The Battle Cry

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I gasped as I was launched into a tree. I winced as the darkness tried to enter my body. I struggled to my feet facing the Magi.

"I will never give in," I yelled when one Magi stepped forward removing their hood.

"Sapphire join us and we can be together," Tony said his red eyes looking at me. His words that normally would have been filled with emotion felt cold and detached. I wanted to feel his love when he spoke but I knew it was the Magi that wanted this not Tony.

"Tony how can I be with you when you clearly aren't you. You used to be filled with passion and warmth but now you feel cold and emotionless," I said tears brimming my eyes. I felt the dark magic heighten as I stood there. I held out my hand picturing my children. I felt my light magic burn inside me and the more people I thought of the stronger it got.

"Sapphire we can bring your mother back," Tony said halting me in my tracks. I felt my magic fade as I thought of my mom.

"How?" I asked my voice small and unsure.

"A spell that only you have the strength to perform," Tony said but I knew my mother wouldn't want this.

"No she wouldn't want to enter a world where her good daughter made a pact with darkness," I snapped harshly as my magic grew once more. I wasn't going to let them win. I felt a scream escape my lips as pain rushed through me my feet leaving the ground. I floated a foot above the clearing as the energy hummed on my skin. The Magi's magic was mingling with my power just on the surface of my skin.

"You can't win. If you resist you'll die," Tony growled as a single tear slipped down my cheek.

"Eric," I whispered as a memory of us formed in my mind. I pictured the moment I realized I loved him, the dancing, the way we moved in perfect harmony like two well tuned instruments. "I love you." I gasped as my lungs started to tighten spots filling my vision. I looked down to see I was now ten feet above the Magi. I felt my body plummeting to the ground no signs of slowing. I felt two arms wrap around me as a burst of magic shot out of my chest. A small smile spread across my face as the familiar warm glow filled my body. "Eric."

"I got you," he vowed though his eyes were still clouded by fear. I reached up as my eyelids felt heavy. I caressed his cheek as I felt the full force of the darkness hit us both. The brunt of the magic had hit Eric in the back. He groaned but still stood with my body cradled in his arms.

"Save yourself," I pleaded as he shook his head.

"I'm not leaving you to die," he snapped as I felt his power flowing around us. I was starting to lose consciousness as the magic started eating away. "No stay with me!" Eric yelled shaking me. "Damn it Sapphire you can't leave me like this. Sapphire you can help me beat them. They are afraid of you remember."

"How?" I mumbled as he stood me up his arm supporting my weight.

"Help," he said his powers calling to mine. I remember fighting his magic when we first met but now I allowed the powers to touch. I felt a renewed energy as I stood tall. My eyes found Tony in the center of the crowd. I wanted to save him but knew leaving the Magi alive would put my family at risk.

"Tony I know you are in there but I'm sorry," I said tears cascading my cheeks. After everything he has done I still loved him. Some part of me will always love him but it wasn't the kind of love I feel with Eric. Eric is the love of my life but Tony is my best friend. "It's my family."

"I know," Tony said as my mouth dropped in shock as I found those honey eyes looking into mine for a moment before they were red again. "You can't win!"

"Eric is there a way to save Tony?" I whispered as we held back the dark energy.

"There might be a way but we would have to leave them alive for now," Eric said with complete understanding in his eyes. He knew what I wanted and was willing to risk everything for me. Could I risk his life by leaving the Magi alive?

"Eric I can't kill him," I said my hand trembling with exhaustion. Eric wrapped his arms around me teleporting us to Josh's home. As we landed my legs gave out sending me to the ground. I hit it as I realized I had a small amount of darkness inside me. "Eric do you feel it?" I muttered as I felt the darkness in both of us. The Magi broke through and placed a small seed of evil in us both but the only question now was would it take root.

"I felt it the minute it happened I just hoped I had taken it all for us," Eric whispered helping me to my feet quickly. I felt a panic deep inside at what would happen to us now that we had one drop of Magi power. I refused to be a killer, if I became one I prayed that Josh or Nathan would kill me. I don't want to be the reason any of them was hurt.

"What's going to happen to us?" I asked my voice so small as Eric's eyes filled with concern. He stepped toward me pulling me close his forehead resting on mine.

"We fight for each other and show them what love can do. You are the good in me," Eric said as I looked into his eyes my breath catching in my chest.

"And you are the good in me," I said firmly and for the first time I believed it...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now