A Phoenix Shall Rise

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I looked into Martin's green eyes and I could tell he was hiding something.

"Martin please explain why you have the right to kill me. I haven't hurt you and yet you act like I have," I said as he rushed forward pinning my arms to the wall his lips inches from mine. "You don't scare me!"

"You will be," he smirked forcing his magic into my body. I winced in pain as I realized he was triggering a memory on purpose. He didn't care about my safety he just wanted me to remember...

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. I was getting married and this time it was going to last. My mother neglected to show up this time but it made things easier. My heart raced as I made my way to the top of the stairs. Finally I met a guy who cares.

"Natalie," I turned to find Eric standing there looking dashing. The mere sight of him stole my breath away. After all this time I felt a magnetic pull toward him. "You can't marry him!"

"Why not?!" I demanded harshly getting ahold of my feelings. He wasn't going to ruin another wedding. I am marrying a guy who won't leave and he expects me to leave him the same way.

"I love you Natalie and it took me too long to realize that I can't live without you. You are apart of me and I will love you until my last breath," Eric said my breathing shallow.

"Eric I'm getting married right now," I sighed when the music started. I turned from him plastering a smile across my face even though I felt completely and totally torn between who I love. I care so deeply for my fiancé but yet I was so drawn to Eric. I pushed away the feeling of a mistake and I stepped into the room my eyes instantly found the familiar understanding green gaze. He was there when no one cared, could I really leave him like Eric left me? I took his arm as we faced the coven leader.

"Today we join two souls at last. Two souls broken who found a completeness in each other. Before we begin do we have any objections?" The man asked as I relaxed next to Martin. The longer I stood there the more sure I became that it was the right choice.

"I do," I spun my mouth hung open to see Eric standing there. "Natalie I'm sorry I ran away, I was scared and stupid unable to see what I had. I will regret it until my last breath." Tears stained my cheeks as I looked at Eric. You could light up the world with the electricity I felt between Eric and I. I felt Martin's hand grip mine as I glanced at him.

"I'll take care of him Nat," Martin said as I held him back. I knew what I was going to do and it was going to change everything forever. I was going to fight against every logical reason and choose love.

"I'm sorry," I murmured as his green eyes filled with confusion then panic.

"No Nat I love you. Don't do this," Martin pleaded as guilt washed over me. I had hurt him and there wasn't a way to fix this. If I stayed we both would be unhappy but if I left he would be abandoned the same way I was.

"I love him Martin. I'm sorry but it has always been him. I was foolish to think I had moved on. Martin you are a good man and you will find someone," I whispered pressing my lips to his cheek before rushing from the room with Eric to a waiting car. Tears poured down my face as Eric tried to calm me. "I just broke a sweet guy's heart!"

"Natalie it's better that he knows your feelings," Eric said taking my hand in his.

"I promised I was over you before he proposed and then I left him at the fricken alter," I snapped as Eric sped down the road. I gasp as a bird hit the window. Eric pulled over as we both got out of the car. It was a pretty sizable bird. I knelt next to the red and golden bird trying to heal it but I was sure I wasn't going to be able to. I looked sadly at the bird stroking its feathers calming it while it took its last breath. I gasped as it exploded in flames before the figure of a man appeared before me.

"Don't cry for me," he said helping me to my feet. "I am a Phoenix and can return from the dead rising from my own ashes." He wiped the tear from my cheek the hum of magic like nothing I had felt before.

"We hit you," I gasped as he laughed.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Eric asked as I smacked Eric's arm.

"It's okay I am Magnus," he said as I looked at him.

"Can we get you anything or drive you somewhere?" I asked as he smiled.

"You show kindness unlike anything I have seen since I was a child. Most people are afraid or try and kill me," Magnus said as Eric grabbed my arm.

"This seems like a bad idea," Eric said as I looked at him.

"You should know that we don't judge people for being different," I snapped facing him. "So would you like a ride?"

"Yes I would like a ride to the nearest hotel please," Magnus said as I looked at him.

"Alright but at least allow us to pay for your room," I smiled helping him toward the car. We both got in the back seat as Eric drove toward town...
End of flashback

"Magnus," I gasped pushing Martin off me.

"Who?" Martin asked confusion on his face.

"Nothing," I growled as I thought of Magnus. Magnus had done so much for me including bringing me back to life multiple times I was going to protect him.

"Now do you understand why I'm going to kill you little bird?" Martin snapped as I blocked his next blow. I was launched through a table the wood sticking out of my chest. I gasped trying to breath but couldn't as I coughed up blood.

"Magnus..." I gasped as the room was filled with a brilliant white light before I was pulled into the darkness of unconsciousness.

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