Chapter. 16

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Ever since yesterday's incident Garnet has been very... Protective. You arent allowed anywhere without a chaperone. Hell, you weren't even allowed to go to the bathroom on your own. You had to ask permission, keep the door unlocked at all times, and someone had to be waiting outside the door.

You got a bit tired of all of this and decided that you were going to go get some donuts on your own. You woke up before the sun rose and made sure Steven was still asleep. He was.
"Excellent." you whispered to yourself. You scanned the living room, kitchen, etc. to make sure none of the gems were around. So far you were in the clear. You shoved your money into your pocket and tip-toed down the steps. When you reached the bottom of the steps you quickly sprinted towards the door. Quickly opening and closing it.
"I did it!" you whisper yelled to yourself once you reached the bottom of the outside steps.
"What is it that you did exactly?" you heard a familiar voice ask from behind you.
"Garnet...?" you whispered, slowly turning to face her.
"If you wanted donuts you could've just asked..." Garnet stated, walking forward.
"Where are you going?" you asked.
"You want some donuts don't you?" Garnet said in reply.
You and Garnet arrived at the donut shop. Sadie had arrived at the same time as you. She was barely opening the shop.
"Oh, hey (y/n) and Garnet!" Sadie cheerfully stated. It was rare for Sadie to be in a bad mood. Which was one of the things you admired about her.
"Hey, Sadie!" you replied, just as cheerfully as she had said it.
"Come on in." Sadie said, holding the door open for the two of you.

Once you were inside Sadie quickly ran to the back room and dropped off her stuff. In an instant she was behind the counter with her usual donut shirt on.
"So, what can I get for you?" Sadie asked with a bright smile that illuminated the room.
"Uuuh, 2 (favorite donut)s please" you answered as you scanned the variety of sizes and flavors.
"Comin' right up!" Sadie said with a giggle. She grabbed the tongs and placed two of the donuts in a small bag.
"Here ya go. That'll be $4.00" Sadie said handing you the bag. You handed her the money and she put it into the register.
"Thank you, Sadie!" you said as you walked out.
"Anytime!" she said in reply.
When you walked out of the Big Donut someone bumped into you, knocking you down and onto your injured arm. It was Lars. Late as usual.
"Watch where you're going, Brat!" Lars yelled.
"Why don't you watch where you're going?" Garnet said to Lars, quickly making a gauntlet appear on her left hand.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm sorry!" Lars yelled, helping you up.
"That's what I thought." Garnet said walking away with you.
You arrived at the temple and opened the door quietly, hoping not to alert anyone of your return. That didn't work at all, everyone was gathered in the living room and once you opened the door they all surrounded you, frantic looks on their faces.
"Where have you been?!" Pearl yelled looking at you to make sure you weren't hurt.
"Dude, your arm is bleeding!" Amethyst exclaimed, pointing at your arm which was dripping a small stream of blood.
"Let me get the bandages!" Pearl yelled.
"Where have you been?!"
"Are you okay?!"
"What happened?!"
Everyone kept asking you multiple questions which slowly made you loose your patience.
"I just wanted donuts!" you groaned out.
"Next time you should ask permission." Garnet teased, placing her right hand on your head.

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