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I groaned my ears ringing as I struggled to my feet. Once on my feet I was hit by a wave of dark magic knocking me to the ground. I tried to fight through the powers but it was overwhelming. I winced as it was forced into my body running through my veins. I felt it changing me from within. Wincing as I rolled onto my side I pictured my family before attempting to get up. I fought through the pain getting up. I looked around seeing several Magi standing just past the edge of the clearing. I looked at Eric who was unconscious on the ground blood dripping from his neck.

"Sapphire," Nathan called but I ignored him taking several shaky steps before collapsing next to Eric. I felt tears pour down my face as I cupped his face in my glowing hands. I released my magic into him healing him completely. I wasn't going to let the Magi win. I looked into the group anger filling my body. I stood this time easily calling all the magic I could to myself before launching it at them. I watched it stop inches from hitting them before it fizzled out.

"Sapphire," one Magi said as I stood tall and unafraid of them. "Join us."

"Never," I spat as I felt Eric's arm grab me teleporting us away. We landed in the living room at Josh's house as I gasped the pain flooding my system. I groaned the room starting to spin. I was falling to the ground when Eric caught me.

"Sapph just breathe," Eric said softly cradling me in his arms. He rushed up the stairs to my old room placing me on the bed.

"What's happening?" I winced as he sat next to me.

"You were hit with one of their most powerful spells Sapphire. They are trying to make you a Magi and are going to great lengths to do so. The spell they used was more powerful than the last," Eric said trying to mask his fear.

"I love you," I said my body covered in sweat.

"Sapphire stop this isn't goodbye," Eric said taking my hand.

"It's okay Eric, I am ready," I whispered my eyelids growing heavy. He shook his head tears filling his eyes.

"I'm not ready Sapphire. I'm not losing you, not to the Magi," he snapped as I looked into his dark gaze. "There was magic I said I wouldn't use but I lied." He growled as he started chanting. I grabbed him pulling his lips against mine silencing his chant. I felt a warm glow fill my body as the pain started to fade. It was working, my love was stronger than their dark powers. "Sapphire," Eric gasped looking at me. "I know why they want you."

"Why?" I asked sitting up slowly still weakened from the fight.

"Your perfect. Your magic, your strength, you are the only one I have heard of to beat that spell without magic," Eric said as I looked at him my heart racing.

"But why would they care?" I asked as he took my hand.

"You could destroy them without hesitation," Eric said firmly. "That's why they turned Tony and Amber. They were your weakness or so they thought."

"But that means that they have the twins," I said panic filling my body. "They could seriously hurt them."

"They won't if they want you," Eric said as I got to my feet ready to teleport to the clearing when Eric stopped me. "Sapphire you aren't fully recovered yet and if you want to beat them you'll wait."

"Wait what happened to Tony? I thought I killed him," I asked as Eric looked at me.

"The thing about Magi is they are immortal so he probably didn't die when you used your magic," Eric said softly as I looked at him.

"Promise me when I go after the Magi you will stay here. I can't be worried about you when I do this," I said firmly as he shook his head.

"No Sapph I'm the only one who knows about them," Eric said as I glared.

"Lot of good that knowledge did you," I snapped hoping he would listen to me. I gasped as a voice in my head spoke.

"Sapphire if you want to see your children alive you will come to us in an hour alone. We also are disappointed in your careless decision to leave Nathan in the clearing," the Magi said angrily.

I felt tears pouring down my face as Eric looked at me eyes full of concern.

"Sapphire what's wrong?" He asked as I thought of my children. I had to lie to protect them.

"I'm scared of what is going to happen," I muttered hoping he would buy it. "The Magi are so strong I don't know how I'll beat them."

"With help Sapphire," Eric said firmly pulling me into his arms. I felt guilty about lying but if he knew what I was about to do he would stop me. I pressed my lips to his hungrily. The kiss lasted for a moment but I didn't want to pull away from him, he was my safe place. I pulled away knowing this may be a goodbye. I smiled at him before using my powers to put him into a deep slumber. He fell back onto the bed. I caressed his cheek.

"Forgive me," I whispered before teleporting back to the clearing. I looked into the Magi's faces not flinching as they stared. "Where are my children?"

"Sapphire," Nathan said his eyes full of sadness. I noticed the twins by his feet. I felt a smile spread across my face knowing my last act would be saving my family. I sent a wave of magic at them teleporting them to Josh's house.

"You will be one of us," the one at the front said. "Your magic will help us greatly."

"Who said I was going to join you?" I demanded harshly as I felt the full force of their dark energy hit me. This fight was for my family, family above all...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now