My Power

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I stood in front of Magnus tears rushing down my face as the pain that haunted me unknowingly was now clear. I had murdered someone with my magic as a young child. I wasn't even three when I had killed that man.

"He was a horrible man Sapphire and you were protecting your mother. That man was a huge part of the Brotherhood of Malum. He would have killed you and countless others," Magnus said holding my arms trying desperately to stop my descent into a guilt filled bog.

"They came after me," I gasped as he nodded.

"They were unaware of you until then. Once you repressed your magic you were safe for a moment but when you chose Eric your power became more clear to them," Magnus said softly as I looked at him.

"This still doesn't help me control my magic!" I said firmly as I turned away from him.

"You are so much stronger than you think," he said as I faced him.

"How so?" I asked as I was pulled into another memory.

I walked down the road toward a school dance excitement buzzing inside me. I launched a burst of magic into the air before continuing to the dance when I saw a blurry figure rush past me. I spun as it ran past me again before stopping in front of me. It was a Lycan and not the friendly one at that. I saw blood dripping down it's face as the Lycan stalked toward me. The Lycan jumped at me as I used my magic to knock it away from me. The Lycan yelped before falling silent. I looked at my hands confused as to how I did that. I didn't have a lot of power.
End of flashback

"You have always had magic Sapph and you can beat the brotherhood of Malum," Magnus said when suddenly he erupted in flames. I gasped facing towards the magic.

"Little Sapphire how different you look," the man laughed as I braced for a fight.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly as he stepped toward me, each step calculated.

"You to come with me. If you do I'll call off the attack on your boyfriend," the man smiled as panic rushed through my body destroying my willingness to fight.

"I will come if you promise to leave my family untouched!" I snapped as he bowed.

"As you wish," he said taking my arm teleporting to an unfamiliar place. I found myself at a modern skyscraper with all glass windows. It was odd that the center of the world's evil organization was in the middle of a giant city. I walked toward the window looking out at the buzzing city below and couldn't help but wish I were them, unaware of the danger they will face. I wanted to be normal instead of powerful.

"What now?" I muttered pushing the tears away. I wasn't going to cry in front of him.

"Get dressed in this he said handing me a stunning black gown that fit like a glove hugging my every curve.

"What is it for?" I asked as he handed me a beautiful crown.

"Your coronation," he said before walking out of the room leaving me alone. He couldn't possibly think I would rule them. I pulled the dress on wandering around the penthouse. It was breathtaking and everything in the penthouse was white with clean lines. I wouldn't mind living here under different circumstances. I fixed my makeup putting on soft pink lipstick and mascara with thin eyeliner. I was pretty but I could see the sadness in my eyes. I couldn't hide my feelings no matter how hard I tried.

"They are ready for you," a guard said as I walked out of the bedroom to find the man waiting for me. We stepped into the elevator going down one floor. My breath shook as the elevator doors slid open to reveal a huge party with every influential leader in the world. This was how they came to power.

"You look sexy in the dress. You aren't a little girl anymore Sapph," the man whispered in my ear making my skin crawl. The man placed his hand on my hip pulling me against his side before dragging me into the room. Everyone had their eyes on me and I hated it. Some looked hungrily at me while others looked envious and finally the few that wanted nothing more than my death. I was in a room filled with killers and somehow I seemed to fit right in. I was a murderer that much was clear the only question was who was the prey and who was the predator. The man spun me around the room in a dark tango.

"What are you going to do to me?" I gasped as he laughed.

"The leaders haven't decided yet. I think if you join them without hesitation they might let you live," the man spoke as I looked at him. He was so evil yet he seemed like he was trying to save me.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked as he stroked my cheek.

"You are the key to more than the leaders know," he said twirling me into the arms of the man everyone stayed clear of.

"My you are as beautiful as you are powerful," he said as I tried not to push him away.

"Thanks," I said tightly trying to fight back the insult bubbling to the surface.

"I'm Dedrick Turner," he said as I looked at him.

"Call me Sapphire," I said as he laughed.

"Everyone knows who you are," he said as I looked at him.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked as he nodded. "What are your plans for me?"

"My plans were to kill you after the coronation but now I'm unsure. You seem sad but willing to follow orders," he said as I glanced at the other man.

"My right hand Kyle spoke highly of you," Dedrick smiled as I faced him.

"Did you just say he is your right hand?" I asked as he nodded.

"If I let you live you must prove your loyalty," Dedrick said firmly.

"How?" I asked hoping it was something I could do.

"Kill your brother, he is the biggest threat to us," he said as I stepped from his grasp.

"I can't do that," I said knowing Josh was more important than my life. "I came here under the promise that my family would be safe!"

"Let me teach you your first lesson. No promise is honored here!" He growled as the guards grabbed me dragging me back up to the room. I was going to die but at least I could save Josh.

The picture above is the dress Sapphire is wearing.

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