Chapter. 53

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You opened your eyes to be met with the the depths of space. And Steven's bubble. Eyeball suddenly appeared on the bubble and began pacing around.
"This is all your fault," eyeball blamed.
"What no." Steven retorted.
"You sent us into space! You opened the airlock!" Eyeball yelled, looking at the two of you in anger.
"If you're not going to be nice, you can keep quiet!" you yelled at Eyeball. She huffed and turned away from the both of you.
"It's okay, Steven. We'll get back to Earth. I promise."

Floating around was boring. It was quiet. Even though it was silent, it was annoying.
"What no reception? I'm right by a satellite!" Steven complained.
"First thing I do when I get back is change my phone plan,"
You giggled at this. Eyeball groaned and began telling you about her mission and why she came to Earth. Turns out that all eyeball wanted was to see Rose Quartz. Steven looked down, his eyes sad.
"Well then, today's your lucky day," Steven told eyeball.
"Why's that?"
"I'm Rose Quartz."
"Yeah right. And I have two eyes!"
"It's true!" Steven yelled. "I have her gem!" Steven yelled, pulling up his shirt to reveal the gem.
"I dunno, looks more like a pinkish gem rather than a Quartz," Eyeball told you, looking in obvious disbelief.
"That's because you're seeing it through his bubble!" you yelled.
"Yeah, look I have her shield!" Steven yelled, summoning the shield.
"It has a rose!" you yelled, gesturing to the middle.

All of a sudden you guys were in a meteor belt. Meteorites were floating around, left and right. Some hit the bubble, others Eyeball dodged. You were suddenly being pulled towards a gigantic rock, it was the end. At least, that's what you thought. The rock turned about 35° and you were able to pass through because it had a gigantic hole in the middle.
"Woo, we made it!" you cheered, pulling Steven in for a hug. Steven giggled and hugged you back. Outside of the bubble Eyeball also celebrated. Until, a rock made contact with her face. Cracking her gem. You gasped as Eyeball was knocked off the bubble. Steven wasted no time and quickly used his powers to bring Eyeball into the bubble with the two of you.
"What are you doing?" Eyeball asked.
"Your gem is cracked," Steven started.
"Steven can heal you. Steven has healing powers!" you finished. Eyeball didn't seem to believe you for a second.
"We promise, this isn't a trick," you told Eyeball, placing your hand on her right shoulder. She quickly brushed it off.
"Fine," she gave in. You sighed in relief and watched as Steven... Licked her gem.
"What are you doing?!" Eyeball yelled, pushing Steven back. She clutched onto Steven. She was pissed.
"Let him go!" you yelled. Eyeball did this when she noticed her gem was healing. She looked at the both of you in awe.
"I heard that Rose Quartz had the power to heal the rebels," Eyeball told you. You smiled.
"Now do you believe us?" you asked. Eyeball laughed maniacally while nodding her head. Suddenly, Eyeball summoned a dagger from her gem and attempted to stab Steven. She missed, instead landing a cut on your arm. It stung upon impact. You held onto your arm in pain. You fresh blood stained your hand. Thankfully, it wasn't all that deep. Not knowing what else to do, you and Steven began running around the bubble in an attempt to get away from her.
"I'm gonna get'cha, I'm gonna take your gem and bring it back." Eyeball exclaimed, swinging the dagger left and right.
"I'm really not my mom, I don't wanna hurt you!" Steven yelled in defense. You watched in horror as Eyeball plunged the dagger towards Steven's stomach. You couldn't move.
"Hold your breath, (y/n)!" Steven suddenly yelled. You took a quick breath and Steven threw eyeball out of the bubble with all his strength. After that, Steven quickly made his way back to you. You and Steven were struggling to hold your breath. Steven wrapped his arms around you and held you close. The bubble came back and you took a deep breath. Your breathing soon calmed down and the size of the bubble shrunk.
"We're not getting back, are we?"

(I suggest playing the song I provided.)

You and Steven had lost all hope. You knew the gems weren't coming and you were too far from Earth to make it back on your own. The longer you were in the bubble, the colder it became. Steven hugged you tightly. The both of you silently crying.
"I'm so sorry, Steven."
"I'm sorry too, (y/n)."
Lights appeared. It was the Ruby ship. However, you and Steven were in too deep of a trance to notice. A beam came and pulled the bubble into the ship. The bubble popped upon entering. You opened your eyes. You were confused. Your vision was blurry but you knew those silhouettes anywhere. It was the gems!
The two of you were pulled into a hug. You heard crying. Your vision finally cleared up and you saw that Amethyst and Pearl were hugging you and Steven tightly. They didn't seem like they would let go anytime soon.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" Pearl yelled, crushing poor Steven. Soon after, Amethyst walked you over to Garnet. She saw you and made her visors disappear. Her face was stained with tears.

"How come nobdy told me about Pink Diamond?" Steven asked.
"Your mother did what she had to," Garnet replied.
"Why would sh-"
"It was for Amethyst to be herself.
For Pearl to be free.
So that I could be myself."
You looked at the ground. Your expression sad. Steven saw this and pulled you up onto the captain's chair with him. You smiled. Although, it was a rather fake smile.
"I can't believe mom shattered a gem."
"Rose always did her best for Earth."

A small amount of time passed. Garnet had something on her mind and pulled you to a secluded corner of the ship.
"Garnet wha-"
"Promise me that you won't endanger yourself anymore." Garnet told you, her hand grazing the cut on your arm. You did you best to look away from Garnet.
"I can't promise that," you told her.
"Why no-"
"Let me finish. I can't promise that but, I can promise to protect myself and Steven the best I can." you added. Garnet smiled, tears falling from her face.
"I just don't want to lose you." Garnet whispered. She pulled you into a tight hug. Garnet was shaking violently.
"You won't."
"I was so worried. We, were so worried."

"I love you, Garnet."
"I love you more, (y/n)."

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