No Matter What

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(Sapphire's POV)
I woke the next morning and for a moment I could forget all that happened but only for a moment could I forget the indescribable agony of losing a child to a man who was supposed to protect us always.

"Sapph are you ready to address the council?" Tony asked as a tear skipped down my cheek quickly.

"I'm never going to be ready," I whispered hopping out of bed.

"The beta sent this gown though I'm sure the council could care less about your outfit," Tony said as I pulled the silk mermaid white gown with sparkles trailing down my back. I brushed my hair quickly before fixing my mascara.

"Tony has the council made a decision?" I asked as we approached the meeting hall.

"I think they are at a loss of what should be done," Tony said placing his hand on my back. I took a small shaky breath holding back my hurricane of emotions. I had to walk in there as if I was a normal Alpha not a fractured mother. I pulled the door open the silence I was met with made my blood run cold. I held my head high as I walked over to the council members.

"Mam," I said tipping my head as a sign of respect as the head of the council approached us.

"Sapphire darling," she said pulling me into her arms. I stiffened but allowed her to console me, even though there wasn't a way for her to fix this.

"I heard you had some questions about what happened," I said softly tears pooling in my eyes. I held them back for if they escaped it would consume me whole.

"Yes the beta said you attacked and killed the Alpha and we were confused as to why?" The woman said as I took a small breath fighting against the anger.

"Did he forget to mention they kidnapped us and tried to kill me. Patrick said I wasn't good enough for his son even though I was pregnant," I said the words rushing from my mouth. "They killed my child and refused to take responsibility. I avoided as much death as possible."

"It's true," Tony said grasping to my hand. He could feel everything I was feeling, attacked betrayed and broken by someone you could call family. "My father even tried to push Amber and I together."

"I only stayed to help an Alphaless pack as it is very dangerous not to have one. I said to vote for a new leader," I whispered when the Beta strutted in as if on cue.

"I volunteer," the smirked at me.

"I would gladly step down if you have the pack behind you," I said tightly as the council looked on at the situation. The tension was clear to even the most clueless, the beta hate me because of Tony and Amber.

"I support him," Amber said flashing her dazzling smile. I could see a giant gash on Amber's face from my blow during the battle.

"A third unbiased person I will accept but Amber you are his mate," I said softly as the council gasped.

"You bitch I should have killed you," she whispered barely audible. I caught the leader of the council's eye to see her raising her eyebrow in shock.

"You realize we could arrest you for threatening the Alpha," the council leader snapped anger filling her pale blue eyes.

"Sorry leader Johnson," Amber spoke quickly.

"I get that emotions are high but the Alpha must be willing to lose everything for their pack. I would give my life today if it was required," I said firmly when the beta grabbed my arm pinning me to the wall.

"I require your death as you killed our leader," the beta growled gripping my neck tightly. I stayed calm knowing panic wouldn't help with this.

"If you do this you won't leave this room alive," I said touching his hand that pressed against my milky white neck. "I could destroy you but I'm giving you the chance to prove you aren't stupid."

"I doubt it," he laughed as a jolt of electricity knocked him across the room. I landed on the ground gracefully walking toward the council.

"This pack is in shambles I think the pack should be divided," I whispered touching my neck as Tony rushed to my side. He glanced at my neck before the council started debating what to do.

"Sapphire are you okay?" Tony whispered in my ear. I took a small breath trying in vain to calm the sadness that seemed to have no end.

"I am fine," was all I managed to say to him before pushing past him going over to the council.

"Sapphire we will divide the pack and you will return to your pack after the ceremony tomorrow," the council leader said as I nodded.

"Keep a watchful eye on Amber and the Beta, they seem like trouble," I said softly before excusing myself. I rushed up the stairs and into the room we had been staying in. I slipped down to the floor as tears tumbled down my face. I lost everything and yet people still treat me like a danger to society. What is it going to take to prove myself to the other Lycans. I am not a danger to anyone but if it's fear they need its fear I could give them. No more merciful leader as it only leads to death and destruction. I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice, I was going to protect them all no matter what...

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I promise to try and update more this coming week.

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