Chapter. 11

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A green space hand came from the sky, and a cloud of sand went into your faces. The gems kept their stances and maintained fierce looks, although they were still terrified on the inside. They were ready to fight if anything.
"Get. Out. Of. Here." Garnet said to the both of you through clenched teeth. She was obviously more fearful for the both of you than she was for herself.
"No," you and Steven said together, confidence radiating in your voices.
"That's them alright. They're the ones who keep breaking my machines!" Peridot yelled to a tall, buff gem with stripes throughout her body, and amazing, flowing white hair. Which was similar to that of Amethyst.
"This is it? The gem asked looking around.
"Jasper! They keep interfering with my work!" Peridot yelled to Jasper.
Jasper sighed.
"Looks like another waste of my time..." She scowled.
"Hey, get over here!" Jasper yelled, pulling Lapis out from behind her. Lapis struggled in her hands, but gave up in an instant.
"Lapis.." Steven whispered, his eyes full of fear. You watched in horror, your heart beating so quickly in your chest, you thought were going into cardiac arrest.
"This is their base?" Jasper asked Lapis, her voice stern.
"Yes..." Lapis replied, shame in her voice.
"You need to leave immediately!" Garnet yelled out, gesturing towards the invaders.
"Yeah, step off!" Amethyst added.
"This is not a gem controlled planet!" Pearl yelled in a pleading tone of voice.
The Homeworld gems jumped down from the ship, more sand going into your faces.
"Niether of you saw Rose Quartz? What a shame. I was hoping to meet her. I was looking forward to beating her into the ground!" Jasper yelled out, a devious smile on her face as she cracked her knuckles.
Steven listened to what she said, wide eyed. He made a noise that indicated he was surprised by her words. You were also taken aback, but​ chose not to show it.
"But this all that's left of her army? Some lost, defective Pearl,  a puny, over cooked runt, and this shameless display...?" Jasper turned a bit and looked at you and Steven. You began to shake in fear, and quickly took Steven's hand in your own.
"What are those..?" Jasper asked, pointing to the both of you. The gems raised their weapons, ready to defend the both of you.
"They call themselves Steven.." Peridot stated, tapping away on her hovering screen.
"They're just humans, they aren't a threat at all, they aren't one of them!" Lapis frantically yelled at Jasper, trying with the beat of her abilities to defend you and Steven.
"I know what a human is," Jasper growled, rolling her eyes.
"You don't need me for this... Just blast 'em with the ship." Jasper said, walking away from the whole debacle.
"Ugh, fine." Peridot groaned in reply, prepping the ship to fire. She was hoping for more action, but this should suffice. The ship flew into the sky, and pointed it's finger at you like a finger gun.
"Steven, (y/n)! Get out of here!" Garnet yelled im a desperate attempt to get the both of you to safety.
"No!" the two of you yelled in sync, tears streaming down both of your faces.
"I won't let you risk your lives!" Garnet yelled again.
"But this is my home, and you're all my family!" Steven yelled. His gem began to glow and you looked in amazement.
"Steven, your gem..." you whispered.
"Firing," You heard Peridot say, the cannon on the ship glowing an extremely bright light. 
"I-I'm a Crystal Gem too!" Steven exclaimed, jumping in front of all of you. You covered your face with your arms and stumbled back, now a full flow of tears as you realized Steven might be gone. A loud noise erupted from the shield when the beam came in contact with it, making Jasper spin around. You uncovered your face and saw Steven had made a gigantic shield that protected the 5 of you.
"That shield, that symbol!" Jasper yelled in sudden fear. Steven fell to the floor, tired from making such a large shield.
"You! You have the power of Rose Quartz!" Jasper yelled in surprise, looking around frantically.
"Now do you believe I needed an escort?!" Peridot yelled at Jasper. Jasper was now taking this seriously.
"Fire a borage, wide spread!" Jasper ordered, swinging her arm in one swift motion. Peridot complied and quickly dragged her finger against the floating screen.
Garnet wasted no time and quickly grabbed you, Steven, and Amethyst. Getting the three of you out of harms way, as a gigantic​ beam came from the ship and dragged across the sand.
"Rose, why do you look like that? Why are you so weak?" Jasper growled while walking towards Steven.
"Don't hurt him!" Lapis yelled.
"You knew about this!" Jasper yelled to Lapis.
"It wasn't relivant to the mission!" Lapis yelled back, her face showing nothing but fear.
"Forget about the mission!" Jasper yelled at Lapis.
"What?!" Peridot cried.
"Yellow Diamond needs to see this... thing."
Garnet sprung out of the sand and ran towards Jasper.
"Good..." Jasper smirked, making a helmet appear. Garnet went to punch Jasper, but didn't know what trick she had.
"Priming gem destabalizer." Jasper said, taking out a wand from who knows where.
"Kids, run!" Garnet yelled, trying to hit Jasper. Jasper jabbed Garnet with the wand and you literally watched her fall apart. Pearl screamed in terror and you watched in horror as she broke into pieces, then poofed.
"I was there you know. At the first war for this garbage planet. I fought against your armies. I respected your tactics. But this, this is sick," Jasper said to Steven, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him up towards her eye level.
"Unhand him!" Pearl yelled, charging towards her with you Amethyst by her side.
"I don't get what you're planning, Rose, but look. Your base is taken. Your armies are ruined. You, have failed." Jasper hit Steven in the head with her own, and you watched your best friend fall unconscious. Jasper and Peridot then worked together in taking Amethyst and Pearl. While they did that you tried to get Garnet's gems.
"Don't worry Garnet, I'm going to help you get out of here." you said, grabbing the gems and trying to run off. You were too slow. Jasper grabbed you by the back of your shirt.
"Where do you think you're going?" Jasper asked you, she threw into the air, which spun you around. Now she held you by the front of your shirt. She was looking at you dead in the eyes, her expression cold.
"Hand over the fusion." Jasper demanded.
"Garnet isn't a fusion!" You yelled.
"Of course she is! Why else would she have two gems?!" Jasper yelled at you.
"You're idiotic!" You yelled
"You're weak." Jasper retorted, grabbing you by the throat. You remembered that you brought your kitchen knife, and quickly pulled it out of your pocket. You swung around in erratic motions, hoping to hit something. You felt the blade cut something, and saw the blade of the knife had dug into Jasper's shoulder. "I did it!" you happily yelled, a bright smile on your face. "You did," Jasper growled, "and you're going to regret it too,"

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