Chapter 84

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"Steven! (Y/n)!" Lapis cheered. You and Steven were together on the couch, looking at Lapis and Peridot through your phone. "(Y/n)! I've missed you!" Peridot yelled through the receiver, you laughed as she grew excited. "Where have you two been? You never visited us anymore..."  Lapis told the both of you, making you feel extremely guilty. "How about we go over today?" you questioned, smiling at her. "Yeah! Then we can catch up and tell you about Homeworld!" Steven piped in. Lapis gasped, "you went to Homeworld?! D-Did they hurt you?!" Lapis questioned frantically. The two of you shook your heads frantically, Lapis was beyond worried. In an instant Lapis had hung up the call, and you felt guilt building up in your body. "We need to go to the barn," you told Steven, and he nodded his head in approval. You ran up the steps, throwing on a pair of shoes and grabbed your phone, then ran down the steps and out to the warp pad. "Ready to go?" Steven asked you with a happy smile. You nodded your head, grabbing onto Steven's hand. Even though you wouldn't fully admit it, you were terrified of using the Warp Pad at times. Steven's gem began to glow, making the Warp Pad shimmer to life. The mixture of blues and purples never failed to make you stare in complete wonder. You began to fly into the air, making you giggle with excitement. "See? Not that bad," Steven laughed, pulling you down to his level. You giggled as he brought you down, your feet touching the ground. The light that surrounded you slowly faded away. When it fully faded away you could see the bright red barn before you, the many pieces of art from Peridot and Lapis sticking out in all places. You hopped off of the warp pad, and began to make your way to the barn. There was a light breeze, making you feel content with the moment.

You walked inside of the barn, Peridot and Lapis nowhere to be found. You walked out back outside, and saw Lapis and Peridot talking out in the field. Pumpkin suddenly came bounding towards you, barking happily as they jumped into your arms. "They're here!" Peridot yelled, running towards the both of you. Lapis wasn't as excited to see you as Peridot was, that was quite apparent. "How was Homeworld?!" Peridot happily asked, looking at the two of you with stars in her eyes. "It was terrifying. I met the diamonds and I was put on trial!" Steven yelled. Lapis gasped, making her way closer. "D-Did they hurt you? Why dis they let you go?" she asked, the fear in her voice obvious. "No, they didn't hurt me, and they didn't let me go either. I escaped with some other gems who are just like us!" Steven told them, making Lapis look down at her feet, her hair covering her face. "Lapis? Are you-" you started but were interrupted by a screaming Peridot. "Where's Pumpkin?!"

After hours of searching everywhere you finally found Pumpkin inside of the corn field. You carefully pulled her out, hugging her close to your body. "Why was Pumpkin hiding?" you asked in a whisper, clutching them closer to your body. "She doesn't want to leave. So, we should stay!" Peridot blurted out. You sighed, looking away from them for a moment. "If we stay here Homeworld will find us. Who knows what they'll do to us?" Lapis said aloud, making Peridot look even sadder. "Lapis," she started, "it's not just Pumpkin who doesn't want to go," Peridot sighed. Lapis gasped. "I don't want to go either," Peridot finally said, and you could only see the pained expression on her face. Within seconds she used the water from inside of the pool to carry the barn into the sky. She made her water wings appear from behind her back, and began to fly off into space. Her figure growing smaller and smaller the further away she traveled. Peridot sunk to the floor, looking up at the sky with tears in her eyes. "Peridot, are you okay?" you asked, sitting down next to her. She shook her head no. "C'mon," Steven told her, "let's all go home,"


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