Chapter. 47

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You woke in a hospital bed. Your vision was blurry and you heard a ringing noise in your ears.
"Ah, Ms. (l/n)." Dr.Maheswaran said, walking to your bed side.
"How are you feeling?" she asked you, checking your vitals.
"I'm alright." you replied, clutching onto your pained stomach.
"You're lucky your family brought you when they did. Any longer and you might not have made it." She explained, adjusting the IV that was in your arm.
"You lost a lot of blood and broke some ribs. Mind explaining what happened?" Dr.M asked you
"A gigantic piece of rock fell on me." you explained.
"Hm, interesting," she hummed, taking notes.
"I'll be back in a moment. You have some visitors." Dr.M told you, walking out. She closed the door behind her and you groaned in pain. You've been holding that in for a while.
"I was right about her..." you mummbled, rubbing your finger over a bruise that resembled the size of Bismuth's hand. You could see where her fingers were and you gasped lightly. You pulled down your sleeve so Garnet wouldn't be able to see it. You already know how she is.

The door swung open and hit the wall, leaving a small hole. You looked up and saw a worried Garnet frantically make her way towards you.
"I'm so sorry, love." Garnet said, crying her eyes out. Garnet began kissing you all over your face and hands. You giggled at her touch and felt a slight amount of pain when you did so.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" Pearl exclaimed, hugging you.
"You scared the heck outta me, (y/n)." Amethyst told you, giving you a kiss on the cheek to make Garnet jealous. It seemed to work.
"Where's Steven?" you questioned.
"He's at my house with Connie." Dr.M told you, smiling down at you. You smiled in return and focused your attention back to the gems.
"I'm so, so sorry." Garnet told you, crying into your chest.
"It's okay, sweetie. I'm okay." you replied, tilting her head up to look at you and planting a weak kiss on her lips.
"Steven told us everything." Pearl stated, looking at you with sad eyes.
"How is he? He took a bad beating." you told them.
"We know. When we got here they treated his cuts, burns and bruises." Pearl explained.
Your phone was on the side table near your bed. The familiar ringtone went off and you quickly yet weakly grabbed the phone.
"It's Steven," You told the gems before looking at the screen.
"Hello?" you said into the phone. Your voice was raspy and weak.
"(y/n)!" Steven shrieked on the other line.
"Geez, Steven, calm down.." You mummbled, holding onto the side of your head in pain.
"S-Sorry! How are you doing? Do you feel good enough to come home? Do you want me to go over? Should I bring yo-"
"Steven! That's enough!" you yelled, a painful giggle following shortly after.
"Sorry.." Steven mummbled.
"I should be home before the weekend." you stated. Steven cheered in excitement.
"I'll go visit you tomorrow." Steven stated.
"I'll be waiting." you replied, smiling.
You clicked off the phone and looked over at the gems. Amethyst was asleep on your lap, Pearl was looking over the many posters around the room, and Garnet... Garnet was sitting in a chair, her visors off. She was still crying.

"I'm sorry to inform you but visiting hours are over.." Dr.M sadly said. Pearl nodded and woke up Amethyst.
"Amethyst, we need to go." Pearl told her. Amethyst sighed and stretched out, following Pearl out of the room.
"Doc, would it be okay if Garnet stays?" you questioned.
"She is my girlfriend after all..." you added, looking away with a red face.
"Well, we are quite busy tonight. It would be good to have someone to watch over you just in case... I suppose that's alright." she replied. You smiled to yourself and watched as she walked out without another word.

"Garnet," you whispered, looking over at your crying lover.
"I wasn't there to protect you..." Garnet whispered to you.
"Garnet, it's okay-" she cut you off.
"No, it's not. What kind of partner am I if I'm not able to protect you?!" Garnet yelled, rubbing her red, puffy eyes.
"Whether or not you're there to protect me, I love you. I always will love you. Even when I'm old and dying, I'm going to love you, Garnet.
"I love you too. I always have and always will." Garnet replied, kissing your cheek.
"You missed, love." you whispered, pointing to your lips.
Garnet chuckled and kissed you on your lips. You smiled into the kiss.
"Even though you weren't there then, you're here now. That's all I care about." you whispered, your forehead against hers.
"If Bismuth ever comes back I'm kicking her butt so badly that the gems on homeworld are going to feel it.." Garnet mummbled into your chest. You giggled and scooted over despite the pain that took over your body. Garnet giggled and did her best to lay on the cramped hospital bed.
"I love you," you mummbled, holding onto Garnet despite all the IV's and bandages.
"I love you more, Love."
"I'll make it up to you, (y/n). That's a promise."

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