Chapter. 18

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"Garnet, I love you." you mumbled, looking down at the ground, a crimson color on your cheeks.
"I know," Garnet said with a smile.
"You do?!" you said in reply, a higher pitched voice than usual.
"Future vision." Garnet whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine, and making your knees weak.
"r-right..." you mumbled with a stutter.
"But guess what?" Garnet whispered into your ear. This made your breath hitch and you tried your best not to let your body go limp.
"w-what..?" you asked in reply, gulping down saliva after saying that one word.

"Wake up, (y/n)!" Steven yelled, jumping on the bed.
"You have more training today!"
"Huh? Where am I? What was I doing?" you asked, confused.
"You're at the temple, your home. You were just sleeping." Steven clarified, obviously confused.
"Sleeping..." you mummbled to yourself in relief.
"It was... It was only a dream..." You smiled, jumping up.
"You okay?" Steven questioned.
"I'm fine," you stated, a smile tugging onto your lips.
"Well, start getting ready! Pearl is starting training early today!" Steven yelled.
"Ugh, I'm tired, and sore, and hungry..." you complained, throwing on a random shirt and pants. You put on a random pair of boots and fixed your messy hair before walking out to the dining area.
"Good morning, (Y/n). How did you sleep?" Pearl greeted.
"Good morning, Pearl. I slept fine, thank you for asking." you replied, taking a bite of your toast which was cut into symmetrical triangles.
Classic Pearl.

The temple door opened, and out came your familiar purple friend, Amethyst!
"Hey, nerds!" Amethyst exclaimed, taking a seat next to you.
"Good morning, Ame-" Pearl started but was interrupted by Amethyst quickly (and loudly) taking multiple breakfast foods that were scattered about the table.
"Thanks, P!" Amethyst yelled with a full mouth.

"Alright, today you and Connie will fight each other!" Pearl announced. You had to admit, Connie was a very skilled sword fighter. Fighting her would be a challenge. A challenge you were prepared for.
"Remember, no stabbing each other. Your goal is to knock your opponents weapon from their hand. Understood?" Pearl announced. You and Connie nodded your heads in unison, indicating your understanding.
"May the best knight win." Pearl said, walking out of the arena.
"I intend to.." you mumbled under your breath which earned you a death glare from Connie.

The two of you went at it, swords in hand. The clashing of swords, and the nervous mummbling of Steven was all that could be heard so far. Connie attempted to strike you, however, she was too slow and you dodged her attack with ease.
"Didn't you hear what Pearl said?!" you yelled.
"Sorry, I forgot." Connie said in reply.
You sighed and continued with the battle. Connie kept trying to hit you or knock you down so that she could knock your sword from your hand, but it wasn't working. You weren't going to crack that easily. You fell to the floor when Connie 'cut' your face. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Connie yelled, dropping her hands to her sides. She was off guard and you took the chance to take her sword from her hand.
"Hey! That's not fair!" Connie yelled at you.
"Pearl said that we were suppose to take the other person's sword. She didn't specify how we were suppose to take it," you retorted to Connie, who pouted slightly.
"Excellent work you two. However, (Y/n), remember that the trick you just pulled won't work on the battlefield. If any other gems besides us saw that they potentially injured you, they will undoubtedly take the opportunity to kill you," Pearl explained, her expression blank. You nodded your head in understanding, and ran over to Steven. Connie trailing behind you.
"You were both so amazing!" Steven yelled, giving the both of you a tight hug.
"Thanks!" you and Connie happily said in unison.
"Let's get going, I'm kinda hungry," Steven told the two of you whilst poking at his stomach.
"Let's make a buffet of food and binge watch 'Crying Breakfast Friends'!" you yelled, jumping up and down.
"Last one to the warp pad is a rotten fruit!" Connie yelled, running up the stairs towards the warp.
"Hey, no fair!" you and Steven yelled, quickly running after her.

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