Home and Heart

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"Are you sure it's best for the pack to have us as their leaders?" I asked as the woman laughed.

"I think your abilities provides a unique opportunity for your pack. Your pack might never have to fight again. Fuller more you don't need the protection other Alphas have needed. Your pack could go to school and have a real chance at a normal life," the woman said with a smile.

"I just feel like I am really young to be an alpha," I sighed as Nathan gripped my hand.

"If an alpha wasn't needed a girl like you would have joined the council because you are a natural leader," she said as I leaned against Nathan. We drove down the coast not stopping until we were back at the Alpha compound. We stayed in the car as Drake came rushing to the cars to greet the council.

"Hello Alicia what brings you here?" He asked with a cocky grin. I pushed open the door getting out giving him a smirk.

"Miss me? How about my brother?" I snapped my brother following me into the court yard. "Better yet how about my mate?!"

"Get out. You are finished here!" He spat trying to influence me with his alpha status.

"I think I'll stay I quite like it here," I said as Alicia handed him the papers relieving him of alpha duty.

"You power hungry bitch!" Drake spat running at me. I stood calmly there as he took a swing. I easily dodged it before sweeping his feet out from under him with little effort.

"Had you and your beta not come after me I would have left and never came back. You tried to kill me with the knife crafted by my mate!" I growled my brother standing behind me.

"My sister cares about people. She gave her life to save me. She recommended sparing Danielle even though she technically killed her," Josh snarled as Drake got to his feet.

"One problem with your theory, she killed four men in Washington!" Drake said harshly. I spun on him coming within inches of him.

"You attacked us. I have the right to kill you but I'm taking the high road, something you seem to be incapable of," I snapped before walking into the compound my head held high. The guards stared at me bowing their heads as if sensing my Alpha status.

"Sapphire," I spun smiling at Alicia. "If you need anything don't hesitate to call. We will take Drake and leave you to your pack."

"Thank you for everything you have done for not only my brother and I but also the pack," I said giving her a small hug before walking her out.

"You will regret this Sapphire!" Drake spat as the fleet of cars sped off. I felt Nathan's arms around my waist as I leaned back against him. His touch sending a warmth through my body.

"I better address the pack," I sighed walking inside to change out of my blood stained clothes. I found a silver silk gown that hugged my body. It had a plunging neckline and a small slit in the front. I brushed my hair smoothing it down before walking to the meeting hall. I stood on the stage as the pack filed in like they do every night.

"What happened to Drake?" One of the guards asked me. I took a breath my heart pounding so hard I thought the whole room could hear.

"He and Danielle tried to kill not only my brother and I but also a witch defying the council's direct order. The council has ruled that they be removed and my brother and I be instated. I am the new alpha and my brother is my beta. They said we were the natural choice because my brother and I are the Gemini Lycans," I said firmly my brother standing next to me. His presence was calming. "If anyone has something to say I would like to hear it."

"Aren't you a danger?" One asked as I sighed.

"No we never were," I said pushing my anger aside.

"Aren't you too young to be an Alpha?" Demanded one guard.

"No the council said I was the best choice. They said due to the fact we won't need as much protection guards could go to school if they choose to," I said my brother placing his hand on my back gently sensing my seething rage building inside.

"Why have you brought a witch here to stay?" A woman in the back asked.

"He is my mate. He isn't a threat," I sighed as he stepped into the room. I locked onto his sparkling grey eyes. His look that takes my breath away was oddly comforting as I stood there. "Is there anything else?" When no one answered I hopped of the stage rushing toward Nathan. I wrapped my arms around him his lips caressing mine sending fire through my every nerve. I pulled back quickly as my cheeks burned at the public affection. I cared about him but it was still taboo to love a witch in my pack.

"I love you Sapphire," he said winding me, " I know this is fast but it's how I feel." I paused for a moment as we stared deeply into each other's eyes. I pondered all the ways to respond to this new feeling bubbling in my stomach. I had a feeling this is what love feels like; fear and excitement mixed with joy and panic. It was the only thing that could take a person's breath away with barely a glance. I loved this man in front of me and now I have no doubts.

"I love you Nathan West," I gasped pressing my lips to his hungrily before we made our way to the compound. I rushed up the stairs Nathan hot on my heels. We got into my room locking the door before continuing. I wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers through his hair his lips trailing my jaw. I let out a gasp as he unzipped my dress. His lips made their way to my neck a small moan escaping my lips as we fell onto the bed tangled into each other's arms. He was mine and I was his always...

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