Chapter 75

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"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" you yell in a whisper, trying your best to catch your breath. You bounced up and down in fear. "Stop it, you're going to get us caught and I will never, ever forgive you." Steven quietly scolded, holding your hand in comfort. Your outburst subsided. Then the door opened again.
"You have to be joking," a powerful voice scoffed. You turned your head to be met with the infamous Yellow Diamond. Once again you had a small panic attack, Greg and Steven trying their best to keep you calm. "Just breath, (Y/n). Remember what Garnet taught us? You have to keep a level head," Steven instructed. "It's kinda hard to keep a level head when there's two gigantic space tyrants that can pop mine off with their thumbs!" you scolded holding up your thumbs, Steven quickly covered your mouth with his hand. There was singing coming from Yellow, and it was flawless to say the least. As she sang her song the three of you tried to get to the exit without being seen, which was a failure. Both you and Greg tripped multiple times, Steven helping one of you up each time. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, and the world around you was dismal - you could've sworn everything was falling apart. You feared for you life. "I should've brought my sword, I could've used it to-"
Once again, the door was slid open, the familiar faces of Ruby and Sapphire appearing with an ecstatic Holly Blue Agate. "My diamond! My wonderful, flawless, lustrous, astounding diamond." she greeted, bowing towards them. She began talking about the human zoo, which confused Blue Diamond. "I never sent any Sapphire to Earth," Blue Diamond said, looking over at them with suspicion. Sapphire froze, ice forming under her feet. You watched them struggling to keep it together, and you couldn't hold back. "I have to help her!" you whispered, trying to get to them. Steven grabbed you from behind, dragging you to a back wall. "No. Let them figure this out. If you run out there now, you're going to compromise this entire mission!" Steven whispered in your ear, his grip tightening. Greg stayed with Steven, making sure you didn't escape. It took a few moments but Sapphire finally worked up the courage to confront Blue. She explained that she had used her future vision to predict Blue would ask of her to bring some new specimen, and Blue - to your surprise - believed what Sapphire had to say. The three walked out, Ruby giving you a wink before she departed. "Oh thank goodness," you sighed, "I was certain they would be shattered." you whispered, tears forming in your eyes as you slid down the side of the wall. "Look, I'm glad that you're happy your girlfriends are okay - which I still find kinda weird - but we need to get out of here before some really bad happens!" Greg instructed. The two of you nodded your heads in understanding, and you wasted no time in getting out of there.

"Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Pearl!" you yelled, hugging the three of them in the Ruby ship. "I can't believe we did it!" you cheered, tears forming in your eyes. "You've been crying quite a bit today kiddo." Greg laughed, embracing you in a tight hug. You watched as Garnet came back, and you jumped up to hug her. "I miss you so much!" you yelled out, hugging her tighter. Garnet chuckled, kissing your forehead. "I know you did, darling. I missed you too,"
You released yourself from Garnet and made your way over to Pearl, a bright smile painting her pale face. "Pearl, oh my gosh I didn't think you could get any cooler!" you yelled out. "Yeah! The way you told off Holly Blue was..." Steven added. "Awesome!" you both yelled in unison, stars in your eyes as you looked at Pearl in admiration. "Awh, stop. You're flustering me. Besides, it's been something I've wanted to do for millennia!" Pearl laughed. "So now what?" Amethyst asked. She looked scared. "Now we go home and spend time together," Garnet announced. Pearl took her seat, all of you following suit. "Next stop: Beach City!" 

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