Chapter. 26

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The morning light shone in through the cracks and windows in the barn. The bright sun hurt your closed eyes. You slowly opened them, only to be hit with more of a pain.
"Argh," you groaned "it's been about a month. When can we go home?!" you complained.
"The drill is almost done..." Steven sleepily murmured.
"I hope so, I can't stand it anymore," you said in reply.

"Steven, (y/n)!" you heard a voice yell. Your eyes shot open and your two (e/c) eyes were met with a trio of a blue, red, and purple.
"Garnet, what are you doing?!"
"Happy birthday Steven and (y/n)!" Garnet happily yelled.
"Ooo, are you going to tell us that you're a fusion of the gems Ruby and Sapphire!" Steven yelled, clasping her face in his hands.
"No, you two already know about that." Garnet laughed in reply.
You and Steven both "awhed" in disappointment.
"But, what you don't know is how Ruby and Sapphire both met." Garnet replied, a playful smirk growing on her face.
"O. M. G.! I don't!" Steven whisper-yelled in amazement.
"Neither do I," you whispered as well. The both of you had gigantic stars in your eyes.

After Garnet told you the story of how they met, a few tears escaped your eyes. They have the perfect relationship. Did you even stand a chance against Ruby? Uh, Sapphire? The both of them? You didn't even know what to do. You found it kinda tragic in a way. You would never know what it was like to truly love Garnet. At least, that's what you assumed.
"I love you so much my angels. I wish for the both of you to have the best 14th birthday possible." Garnet said lightly, kissing Steven's forehead, which made him fall asleep. Garnet then planted a sweet kiss on your cheek. It was much longer than the one Steven got. When she pulled away, you felt slightly empty.
"I love you," she whispered, stroking your hair

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