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I walked down to the courtyard in the middle of the night to perform the separation ceremony. I stood next to Tony as a witch approached us.

"Are you ready?" The witch asked kindly. I held out my hand as she dragged the blade across my palm. I winced as she drew an ancient mystical symbol onto a tree in the courtyard.

"Tony," I gasped collapsing into his arms as pain hit me like a truck taking my breath from my body. I looked at the witch as the tree started to glow. I felt the light rush through my body ripping me from Tony's arms leaving me hovering above him. It was instinct that led me to caress the magic pressing into my body. The magic wasn't just magic it was joy and light no hint of darkness mixed within.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Tony asked his panicked eyes locked onto my body above him.

"No I think her magic reached out toward it. This type of magic was already a risk so now we wait," the witch said as the magic suddenly vanished sending me plummeting toward Tony. I gasped as his arms collapsed around me holding me inches from the dark wet grass below us.

"Sapphire are you okay?" Tony asked caressing the rose on my cheek.

"I think so," I whispered standing in front of Tony. "I can feel everything," I gasped feeling the strings connecting me to this pack. "I can feel them all."

"What does that me?" Tony asked as the witch took my hand.

"The spell linked her to the pack. She can feel their pain but also their guilt," the witch said dropping my hand stunned.

"So the pack wasn't destroyed?" Tony asked as I looked down.

"I think the ancestors don't want them separated," I said when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I clutched my chest as Tony took my arm supporting my weight.

"What's happening?" Tony asked as I walked toward the town, toward the pain.

"Someone is hurt," I gasped as we rushed into a small house filled with screaming. I froze finding a woman on the ground blood pouring from her chest right where I felt the pain. I grabbed the blood soaked knife off the ground. I knelt beside her taking her pulse. She was alive surprisingly. I used my magic to piece her body back together quickly. I scrambled to my feet sprinting toward a crash in the kitchen. I stood still seeing the Beta holding a girl by the neck, Amber.

"Please Eddie I thought it would work," Amber pleaded as he squeezed her throat.

"It didn't and now our pack is gone. Now you will pay for tearing the pack apart!" Eddie screamed as I stepped into the room.

"Eddie stop!" I ordered using all of my Alpha strength against his will. He glanced at me shocked to see me standing in this house.

"Make me oh wait you aren't the Alpha anymore," Eddie laughed causing me to launch him across the room.

"Actually I'm more an Alpha now than I was before the ceremony. I am linked to every single person in this pack. I could feel you hurting the women in this house," I growled as Amber ran past me. Eddie got to his feet slowly glaring at me.

"What makes you so special as to be bonded to this pack?!" Eddie yelled as I looked at him.

"I don't know, it wasn't on purpose," I said softly to him. "If it were up to me this never would have happened."

"Sapph," Tony said as the council members rushed into the house.

"Sapphire what's going on?" The council leader asked me as I handed over the knife.

"Eddie tried to kill Amber and a woman who I healed in the next room. I think his emotions got the best of him," I said firmly as Eddie lunged at me. I dodged quickly before pushing him to the ground. I pinned him down as the council leader approached.

"Eddie why attack the Alpha trying to save you?" The leader asked as Tony looked at me.

"She doesn't deserve to be Alpha!" Eddie snarled as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Eddie you are sentenced to death by wolfsbane," the council leader sighed as the guards grabbed Eddie from me pulling him away from me.

"So what does the ceremony mean for my being Alpha?" I asked thinking of my pack and my children at home.

"I think it means you have to choose, your heart or your destiny," the witch said with pity in her eyes. "No matter what you decide you will always feel the link to this pack."

"I need some time to think this over. I'll return in a few days with my decision," I said as Tony took my arm. We teleported home quickly. I ran into the nursery picking up Katherine holding her close. As I held her I felt my heart being torn in half. If I chose to leave the pack I might lose Josh and the guard I have grown up with. Could I just leave my destiny behind and live here? Tears cascaded down my rosy cheeks as Josh walked in.

"Sis what's wrong?" He asked as I put Katherine down.

"I might leave this pack to lead a different one. I never wanted this but I have to choose between my love or my destiny," I gasped as Josh looked at me.

"Why would this other pack be your destiny?" Josh asked as I walked toward him.

"I am linked magically to the other pack. I can feel everything they are feeling. The ceremony was supposed to sever the pack not strength it," I whispered as Josh wrapped his arms around me.

"Whatever you decided we are still a family," Josh said firmly as I looked up at him.

"Would you come with me?" I asked him. Panic filled my heart as he stayed silent. Could he really think we could be a family living in entirely different states?

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now