Rightful Place

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"Who are you?" Kyle's voice echoed through the room.

"Kyle you don't want to mess with me!" I growled as he stood in front of me with a gun.

"Why I almost killed you back there," he smirked as I launched him into the wall. He groaned taking aim as I felt a familiar high as magic filled my body. It was calm and controlled but soon exploded hitting the gun knocking it away from Kyle.

"I told you to back off," I snapped as he lunged at me knocking me to the ground his hands wrapping around my throat. I felt my airway getting closed off as I struggled underneath Kyle.

"It doesn't matter who you are because I mean more to Mr. Turner than a nobody he couldn't kill," Kyle laughed as I felt a burst of power fill the room the this time it wasn't mine but my father's magic. He knocked Kyle off me glaring at him.

"You disobeyed an order!" He glared at Kyle as Eric rushed toward me. I coughed sucking air into my lungs.

"So what. I'm the closet thing you have to a child," he snapped as my father glanced at me.

"Kyle the person you just tried to kill is my daughter," my father growled as Kyle's smile faded. I got to my feet as my magic deep inside flared becoming unstable. I didn't want to use the magic but I couldn't control it as I released it into Kyle. I watched as his body collapsed on the ground lifeless. My father's head snapped toward me as tears streamed my cheeks. I couldn't turn it off as the walls began to crumble. "Brie it's okay to stop."

"I can't stop. I don't want this magic," I sobbed as Eric stepped in front of me wincing as my magic hit him. He cupped my cheeks staring into my eyes.

"Sapphire you can stop. You are in control. Look at me, I love you," Eric said his lips pressing against mine as my heart slowed falling into sync with his. As my heart slowed so did the magic before finally it stopped completely. I looked at him relaxing into his arms as my father looked on in concern.

"Is she okay?" My father asked as I pulled away from Eric.

"I couldn't stop. I don't want my powers please take them," I said tears racing down my face as he stepped toward me. He grabbed my hands with a look of pity.

"I wish I could take them but I can't," he said as I felt a wave of pain. I looked at the walls and saw there was damage to the symbols as my legs buckled. My father caught me in his arms his eyes filled with fear.

"It's okay," I gasped as I was pulled into unconsciousness.

"Sapphire," I faced the voice to find the ancestors and the Magi. The fear of my power brought them together.

"I see you all have decided I'm a threat," I snapped as my mother, Deb, stepped forward looking at me.

"You are with your father by choice what else could they think?" She asked as I glared at her.

"That I was sorting things out and that I am changing my father. He is kind and you all should have seen the shift when he learned who I was," I growled as an ancestor spoke up.

"Sapphire your magic is a danger, you nearly killed Eric with it," the ancestor said as I looked at him.

"It wasn't intentional and I would love if I didn't have magic but I can't change it," I spoke harshly.

"We are asking you to accept death Sapphire for the good of everyone or face the wrath of us all," my mother said as the sting of betrayal filled me. She yet again chooses to side against me.

"Go to hell. I wasn't going to use my magic again but if you force my hand I will help my father in anyway possible!" I growled as my mother slapped me.

"I gave you life now let me take it away," my mother growled as I touched my cheek. The slap didn't physically hurt but I felt pain knowing my mother could try and harm her own daughter.

"I'd like to see you try," I snapped tears staining my cheeks. I felt a warm glow of Eric's magic dancing across my skin as I shut my eyes.

My eyes flew open as I sat up the pain gone completely.

"The ancestors teamed up with the Magi and are coming to kill me," I said fighting back tears. "I scare them that much."

"Sapphire," Eric said holding me close. "I won't let them touch you."

"Eric the only way for me to stay safe is to master my power," I said as I stood next to Eric.

"I can help with that," my father said as I faced him.

"Okay," I said as he put his arm around me leading me back to the penthouse Eric trailing behind us with Josh and the twins. "Dad what exactly are your plans now that I'm here?"

"To protect you like I couldn't before. I found your mother once after she left but you had already been killed and I couldn't forgive myself. I think it caused my obsession with power," my father said as I could see the ghost of a man standing next to me. Mother taking me hurt him but learning I died destroyed him and I don't know if I can repair the damage.

"I love you," I said as he smiled a sparkle in his eye. When I first met him his eyes didn't sparkle they were dull the smile was only a facade back then. I walked over to the mirror my eyes locking on my neck which was covered in bruises from Kyle. This was what my life had been reduced to, battle after battle. This was no way to live and one way or another I had to fix the world for my children and all future generations. If I get ahold of my powers then I could fix everything.

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now