Chapter 87

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You gasped at Steven's request, thinking about what might happen if you were to go through with it. "What if Garnet finds out?" you asked him, adjusting yourself so you could sit up.

Steven looked around the room, his eyes scanning around. "We'll be back before she even finds anything out!" Steven replied, pulling you out of bed.

You hesitantly began to dress yourself in warm clothing. You checked yourself in the mirror, making sure that you looked decent. "Alright, Steven. Let's go check out this band!" you cheered, walking out with Steven next to you.


You sat on a bean bag chair, quietly sipping a drink as you watched everyone do their thing. Sour Cream sat at his computer playing some beats he'd been experimenting on, Jenny and Buck were strumming their guitars. Steven was tuning his ukulele, smiling at you.

"What is it?" you questioned, looking at him with a confused expression. "Nothing, it's just, you're the only one without an instrument," he pointed out, making you blush in embarrassment.


Sadie had began singing a song that she was making up at the top of her head. As she sang you wrote down what she said, making sure to note the chords, octaves, intervals, and notes. As her song finished she had transformed into an entirely new person. She bit into a jelly donut, the insides spilling out like blood.

As the song ended you and Steven began to clap wildly, bright smiles upon your face. "That was amazing!" you screamed, causing Sadie to blush in embarrassment.

You handed the notes to Sadie, who happily thanked you as she took them. "You should help us with the arrangements!" Sour Cream told you, to which you nodded in agreement. "I'm happy to help!"

"Yeah! We found our sound! Sadie you have to perform with us!" Jenny happily announced. Sadie let out a sad sigh, taking off the jacket she had put on during the song. "I can't, I have work tomorrow."


The party had ended, and the two of you carefully made your way back home. Fortunately for you, everyone seemed to be in their rooms. With a relieved sigh you carefully opened the door, the creak making you cringe slightly.

You both lightly stepped inside, Steven cautiously closing the door behind you. "we did it!" you whispered, hugging Steven. You both quietly giggled, making your way to your room.

"What exactly is it that you did?" you heard Garnet's voice say through the darkness, the lights suddenly flickering on.

Steven looked at you with a scared expression, bolting to his room in a flash. "Goodnight Garnet! Love you!" you screamed, following behind Steven.

Garnet quickly bolted up off of her seat, jumping in front of you. You gasped, falling onto your butt. "Steven made me do it!" you yelled out, pointing over to him. "I wouldn't have done it if they had said no!" Steven countered. You sent Steven a death glare, making him smile down at you nervously. He mouthed a small sorry, then went to the restroom in a matter of seconds.

Garnet picked you up and slung you over her shoulder. You kicked, punched and groaned in annoyance, eventually accepting defeat and allowing her to do what she will.

She sat you on your bed, expressionless as she looked into your eyes. "I know you're mad, I promise I won't do it again," you apologized. "I'm not mad, just disappointed," she replied, making you gasp. She played that card, the forbidden card. "However, you've showed me that you can handle yourself, at least a little bit. So, I'm lifting your consequences on one condition," she announced, your face brightening up

"Whenever you leave the house you have to have someone with you, I can't stand the thought of losing you - especially to Homeworld,"

You ran over to her, giving her a tight hug which she gladly returned. You both stayed like that, smiles painted upon both of your lips as you enjoyed each others warmth.

I'm back!! I've been neglecting writing because I've been preparing myself for my AP tests. I'm going to be taking four of them, so I'm a bit stressed at the moment.

If you have an questions or suggestions feel free to PM me, or if you'd like I could give you amazing people my social media information!

Love you all!!

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