The Accident

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"Sapph," Van smiled leading me over to the children eating like they hadn't eaten a day in their life. "These children will be fed every night."

"Thank you Van," I said softly as I sat between two kids. They were covered in dirt while I sat here in an expensive dress.

"Thank you Sapphire," one child spoke as I smiled at him.

"No need, you shouldn't feel hunger," I said wrapping my arms around the child as everyone gasped in outrage. I broke some social norm here by being friendly with the lower class.

"Sapphire dance with me," Van said his fingers brushing my skin sending a tingle through my body. I stood facing him. I was captivated by him as he danced across the floor. The people stared some in anger that he looked at me.

"Why me?" I question wondering about the other women drooling over him.

"I don't know," he said dipping me his lips inches from my neck his breath caressing the delicate skin. My heart raced as we stood up our lips so close breathing would cause them to touch. Why was I drawn to him, I loved Eric so much and still I find myself thinking of Van.

"Van what are you?" I asked softly. "Where are we?"

"I am a powerful being people on earth call a god. I am kind of like a Greek god," he said as I looked at him.

"But that means I'm part god," I said as he laughed.

"You should have guessed that by now," Van said when screams erupted in the party. Van gripped my waist as the crowd parted to reveal a man holding a limp body in his arms. "Wayne what happened?"

"We were attacked on the border by a man," he said falling to his knees as Van rushed toward them leaving my side. I looked at the sight of the man in Wayne's arms and I knew he was dead. I covered my mouth as Wayne collapsed. Who could do this?

"Sapphire," Lane called from across the room. "Turn around!" I spun finding a man with a crossbow. It had a golden arrow aimed at my chest. Van got to his feet sprinting toward me.

"Stop or I'll shoot now," the man sneered as I stood still.

"Who are you?" I asked as he stepped toward me his hand touched my neck as he circled me. His touch made my blood run cold and set my skin crawling. He stopped in front of me as I breathed shallow.

"Someone happy to see you," he smirked as he gripped my throat tightly. I gasped as Van looked at me pained.

"Let her go she has nothing to do with this!" Van yelled as the man chuckled.

"That is where you are wrong, she has everything to do with this!" The man snarled as a tear slipped down my face.

"You can't kill me, I'm a Phoenix," I snapped as he held up the bow.

"This arrow was made with Phoenix blood and if it killed you, you wouldn't come back," the man snapped and I could feel the power on his skin.

"I beg you let her go," Van said as the man tossed me to the ground at his feet.

"She is your weakness and you can't change that," the man snapped grabbing my hair yanking my head up at an awkward angle exposing my neck.

"Stop take me instead," Van said quickly as I looked at him. He couldn't do that to his people they needed him.

"No Van," I yelled as the man struck me across the face splitting my lip. I felt a burst of power fill me. It kept building until I shot into the air a bright light flowing around me as the man looked at me. He had no idea about my power it seems. He didn't hesitate to take aim as I looked at him calmly. He fired the arrow as it whistled through the air and toward my chest. I held out my hand the arrow stopping a centimeter from my hand before falling to the ground. The magic was calculated for once and I wasn't hurting people with it.

"Sapphire," Lane gasped as my vision blurred the magic draining my energy. "You are pale stop." I plummeted to the ground but before I hit it I felt two arms wrapped around me gently.

"Relax," Van said as he cradled me against his chest the guards making quick work of the man. "She will sleep in my room tonight." He ordered as he marched from the room and down a long dark hallway and into a big room. The room was plain with little decorations, the only decoration was a giant portrait on the wall of a man. He placed me a a king sized bed with red silk sheets. He pulled my shoes of as sleep threatened to consume me. He turned to walk away after tucking me in. I reached out grabbing his arm.

"Stay please," I asked softly as Van smiled lying on top of the covers.

"Can I hold you?" He asked as if sensing my fear that coursed through my veins.

"Yes," I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist spooning me in close. He was calming and seemed to temper the magic inside my body. I wondered if it meant I was supposed to be with him.

"Get some sleep we have to talk tomorrow about what happened Sapphire," Van whispered before putting his head down on the fluffy pillow. I felt strangely at home in his arms and wanted nothing more than to stay here forever.

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now