Chapter. 52

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(HUGE SPOILER IN THIS CHAPTER! You've been warned!)
"Are those the rubies?!" you yelled, walking over to Lapis.
"They just got here. They demanded to see Jasper." Garnet told you.
One by one they let out a ruby and questioned them.
"Oh, well, uhm... gosh this is so embarrassing!" Navy said nervously when Garnet asked the question.
Sadly, you didn't get much information other than that they searched the entire solar system in order to find Jasper.
"Wow, they're really devoted to their job," you said, impressed.
"Not as devoted as I am to you," Garnet flirted. You blushed and covered your face.
"Garnet, this isn't the time or the place!" you exclaimed. Garnet chuckled at your reaction.
"Hey, rubies!" Amethyst exclaimed. You looked over to Amethyst's direction and saw her shape shifted as Jasper.
"Amethyst, what are you-"
"Quiet, rebel!" Amethyst yelled at you. You growled and stomped over to her. Before you could get relatively close Garnet grabbed your waist from behind and pulled you back.
"Jasper!" the rubies yelled. They bought it for now.
The rubies started telling Amethyst about everything. Amethyst played it off pretty well. What mattered was that the rubies bought it.
The rubies told Amethyst to come to Homeworld with them. Amethyst declined. The rubies compromised and suggested to go to the moon base instead so that they could report to Yellow Diamond.
"The moon?! I can't hold for that long!" Amethyst yelled.
"Hold what?" one of the rubies asked, suspicious.
"Uhm, hold these prisoners!" Amethyst nervously replied, gesturing to you, Garnet, Pearl, and Steven.
"Very well, into the ship then!" the obvious captain of the rubies yelled.

The ruby ship, to your surprise, was pretty luxurious. You'd prefer this over the space hand any day.
"I can't believe it! Captured by Jasper!" Garnet exclaimed, trying to play it off.
"Dangit," Steven yelled. Also taking a seat
"I can't believe Jasper caught me again!" You yelled, taking a seat next to Garnet.
"I can't believe it! Take me and do what you will! I'll never talk!" Pearl yelled, dramatically taking her seat.
"Cool it, P." you whispered. Pearl blushed.

When you arrived at the moon base you felt the gravity change in an instant. Steven did too. Garnet grabbed both of your hands to keep you on the ground. You smiled and thanked her.
By this time it was obvious that Amethyst was having a hard time keeping it together. She was tense and sweaty.
"C'mon Amethyst, you can do it," you whispered, watching as the rubies showed Amethyst a painting of Pink Diamond.
"It's a tragedy what happened to her..."
You couldn't help but shed a tear when you heard about Pink.
"Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond," the Ruby whispered, hanging her head low.
"No, Rose Quartz would do that! Rose wouldn't shatter another gem!" Steven yelled, he was crying. You wrapped an arm around Steven and it soon became a full on hug. Even Amethyst, Garnet, and especially Pearl were shedding tears.
"Shhh, it's okay Steven. They must be mistaken," you whispered, trying to calm down the crying child.

"Those crystal gems ruin everything!" the Ruby yelled, trying to figure what to do now that the control panel was destroyed.
"Y'know, even though they're evil, those rubies are kinda cute." you said, giggling at how frustrated they seemed to be getting. You heard a low grummble. You looked up and saw Garnet. Her arms crossed and expression angry. You smiled and continued,
"If only they weren't evil, I'd want to get to know them. Especially (insert favorite ruby here)." you told Steven. Once again you heard a growl. You felt arms wrap around you and pull you close. A head resting on yours.
"Garnet, what are yo-"
"You're mine." was all Garnet told you.

Amethyst convinced the rubies to go back to Homeworld and file the report on Jasper's behalf. You cheered for Amethyst and everyone pulled her into a hug.
"Hey, do you want a ride back to Earth?" the captain suddenly asked. She was shocked when she saw Amethyst rather than Jasper.
"No, I'm still Jasper!" Amethyst yelled.
"Rubies assemble!"
The rubies fused and got ready for an attack. Steven quickly ran to the door and opened it, the fusion getting sucked into space.
"You can't defeat me!" the fusion yelled.
"I can't. But she can!" Steven yelled. The lovely Sardonyx appeared and used her gigantic war hammer to blast the fusion into space. Steven was too close to the door and was sucked out along with them. You quickly ran over to catch up to Steven, getting sucked out in the process.

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