Happy Honeymoon

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"Sapphire you ready?" Tony called to me as I zipped my suitcase shut.

"Yeah," I said rushing down the stairs. I found Josh playing with the kids as Tony and I packed for our honeymoon. "Tony let's go!"

"I'm almost ready," Tony yelled from upstairs. I laughed as he ran down the stairs with two large suitcases compared to my one large suitcase.

"What are we moving out?" I teased as he shot me a playful glare.

"I wanted to be prepared," Tony said as we put the luggage in the car.

"I'm so excited," I smiled as Tony pulled me in for a quick kiss. I got in the passenger side as Tony had planned our honeymoon.

"There is a Lycan pack near San Diego we have been invited to for our honeymoon," Tony said as we sped to the airport.

"Is this a little weird staying with another pack?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Maybe it's some Alpha thing," Tony said as we pulled our luggage out of the car. We walked through the airport clearing security quickly. I faced him pressing my lips to his unable to keep the public displays of affection to a minimum.

"I'm so glad I married you," I smiled as a nearby woman smiled at us.

"Hold tight, it only gets harder kids," the woman said before getting up to board her flight.

"If only she knew what we overcame," I whispered to Tony as we made our way to gate four. Tony sat down pulling me onto his lap quickly. I leaned on him waiting to board. I looked at my ring unable to get past the fact that we finally were married.

"Now boarding first class," the woman said as I hopped to my feet. I walked toward the flight attendant handing her my ticket. We sat down in the comfortable leather seats as the rest of the passengers got on the plane. I drifted to sleep as the flight took off.
I was woken by Tony as the flight had landed. I got up walking off the plane making our way to baggage claim. I stood next to Tony when a guy walked past me whistling. I rolled my eyes deciding to make it clear I was with Tony by leaning against him. The guy laughed rushing out the door to his cab. I grabbed my suitcase as Tony grabbed his. We walked out of the airport to find a car waiting for us.

"Did they tell you they were sending a car?" I asked as Tony shook his head.

"No but I'm grateful they did," Tony smiled as we put our suitcases in the car. Tony and I got in the backseat buckling up. We sped down the coast until we reached the pack. Tony stiffened beside me signaling this isn't where we were supposed to be.

"Excuse me where are you taking us?" I asked as they pulled over. I saw the car was surrounded and Tony was very quiet. "Tony why aren't you talking?"

"Because I know whose pack this is," he said as I looked at him.

"Whose pack is this?" I asked as he stayed silent. I grew angry at his lack of answer. I got out of the car as a man stepped forward through the crowd.

"Sapph get back in the car," Tony said but I ignored him staring down the man in front of me.

"Who are you and why have you brought us here?" I demanded as he laughed.

"Because my son married an Alpha who we are not fond of," the man smirked as I glanced at Tony.

"Are you going to try and kill me like his mother did?" I snapped as he shook his head.

"No but I feel cheated out of the wedding," the man said as I sighed.

"I didn't know he had family," I said softly as the man looked at my rose mark on my face.

"You like tattoos or something?" The man said as I shook my head.

"I'm half witch. I died and my love for Tony bonded us forever," I said as he looked at Tony who has yet to get out of the car. "I think ruining our honeymoon was not the best idea if you wanted him pleasant."

"In hindsight I agree," he said as I pulled open the car door.

"Tony please get out of the car," I said softly as he looked at me.

"I have nothing to say to my father," Tony said as I groaned facing Tony's father.

"What's your name?" I asked as he laughed.

"Sorry I'm Patrick," he smiled as I shook his hand.

"I'm Sapphire," I smiled at him. I froze as I saw a pair of familiar blue eyes in the crowd. "Amber," I gasped as Patrick smiled.

"My beta's wife," he said as Amber stood next to him.

"But I thought she was Tony's girlfriend and mother of his child," I said as he laughed.

"Yeah well she decided she didn't want to be a mother," Patrick said as Tony got out of the car. I rushed to him pulling him into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly as he looked at her.

"Amber what about me and Jamie. We thought you were dead," Tony said with tears in his eyes.

"Well your mother showed me how difficult motherhood was so she helped me find a new pack," Amber said as a man not much younger than Tony pressed his lips to hers.

"Tony," I whispered caressing his cheek as he looked down at me. I was glad he no longer had to grieve for her but it pained me to see the hurt in his eyes. "Why would you bring us here if you knew he loved Amber?!" I growled as Patrick looked at me a small smile on his face.

"To show you he still loves her, not you," Patrick said as I fought against my urge to hurt him.

"The funny thing is I already knew so I don't care," I snapped angrily. Tony clung to my hand as Patrick showed us to the Alpha compound.

"My home is yours through I hoped you two would reconsider your marriage," Patrick said leaving us alone to get settled. While he didn't try to kill me he was just as bad as Marissa. What I couldn't get past is why his parents tried to hurt him but I was going to figure it out no matter what...

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