The Dark and The Broken

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I woke to Eric pulling me toward him. I felt a smile playing at my lips as I rolled facing him.

"Hey beautiful," Eric said causing a blush to creep across my cheeks.

"I like this," I said softly.

"Like what?" He asked as I pressed my lips to his. His hand rested on my hip as fire danced across my lips. I pulled away getting out of bed. I frown seeing I slept in the beautiful expensive dress Eric conjured me. "What's wrong?"

"I slept in this dress. I loved this dress," I gasped as Eric busted out in a fit of laughter.

"I can conjure anything you want," he said as I watched the dress shift into dark jeans and a black tank top. I smiled at him when Josh ran into the room not bothering to knock.

"What?" I asked as his eyes locked onto mine. It was like I could read his mind as I followed him down the stairs and into the living room. My mouth dropped as Nathan was on the couch bleeding out before my eyes. I rushed to his side healing him quickly. "Were the twins with him?"

"No he was alone," Josh said as panic filled my body. This is what Tony meant by regret. Nathan sat up facing me his eyes full of fear.

"The twins!" Nathan yelled as I grabbed his arm.

"Who took them?" I asked harshly stopping him from moving.

"Tony said you wanted them but then he was with Amber and I couldn't stop them," Nathan said as I used my magic to sedate him. Eric looked at me with sadness as he pulled me toward him. I tried to sense them but all I got was static.

"I can't locate them," I said as a tear escaped my eye. Eric squeezed my hand trying to calm me.

"I can't either but Sapphire you might be able to track Tony. Try and use the link, I know it still exists I felt it hum last time he kissed you. I also felt you fighting it but if you want to save the twins call to him," Eric said to me. I knew then that it was for my benefit he suggested it as it might force us apart again. I shut my eyes my magic filling my body as I pictured Tony. I felt the fragments of our bond as I tried to repair the damage. I gasped as a burst of his emotions hit me. My eyes flew open as Eric's eyes clouded with pain. I knew the rose had returned.

"I found him," I said grabbing Eric's hand. "Josh keep an eye out in case they come here."

"Be careful," Josh said as I teleported with Eric to Tony. I landed in the middle of a dark clearing with woods as far as the eye could see.

"Sapphire I don't like the look of this," Eric said as I took a step forward. I gasped as Eric's hand was ripped from mine. I spun around but I couldn't see Eric or anyone else. My heart began to race as I pictured Eric being hurt. I conjured a fireball lighting part of the clearing. My panic was only heightened by what I saw, there was blood on the ground where Eric had been standing. I took another step placing my foot strategically on places as to not make noise.

"I knew you'd come. You always do," Tony's voice floated across the clearing. His voice sounded different, it wasn't kind it was edgy sending a chill down my spine.

"I had to, you took my children and nearly killed Nathan," I said firmly.

"You love me. I can tell by the rose on your cheek," his voice said this time from behind me. I could almost feel him. I spun but found he wasn't there.

"Tony show yourself," I snapped harshly getting tired of his games.

"Where's the fun in that?" He whispered in my ear. I turned as his finger tips grazed my arm. I caught a glimpse but he was fast and the low lighting didn't help. I thought of Eric and the twins before I spoke. I hoped Eric would forgive me.

"How about I shut my eyes and you can show me how you feel," I said softly dreading what he was going to do. I closed my eyes my breathing shallow as I stood there. I felt his hand stroke my cheek. My heart pounded in my chest knowing what was going to come next. I felt his hands on my waist pulling me closer. I felt his lips press against mine and instead of fighting his kiss I allowed it. I had to kiss him to protect my family. I opened my eyes finding him staring at me but his eyes weren't brown but a dark red. "Your eyes," I gasped reaching up to cup his cheek.

"SAPPHIRE," I spun around toward Eric's call as Tony grabbed my hand.

"Stay," Tony said as my heart urged me toward Eric. I felt like I was being torn in two, my children or my love. I faced Tony and I knew he wouldn't hesitate to hurt the twins.

"What happened to your eyes?" I breathed as he stiffened.

"Nothing," he snapped pulling his hand from mine roughly.

"Tony what happened to you? The man I loved wouldn't act this way!" I said firmly holding in my tears. "The man I loved wouldn't be cruel."

"The man you loved died when you left," he growled rushing at me knocking me across the clearing. I hit the ground hard groaning. I scrambled to my feet ignoring the pain as I faced him.

"Tony are you blind? I am here with our bond fixed and you just attacked me," I yelled as he glared at me his eyes so cold to me. What changed to make him so evil? I could feel through the bond he was dark and broken but was he beyond repair...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now