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I felt the warm and overwhelming glow of Magnus's power as he healed me. My eyes flew open as he smiled at me.

"Needed me again I see," Magnus said helping me to my feet. I wrapped my arms around him in greeting.

"I missed you," I said as he looked at me.

"As I have missed you my little sister," he said as I beamed. We weren't actually family but we might as well have been as he is more my family than anyone other than Josh.

"Sapphire are you okay?" Eric asked as his eyes locked on Magnus. They shared a look and that look drew my attention. There was something neither of them wanted the other to tell me.

"I'll be fine if you both tell me what you are hiding!" I snapped angrily. Death makes me a little cranky.

"Eric I have to tell her. It puts her in danger to keep it from her any longer," Magnus said as I faced him.

"What?" I asked my arms crossed.

"I was sent to you Sapphire," Magnus said as I listened.

"For what reason?" I asked as he looked down.

"I was supposed to kill you before you and Eric could change everything," he said as my mouth dropped.

"Change what?" I demanded as the feeling of betrayal filled me.

"Rory wasn't the one who messed with fate Sapphire, you messed with fate by leaving Martin instead of marrying him. You were supposed to move on and be happy with him and live a normal mortal life. You left him married Eric and turned him evil when you died. Because he left Rory it drove her mad leading to your death. After you died I was told to explain in great detail what happened to you and how you needed to fix it," Magnus said as tears built in my eyes.

"Why didn't you kill me then?" I snapped as he looked at me guilt all over him.

"I couldn't hurt you, you were kind and gentle with so much repressed magic inside your body. You were everything I stand for Sapph," Magnus said as I looked at him.

"What do you mean repressed?" I asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Something in your life caused you to reject your magic. Something so horrible you had no memory of what happened but it was evident when you spoke. You had a darkness deep inside the cause I am still unsure of," Magnus said as I pulled my hand away.

"When were you going to tell me?" I growled facing Eric.

"I still don't think you should know ever Sapphire," Eric said harshly. I glared at him, a marriage is built on trust and he thinks hiding things was the answer.

"Sapphire there are still people coming for you. They can feel your magic regardless if you use it and they won't stop until it is their's," Magnus said as tears slipped down my face.

"Who are they?" I whispered as he sighed.

"They call themselves the brotherhood of Malum," Magnus said as fear filled me.

"Malum as in the latin word for evil right," I asked as he nodded. I was being chased by people who loved the thought of being evil.

"Sapphire don't worry I won't let them take you," Eric said as Magnus glared.

"You can't promise her that. They are very powerful the only chance she has is if she uses her magic," Magnus snapped as I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I haven't been able to control my magic in a long time. I had been lucky that I had enough control to defeat anyone.

"Well then I'm screwed because if you weren't aware I couldn't beat Martin who didn't have a huge amount of magic," I snapped as Eric grabbed my arm making me face him. His hands falling to my waist.

"I won't let you die Sapphire, not again," Eric said firmly but I could see the paralyzing fear in his eyes knowing Magnus was right. No one could protect me and having Eric with me ensured his death if they found me. I looked at Magnus and he knew I was leaving Eric. We were going to leave Eric together and it was the only way to save Eric from facing the Brotherhood of Malum. I pressed my lips to Eric's needing one last kiss before I left him. The warmth and gentleness of the kiss were able to push my fears away but only temporarily. I pulled away as Magnus's arms wrapped around me. He took off flying out an open window with Eric calling for me. Tears cascaded my cheeks as Eric's voice filled with terror and sadness. He wanted me to come back but I couldn't and it was tearing me up inside. We landed at a small cabin at the edge of a forest.

"Sapphire," Magnus called as I pulled away from him walking into the forest.

"No you don't get to tell me what to do. I just left Eric alone for you," I yelled angrily. "You said I am the one they are after so I need a minute to figure this out!"

"Sapphire I'm sorry you are angry but I'm trying to help," Magnus said as I faced him.

"I can't beat the Brotherhood of Malum! I can't even beat a regular witch," I said as Magnus grabbed my arm triggering a memory.

"Mommy I'm going to play outside," I smiled rushing out the back door. I danced around sending my magic out around me. The magic glowed looking like tiny stars.

"Hello little one," a man said as I faced him.

"Who are you?" I asked as he knelt in front of me.

"Something tells me you have so much magic," he smiled as I stepped back. He snatched me up as I screamed for my mom. I used my magic but all the man did was wince before rushing toward his car with me still in his arms.

"Put her down," my mother growled putting up a barrier. The man faced her and set me down before blasting her through a wall.

"Mommy," I cried out as I felt the magic building inside to a level I had never used before. It grew unstable as I faced the man. He let out an agonized yell before he exploded covering me with blood, I had killed him, I was a killer. I walked over to my mom to find her bleeding to death in front of me. I felt my power grow once more as I touched her hand healing her, this magic was gentler and more controlled. In this moment I became life and death...
End of flashback

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now