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"Do you know what he did?" The leader demanded as I stood tall and unflinching. I wasn't going to let him scare me like he was hoping I would be. I was a Gemini Lycan who also had witch powers gifted from the ancestors. I shouldn't be afraid of anything.

"He killed a man he thought was a hunter. I know he was actually the son of one of you. You slaughtered an entire pack because of one person," I said as the leader stiffened.

"You won't back down on this will you?" The leader snapped as Tony tried to pull me away. I shook off Tony looking the leader right in the eye.

"I won't back down on this," I said firmly as the leader snapped his fingers. I gasped as two guards grabbed my arms.

"Sapphire you are guilty of being a traitor and are sentenced to death," the leader said as I looked at them. I can't believe how far the leader would go to kill Hank.

"It was your son wasn't he," I questioned as the guards dragged me toward the jail.

"If you resist we will kill your entire family and both packs," the leader said harshly. I gasped before shaking the guards off.

"You honestly think your guards are any match for me?!" I demanded as the leader aimed a gun at me. "You know I'm part witch correct."

"Witches can't stop this bullet," the leader said aiming at Tony. I waited until the leader pulled the trigger to knock Tony out of the way. I used my magic to launch the leader across the room when I felt a pain rush through me. My legs buckled as I hit the floor. I looked over to find Eric had caused my pain. I also suspected he was the one who made the magic proof bullets. I winced as the guards put handcuffs on me tightly. I pulled on them but couldn't break them and I knew they also would block magic as they hummed with dark energy.

"Eric I hope you are happy now. I'm going to die doing the right thing which is something I thought you had learned to do," I growled as the guards dragged me to the jail to await my death. They tossed me against the brick wall laughing as I whimpered. I touched my cheek finding a small cut the blood was dripping out of. I sat on the ground shutting my eyes. I was tapping into the bond between Tony and I. It appeared that the council was letting him go. He must be too close to everyone to kill. I could tell he was going to find Hank to get some backup to save me.

"You couldn't just leave it alone," the leader said pulling me from my thoughts. I looked at him anger filling my body.

"It's not in my nature to bow to a bully," I sniped as the leader glared.

"You know I'm going to enjoy making your mate watch as I kill you," he growled as I laughed.

"Good luck finding him," I said harshly. I watched as he rushed from the room. I shut my eyes picturing Tony, his honey eyes the smell of the woods.

"I brought something," Eric said tossing me a shirt. I looked at it and realized it was one of Tony's shirts.

"Thanks," I said angrily as Eric walked away. I held the shirt to my nose taking it in. I could almost pretend that Tony was here with me. Tony's emotions were so strong that it was almost as if he was right next to me. I was again pulled from my thoughts as the guards came in. "Can't a girl have her last few minutes alone?!"

"It's time," the guard said grabbed my arms. I didn't fight this time because it wouldn't change anything. I walked from the building and toward a clearing. As we approached the clearing the smell of blood was overwhelming. So many people were killed in this spot. I froze as my eyes locked onto Tony. He was here and was going to be forced to watch me die. I gripped his shirt in my hands trying to stop them from shaking as I was pushed onto a platform.

"Tony, I love you," I said as tears brimmed his eyes.

"Sapphire you are stripped of your Alpha status and sentenced to death by bullet," the leader said loudly. The leader wasn't even looking at me but Tony. He was enjoying making us all suffer.

"I know you are hurting but hurting everyone isn't a way to solve anything," I said as the leader slapped me. I felt the wound on my cheek reopen sending blood rushing down my face. I wanted to cry but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction so instead I looked at him no hint of fear on my face. I watched as he pulled the gun out pointing it at my chest.

"HEY," I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned to find Hank flanked by his pack and behind his pack was my pack and behind my pack was my brother and his pack. "You might not want to shoot her as the people willing to die for her out number you and your guards."

"You honestly think these people are worth dying for?" The leader asked as they cheered. In this moment I felt loved more than I had ever felt before. The packs not only accepted me but now cherished me. I watched as the council guards unhooked me before grabbing their leader. I rushed into Tony's arms quickly resting my head in his neck, still smells like a rainy forest. He held me tightly against him spinning me around before setting me down. He rested his forehead on mine our eyes locked in understanding of the fear we both felt. He was my always just as I was his forever no matter what. I smiled at him when suddenly a shot rang out. I looked down but saw no wound I looked up at Tony to see blood pouring from his stomach.

"No!" I yelled as he fell to his knees. I caught him gently laying him on the ground. I tried conjuring the level of magic required to save him but I couldn't. Tears slipped down my cheeks as Tony tried fighting through the pain. I pushed the shirt in my hands on his wound trying to stop the bleeding but the blood just kept coming. The blood had soaked the shirt and was now seeping through my fingers, I was losing my always...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now