Chapter 95

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You sat in the back of the van, Greg driving you all somewhere so Ruby could live out her cowboy fantasy.

You still aren't sure about your situation with Ruby and Sapphire, but you were willing to be there as Ruby's emotional support if she needed you.

The van suddenly came to a hault, pulling up at a random park. "Y'all ready to wild west it up?" Greg questioned.

Ruby quickly jumped out, a cowboy hat adorning her head. She held onto the Lonesome Lasso comic, reading off of it for reference. "Here I am, on the open rang... At least you understand me, horsey," Ruby read out loud.

"Oh! You need a steed!" Steven chimed.

Amethyst suddenly shape-shifted herself into a horse.

"That'll work," you spoke with am amused giggle.


The sun had finally set, all of you camped around a fire for the night. Amethyst and Greg had already fallen asleep, but you, Steven and Ruby remained wide awake. However, the two had no idea you were awake.

"Hey, Ruby?" Steven spoke.


"Y'know, I got really scared when you said you didn't want to fuse with Sapphire anymore, and that you felt that your relationship with (Y/n) was a big mistake... I felt like I was losing something I care about..."

You remained silent, listening to Steven's words intently.

"But I saw how much fun you were having today. All this buckaroo-ing really suits you. I'm sorry I tried to push you back into being Garnet and into being with (Y/n)..."

You let a stray tear slowly fall down your cheek. The thought of losing Garnet forever... You couldn't imagine a world without her in it... No matter how much you questioned your relationship, you still cared for her deeply.

"It's not true... That stuff I sang about, it's not true,"

"W-What?!" Steven gasped.

"I mean, I did have a lot of fun today. I loved it! But the whole time I kept thinking about how much more fun it would've been with me, (Y/n) and Sapphire,"

"They've always been there for me... It's so lonely now!"

You tried to keep listening, but sleep was quickly taking over your body. You were able to hear Ruby declare her love for you and Sapphire before drifting off into a deep sleep.


You watched from the porch as Ruby proposed to Sapphire, a bright smile on your face as the two embraced each other. Slowly, you made your way inside the house, but Steven stopped you. "Did you really think they'd leave you out of this?" Steven questioned, guiding you down the steps and towards the loves of your life.

Ruby and Sapphire stared at you, each of them grabbing one of your hands delicately. "We're so sorry..." Ruby started. "Having this time made me realize how much I need the two of you in my life... I felt so alone, so empty... I don't want to feel that way any more..." Ruby confessed, placing a sweet kiss on the back of your hand.

"Without the both of you I felt broken, like I had no purpose in life. The possible outcomes for our future together meant nothing to me unless I knew it was true. Unless I knew that I would forever have you by my side... I love the two of you so much.. I'm sorry for doubting us," Sapphire also kissed the back of your hand.

Tears streamed down your face as you took in their words. "I'm so, so sorry for walking out on the two of you the way I did. It's just, so much had happened in one day. I found out who my true family is, and thought that if my own mother could lie to her daughter. I figured that lying to you must've been nothing. I love you two so much, and seeing us apart was a pain far more unbearable than anything I could ever experience..."

The three of you held onto one another tightly, never wanting to let go again.

"Now, there's the matter of the marriage..." Sapphire pointed out.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Steven piped in, running inside at top speed. After a few minutes he returned with a beautiful golden banded ring with (f/c) diamonds wrapping around the center of the band. "Tada! It's a promise ring!" Steven presented, smiling brightly.

"What's that?" Ruby questioned.

"Well, I figured since (Y/n) is too young to get married, they can wear this as a symbol of your love until the time is right!"

"What a wonderful idea..."

The two gems happily took the ring from Steven's hand and placed it on your finger. It was a perfect fit.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"I love you most,"

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