Chapter. 50

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Saturday afternoon. The nurse just informed you that you were clear to go home. You thanked her and began to gather your things. That's when an idea hit you.
You grabbed your phone and dialed Steven.
"Hello?" Steven answered into the phone.
"Hey Steven, where's Garnet? I haven't seen her all day." you spoke into the phone.
"She's been on a mission." Steven replied. You nodded your head with a smirk.
"In that case, I have a favor to ask of you."

Since Garnet hadn't visited you all day you decided to play a little joke on her. You even had the hospital in on it as well.
Greg picked you up from the hospital, Steven and Connie tagging along with him.
"Where to, kiddo?" Greg asked you, smiling.
"The barn." you replied. Greg nodded his head and began driving.

Greg quickly dropped off Steven and drove off to the barn. It was all part of the plan.
Steven walked inside, doing his best to keep a straight face. Well, as straight as Steven's expressions can get.
"Hello, Steven." Pearl greeted.
"Hi Pearl," Steven greeted. He looked around the house. "Is Garnet back yet?"
Garnet appeared on the warp.
"Hey, Steven." she greeted with a smile, placing her hand on top of the small boys head.
Steven got a call. It was from the 'hospital'.
"Hello?" Steven tried his best not to laugh. You were on the other line doing your best impression of the nurse at the front desk. Steven began nodding his head and smiling.
"Thank you!" he chimed "we'll be over as soon as possible." he hung up and looked at everyone.
"They said that (y/n) is clear to leave the hospital!" Steven cheered. Garnet's smile got wider and everyone made their way outside.

~At The Barn~

"(y/n)!" Lapis and Peridot greeted, walking over to you. You happily greeted them back and told them all about the plan. Now they we're happily in on it as well.
"Let's find a place to hide me, just in case Garnet checks over here. Which, she most likely will." you told them. They agreed and you all went out in search of the perfect hiding spot.

While looking for a hiding spot Greg got a call. It was from Steven. Steven told Greg to meet them at the house so that he could take them to the hospital and pick you up. Greg chuckled and made his way over there.

~At The Hopital~

Upon arrival at the hospital Garnet quickly got out of the van and made her way to the front.
"I'm here to pick up (y/n) (l/n)." She told the woman at the front. The woman shook her head and looked at Garnet.
"Says here she was already discharged." the nurse told her. Garnet froze.
"That's impossible," Garnet replied. The nurse shook her head no and Garnet grew furious.
"Tell me where she is, now!" Garnet yelled, slamming her left fist onto the front desk. Everyone in the room flinched.
"Y-You're welcome to check her room..." the nurse told her, her body shaking in fear. Garnet nodded her head and walked to where your room was. You weren't there. The room was already cleaned out, ready for another patient.
Garnet growled and once again made her way up to the front desk.
"Can you tell me what the person who took her looked like?" Garnet asked, her hands in fists.
"It was a tall man. He wore a black coat, black pants and a hat.
Garnet growled.
"Did she go willingly?"
"He carried her out."
Garnet froze.
Garnet then quickly made her way outside to the van.
"Where's (y/n)?" Steven asked Garnet. He sounded worried. As worried as a person in on the joke could get.
"She isn't there..." Garnet mummbled, her head hung low. After a few seconds her head shot up.
"Steven, call her." Garnet instructed. Steven did as told and called you. No answer.
"Greg, drive around."
Greg did as told. Garnet was mad. Much too mad.
Steven was sitting in the back seat and sent you a text.

Steven: Garnet is really mad.

You: good, that means it's working >:)

Steven: I don't know... She's really mad. Like, Jasper mad.

You: do your best to keep it up. Make sure the barn is the very last place you check.

Steven: ok.

~At The Barn~

The sun was setting and you hadn't heard a word from Steven. You were playing a game of cards with Lapis and Peridot when your phone went off.

Steven: we'll be there in 5

This was the moment of truth. You informed Lapis and Peridot what was happening before assuming you hiding spot.
You heard a car quickly pull up. Fast and heavy footsteps made their way to the barn door. The barn door was swung open, violently.
"Where is she?" Garnet growled, her teeth clenched.
"You're going to be mo-"
"Where's (y/n)?!" Garnet yelled, it echoed throughout the barn.
"She isn't here." Peridot replied. That was it. Garnet sunk to the floor on her knees. She had her hands in fists and was crying.
"I failed her.." Garnet mummbled, hot tears streaming down her face.
That hurt you. You sighed and walked out of your hiding spot.
You went behind Garnet and embraced her in a hug. She froze.
"(y/n)!" she yelled, properly hugging you.
"I thought I'd lost you..." She mummbled into your hair.
"I'm sorry.." you whispered, hugging her tighter.
"Never. Ever. Do that to me again. Clear?"

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