. You both smiled happily, and Steven grabbed onto your wrist, pulling you along with him.
'she's a fusion...' you thought to yourself.
'Jasper was right,'

The two of you soon arrived at where Pearl and Amethyst were being held. You and Steven helped them out. Then the 4 of you made your way to the control bridge.
When you arrived Peridot quickly spun around in her chair, and brought out a gem destabalizer which Steven grabbed with his hands. After disarming Peridot he threw the wand at you and you snapped it into two pieces.
"Don't touch that, you clods don't know what you're doing!" Peridot exclaimed, tied up in Amethyst's whip.
"You got this, Pearl!" Amethyst cheered.
"Okay ship, turn us around!" Pearl exclaimed, taking control of the ship. Her eyes flashed green, and she made an uncomfortable noise.
When everybody was occupied with what was happening you quietly made your way out of the room to go find Lapis. A loud thud came from the ship, and you saw Garnet run down the opposing hallway as you.
"This ship is going down!" you heard her exclaim.
"What about Lapis?!"Steven yelled in question.
"There's no time!" she yelled.
"There's always time for Lapis!" you yelled to yourself, running towards where her cell was. When you arrived Lapis seemed to have lost all hope.
"Lapis!" you yelled.
"(y/n)?! You have to get out of here befo-"
That's when everything went black.

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