Chapter. 73

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You all walked as one, you and Steven pretending to be hostages. You 'struggled' against Ruby. "You'll never take me alive! I'd rather die than have any association with the likes of you!" Steven yelled, thrashing around. "Hey Steven, you should take it down a notch," you whispered. Steven nodded in understanding.
You all arrived at the front of the human zoo. Sapphire had left with Holly Blue Agate to go stop an alleged explosion cause by the ship, which was only a bluff to distract them. "I can't get this stupid, uncooperative door to open!" Pearl yelled in defeat, pounding the control panel. You and Steven sighed, looking at the marks that stained the door "fu-" "who did this?!" Agate demanded, her voice stern. You were about to answer when Holly Blue spoke once more "I'm so, so sorry your clarity. I'll be  sure to find the misshapen abominations that did this," Holly Blue apologized, bowing away. She waved off you and Steven, then it all went black.

"Steven! Steven where are you?!" you yelled, splashing around the shallow water. You looked around, your vision and thoughts nebulous. Your surroundings were beautiful, grass and plants everywhere. The water was clear and pure. You took notice of your clothing, revealing and distasteful. "What the actual f-" "(y/n), is that you?" you heard Greg exclaim, a smile on his face. "Greg!" you yelled, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Greg embraced you in a thoughtful hug. "How'd you guys get here? What are you even doing here? It's way too dangerous for you kids!" Greg yelled, relief and apprehension getting to him. "Steven and I came to get you out of this weird place! I-Is Steven here?" "(y/n)!" you were tackled in the water by none other than Steven himself. You smiled, then punched him in the stomach. "You idiot! Why did you just leave me like that?!" "Gareg, who is this? Are they a new friend?!" a stranger called out, a bright smile on her seemingly flawless face. "(Y/n), this is-" "don't care. We need to get out of here before-"
"It's time to go out and play!"
"Huh? What's that?" you asked, looking around with confusion. "It's the little voice I guess. They let it dictate everything they do. It's pretty stupid...." Steven explained, looking at everyone running around without a care in the world. "This is insane. The diamonds just kidnap humans and keep them here all their lives?" you asked, seeing how happy and oblivious they all were. "How do they y'know, keep the population of them-" "I really don't wanna know."

As the artificial sun fell over the horizon you watch as everyone, including Greg, tucked themselves into sleep. "Greg, wake up. We're gonna get out of here!" you yelled in a whisper. Greg nodded, still tired, and  you all began your journey to the deepest parts of the paradise. "What do we do if we find the way out? There's no way we can just just waltz out of here no problem," Greg thought aloud. "Well, that's why we came prepared to fight!" you smiled, determined for all of you to get out of here alive. The door that you had seen earlier was right in front of you, sealed. "Damnit, every time escaping is in our grasp something has to happen!" you yell, hitting your fist on the door. However, you hit the door wrong, which sprained your wrist. You yelled out in agony, the pain quickly spreading throughout your nerves. "(Y/n), Gareg, Steevan!" one of the inhabitants of the zoo yelled out, you didn't bother learning any of their names. "Oh great..." you breathed out. "it is time for the choosening! Please, follow us!" they yelled, pulling you Steven and Greg to a circular area. "How the heck did I miss this?" you whispered, looking at the glowing floor. Greg was told to step into the circle, but the two of you were told to stay outside. "What is this?" Steven asked you, growing worried. "I don't know. Some creepy sacrificial occult?" you replied, Steven just shook his head in disappointment. You took notice how the first pair chosen embraced each other in a loving hug. Then it hit you. "Steven, I think this is some f'ed up match-making ceremony!" you yelled, grabbing onto his arm. You saw Greg's obvious discomfort as he looked around. "I-It's okay dad, you're new so you probably won't be chosen!" Steven tried reassuring. Greg smiled, hoping that was the case. Then the annoying voice that dictated this ecosystem called out Greg's name. "No," you and Steven simultaneously breathed out. Greg, however, refused to step foot inside of the circle. Explaining to them how love works back on Earth. That's when devastation rained. All of the inhabitants began to choose Greg, and he humbly rejected them all. There was a beat of tranquility before a storm of tears flooded their senses. "Oh, we don't have time for this!" you yelled, grabbing Steven and Greg by their arms and running with them as fast as your legs could carry you. Your injured arm was still tingling, but you pushed past the feeling. "When we get home I'm going to need major therapy and a major box of donuts!" you yelled, panting. The three of you hid, watching the people frantically search for Greg, but they couldn't find him. The door that led to your escape suddenly burst open, Quartz soliders filing in. They attempted to comfort the devastated people, and you took the opportunity to escape. "Not so fast," a gem smirked, taking grasp of the three of you "I think the both of you have caused enough trouble for one day, don't you think?"

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