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"Sapphire there is no word from the guards who went with Van," Lane said as I stood on the balcony looking out at the vigil below. It was terrifying to see the people already mourning him. Unable to stand sitting around waiting I had decided to go to earth.

"I'm going to earth to sort through this. Watch the twins," I said softly teleporting to the portal. I stepped through making my way to the hospital where they brought the survivors. I stepped into the ER the room filled with chaos. There were children crying and people walking around with huge gashes. I rushed up to a nurse catching her attention. "Was Van Lucian brought here?"

"I don't know some people were unconscious," she said running past me to a patient.

"Van," I yelled but got no answer. I walked out of the hospital trying to sense Van's power but still nothing. This was stupid to come here, without the ability to sense Van I won't be able to find him no matter if he was alive or not.

"Sapphire," I turned to find Gwen standing there. We shared a look of grief before embracing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him," I whispered as she pulled away looking at me.

"He wouldn't blame you," Gwen said as I nodded.

"Gwen have you seen a man named Van? He was on the plane," I said softly hoping she had seen him.

"No but I might be able to track him," she said as I smiled. I pulled my ring off handing it to her.

"He gave this to me," I said knowing she needed something with his scent.

"Sapphire I know him but he didn't say that was his name," Gwen said handing the ring back. I slipped it on following Gwen to her car. We sped back to the pack, I was going home after being away. We pulled up to find a few people waiting. I got out as Gwen led me into the Alpha compound.

"Where is he?" I asked as she looked down.

"He's in bad shape," Gwen said opening the door to the study. She had converted it to a bedroom and Van was unconscious on the bed. He was barely breathing. I stepped toward him the pain in my body worsening with each step but I didn't care.

"Van," I whispered sitting on the bed next to him. I felt the crackle of magic on his skin. He was like this willingly. "Come back to me."

"You found him. Your mate," Gwen gasped a knowing pain in her gaze.

"Yes I have. When I was little my father, my real father from my past life used a spell to give me part of his power. It crafted a bond between us and from the moment we met we were drawn to each other. He balanced out my darkness," I said softly taking his hand in mine ignoring the agony entering my body.

"I'm pregnant Sapph," Gwen said catching my attention.

"Did Josh know?" I asked as she shook her head.

"I found out a few months ago. It's hard knowing it's his child and he won't see her," Gwen said a tear slipping down her cheek.

"Gwen I'm here for you if you need anything," I said firmly as she smiled weakly at me.

"Thanks," she said as I felt a jolt of magic knock me across the room. I groaned getting to my feet facing Van. It was the spell he used that sent me flying. "What was that?"

"Van's spell," I murmured as another wave of power hit me. I staggered but didn't fall this time. I realized my pain was lessening with each touch of magic.

"What's he doing?" Gwen asked as I looked at her.

"Fixing me," I smiled as a huge burst of energy flowed into me. I embraced the power with hope in my heart. This had to work.

"Sapphire," Van spoke in his sleep. I rushed toward him caressing his cheek.

"I'm here always," I said quietly as the last bit of magic hit me. The pain I had been feeling vanished completely as Van's eyes flew open. "Hi."

"Sapphire," he said sitting up our lips crashing onto each other. I felt a spark dance across my lips as Van's hands rested on my hips. Van pulled me onto his lap as the kiss deepened sending a wave of light into my body my heart racing. Van's hands gripped my dark hair briefly before we pulled apart our lips inches apart.

"I love you Van Lucian," I beamed as he held me in his arms.

"And I you," Van spoke with absolute clarity. I could touch my husband without pain.

"Van," I said thinking of Gwen. "You have to go back."

"Yes we will go back," he said as I climbed off the bed tossing my hair out of my face.

"I need to stay here for a little while," I said carefully. He looked at me grabbing my hand.

"Then we will stay," he said but I shook my head.

"Your people need you right now," I sighed as he looked down.

"But I need you," he whined.

"She needs me more at this moment," I said pointing at Gwen. She was family and my responsibility to take care of. "I'm sorry I can't go back with you."

"Sapphire please don't stay too long," Van whispered as he teleported away leaving me with Gwen. I kept my tears inside behind an emotional wall I had built.

"So what have you bought?" I smiled putting my best fake smile on.

"Nothing," she said as I laughed.

"No problem I will take you shopping tomorrow," I said cheerfully. I owed Josh everything and so I will stay and help Gwen like he had done for me countless times.

"Thank you Sapphire. I know it's not your job to take care of me," Gwen said looking down.

"Gwen you are my family and you are my job," I said firmly as she smiled at me. She rushed forward wrapping her arms around me tightly. I felt the pang of loss in my heart. She was everything to Josh and he wasn't here...

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