Chapter. 42

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It was a nice, peaceful day. You were watching some TV and drinking a nice warm cup of tea. The events that have been taking place have been a bit overwhelming but you managed it all as best you could. You relaxed into the sofa and slowly started closing your eyes.
That's when Greg and Steven bursted through the door singing a song.
Steven started packing his hot dog duffle bag which confused you.
"Hey, what's going on?" you asked, placing a hand on your hip.
"Me, dad, and Pearl are going to Empire City!" Steven cheerily replied.
"Why not?" Greg asked in reply.
"Well, how are you going to get there?" you asked.
"I'll drive."
"Where are you going to stay?"
"Most likely a hotel."
"How long are you going to be gone?"
"3 days max."
"Yeah, I've heard enough. I'm coming too..." you stated, walking to the room and packing what you needed.

"Wow, this place is beautiful..." you said, breathlessly.
"I know. That's why I decided to come here."
"Y'know, this trip might be fun..." you said as the van pulled up to a to a hotel.

When the 4 of you finally received your room you plopped onto the gigantic bed and let out a sigh.
"Hey, (y/n)?" Greg questioned, walking up to you.
"Yes, Greg?" you asked in reply.
"I can't believe Garnet let you come. She seems so protective of you." Greg chuckled. You looked up at the ceiling wide-eyed and let out a nervous laugh.
"You did ask Garnet... Didn't you?" Greg questioned.
"Of course I did." you stated, sitting up in the bed.
"What did she say?" Steven asked you, looking at you curiously.
"She said no..."

You were woken up by beautiful singing.
'who is that?' you asked yourself, soon realizing it was Pearl.

"I was fine.
With the men,
Who would come into her life now and again.
I was fine,
Cause I knew,
That they didn't really matter, until you.
I was fine,
When you came,
And we fought like it was all some silly game.
Over her.
Who'd she choose.
After all those years I never thought, I'd lose.
It's over, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
It's over, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
You won.
And she chose you.
And she loved you and she's gone.
It's over isn't it?
Why can't I move on?

War and glory,
Her attention.
Out in daylight.
My potential.

Who am I now in this world without her?
Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt her.
What does it matter?
It's already done.
Now I've got to be there for her son.
It's, over, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
It's over, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it over?
You won.
And she chose you.
And she loved you.
And she's gone.
It's over isn't it why cant I move on?
It's over isn't it, why cant I move on?"

"Pearl?" you whispered, tears coming down your eyes.
"Greg! I didn't know you were awake.." Pearl mummbled, rubbing her arm.
"I mean, you kinda just sang an entire Broadway musical..." you mummbled, watching as Pearl walked after Greg.
"Pearl really did love mom..." Steven said to you, cluctching onto his gem tightly.
"Would you blame her? They fought a thousand year war together for this planet... Pearl loved Rose and Rose loved her too... Just, not in the same way that Pearl loved her..."

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