Chapter 96

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You sat with Steven, Sapphire and Ruby in the living room as they began planning their wedding. Steven helped them flipped through several magazines, and you quietly flipped through one on your own.

"I really want to incorporate (Y/n) into the wedding somehow," Sapphire spoke, smiling up at you.

"Yeah! This is supposed to be a symbol of our love!" Ruby enthusiastically agreed.

"I don't know how that'd work! It'd be too complicated, wouldn't it?" you questioned, placing the magazine down on your chest.

"I think I can arrange something!" Steven declared, a bright smile adorning your face as he said this. "Oh my gosh! What are you gonna wear?!" Steven suddenly gasped, startling the three of you.

"I was thinking I could wear (insert outfit here), but I'm not sure yet..." you replied.

"That sounds super cute~!" Steven praised, his eyes filling with stars.


You helped Steven and the gems make invitations. You assisted Pearl in folding, after a long lesson on how to properly do so of course.

"How many have we made so far?" Steven asked Peridot.


"It's a shame so many of our old friends won't be able to come, all those crystal gems who were bubbled and put in the basement," Sapphire sighed.

"Well... What if we bring the bubbles up here?" Ruby suggested.

"No, it's not safe. We can't risk them getting out," Sapphire declined.


"Steven... Are you sure this is safe? Last time we let her out she-"

"I know... Everyone deserves a second change though, don't you think?" Steven asked you, but you were still hesitant.

"Last time we let her out she almost killed you, Steven! You and Gre- dad are the only family I have left! I can't lose you!" you said in an attempt to convince him, but you knew better than anyone there was no point.

"Just... Stand back," Steven instructed as the protective bubble around Bismuth's gem disintegrated into nothingness. He placed her gem on the floor and the two of you watched as it levitated into the air, her body forming. Bismuth came down with a loud thud confusion evident on her face.

"Uh-What? I-I'm back?" Bismuth whispered to herself.

You looked around for something to use in case you needed to protect yourself, but found nothing.

"Hey, Bismuth! Long time, no see?" Steven greeted.

"Rose?! I mean, Steven! And (Y/n) too?! Why did you two let me out? I-I just tried to shatter you!" Bismuth questioned, dumbfounded.

"You know how you fought mom because her whole war strategy didn't make sense? Well, you were right!"

Bismuth suddenly took in her surroundings and noticed the hundreds of bubbles before her, her face that of pure shock.

"Is this what she does to all those who didn't agree with her?!" Bismuth growled.

"N-No!" you and Steven shouted in unison.

"Tigers Eye! Little Larimar... Beryl, Serpentine..." One by one Bismuth was naming off her corrupted comrades. She suddenly let out a devastated gasp, "Biggs?! Biggs was beloved by everyone!"

"Bismuth, wait!" you yelled out as she jumped up and grabbed Biggs' bubble.

Bismuth popped the bubble, allowing Biggs to begin reforming. "C'mon, Biggs, help me free the other..." Bismuth stopped mid sentence as she took notice of Biggs corrupted form. "Biggs...?"

Biggs began growling and thrashing about violently. The corrupted gem raised a giant hand about the strike down Bismuth, but Steven made a bubble around the both of them. Biggs was violently attacking their bubble, until the creature took into account your unprotected form. Biggs began charging towards you, and you protectively threw your arms up as defense.

You awaited the impact, but felt nothing. You slowly looked up from your arms and saw Bismuth in front of you, her hands formed into hammers amd she began to fend off Biggs. She then sliced into the creature, successfully poofing it. She turned to face you, tears staining her face.

"Are you okay? You didn't get hurt, did you?" Bismuth questioned, picking you up off of the ground. Her eyes filled with tears and trickled down her cheeks.

"I-I'm fine... Thank you, Bismuth," you gratefully replied, still a bit shaken up by what just happened moments ago.

"Only a diamond could do damage like this," Bismuth sighed, looking downcast. "It was Pink, wasn't it?! Why didn't Rose stop her!"

"B-Because...!" You choked out.

"Because they were the same person!" Steven announced.



The three of you sat down together and you and Steven explained everything to Bismuth.

"Are you okay?" You asked, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah! Just gimme a sec..." You watched in confusion as Bismuth made her way towards the pool of lava. She dunked her head inside, screaming as she did so.
"Oh my gosh! It all makes sense now!" she exclaimed as she resurfaced. She then placed her feet inside the pool of lava, letting out a content sigh. "Come join me!" she said to the two of you.

"We're not exactly... Lava-proof," Steven replied with a giggle.

"I really thought all our problems would be solved if we just shattered a diamond! I guess she took my advice,"

"You're handling this a lot better than Garnet did," You said with a sigh.

"How so?"

"She unfused because of it,"

"What?! But you guys are my favorite couple- uh, trio!"

"Don't worry!" Steven reassured. "The three of them are back together, but Garnet still hasn't fused yet,"

Bismuth stared at the both of you in confusion.

"They're having a wedding!" You happily announced. "Well, technically the three of us are having a wedding, I'm not quite sure how it's gonna work, but we'd love for you to come!" You told her, placing your hand over hers.

"I don't have any plans, so I guess I can come,"


Steven placed a quilt over Bismuth in an attempt to cover her and the three of you made your way towards the other gems. Bismuth was left near the house, and you and Steven made your way down.

"Uh, attention everyone! Please gather around!" Steven suddenly began to announce, making you a bit nervous for no particular reason. "I'd like to propose a toast. To Ruby, Sapphire, and (Y/n)! Now, we all know their relationship has been running a little... Hot and cold lately," Everyone let out a forced laugh. "We are all excited to see you fused together and achieve lifelong, room-temperature happiness! Everyone including...."

Bismuth was supposed to come out, but nothing happened. Steven attempted a few more times, but still, nothing.

"I'll... Be right back!" Steven exclaimed, running inside. You sighed, walking towards the gems with a small smile.


You sat with the gems happily reading a wedding book. You were sandwiched between Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby had an arm around you, which connected to hold Sapphire's hand, and Sapphire held onto your hand with her free one.

The warp pad suddenly activated, drawing everyone's attention towards it. "Hey guys! Did you Bis-miss-th me...?"

Ruby, Sapphire, and Pearl tackled Bismuth in a hug. You happily watched the reunion, and were stunned by the rings she made for the two of them. One was a beautiful bronze and the other a stunning silver.

"These aren't weapons, but Steven seemed to think they'd come im handy,"

"We love them!!"

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