Long Days Journey

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"Are you sure it's safe to have him so close? Last time you embraced you nearly died with that magic," my father asked as I sighed.

"He needs help only I can give. That spell mom talked about gave the powers of an ancient being," I said firmly holding a small fire in my hand due to my anger fueling my magic.

"Fine but we have to show you to my followers to get them on your side. A party tonight with tightened security," my father snapped a dress floating into my arms.

"I can't leave him alone," I muttered my my father sighed.

"Bring him then just be careful," my father said caressing my cheek before rushing from the room. I slipped the dress on quickly fixing my hair before facing Eric. Eric looked ragged his face had stubble and he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. I sat next to him taking his hand.

"Give me the power. I can handle more than you. My body was built to contain it unlike yours," I whispered as the magic traveled into me. It burned at first but soon calmed settling in the deepest part of my soul.

"Sapphire I killed them," he gasped looking at his hands. I grabbed his chin forcing him to look at me. "I liked it."

"I have killed," I said firmly as he looked down. "I'm the monster not you." I snapped getting to my feet conjuring him a stunning suit and a dark mask that matched my dress. I took his arm as a dark mask made of black feathers covered my cheek bones. We stood tall as we glided into the party as everyone stopped to stare. Eric glanced at me and I could see the guilt. I caressed his cheek. "You aren't dark Eric, you are the only light I have left do you hear me." I turned walking toward the dance floor.

"Sapphire lets run away from this," he said catching my hand in his stopping me from moving. "We will get married have kids and grow old. Away from the battle."

"I wish but I'm hopelessly linked to the outcome of this war," I whispered and I could see in his eyes he was leaving. Our hands fell apart as I reached for him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as I began to panic guests blocking my way.

"Eric stop please," I begged not wanting to lose him. "You can't leave me like this please." I felt his fingertips graze my cheek before I felt him teleport away. I held back the tears threatening to tumble down my face. I spun around scanning the room anger filling my heart as my power bubbled to the surface. My father grabbed my arm pulling me aside.

"What happened?" He asked as I pushed him away.

"Eric left me," I gasped holding back my sadness with a wall of anger. I realized I was more like my father, fight through the pain rather than wallowing in it.

"Stop and breathe," he ordered as I took a deep breath. I felt my heart slowing along with my anger.

"I don't feel ready for this," I whispered motioning to the stage. "Won't that heighten my power. I already have control issues."

"Trust me it will help," he said as we walked into the party. I couldn't help but long for Eric as my father waltzed me across the dance floor in a dangerous tango many longed for. I was chosen before I was born to die. I stepped out of his arms as the realization hit me. I wasn't safe, he needed my magic and to get it he had to kill me. My father wanted me dead. I got a flash of a memory like a picture, the stage had symbols all over.

"Those symbols, I remember them," I murmured as I was sucked into a memory.

Brie's Memory

I ran around the table giggling as my father played with me. I felt such joy that he had time normally he couldn't be bothered to say hi.

"Rick," my mother gasped stopping our laughter. I could see a sad glint in her eye and I knew something was terribly wrong.

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked as a guard stepped forward taking my hand.

"Rick you can't just do this. She our little girl Dedrick," my mother said tears racing down her face as the guard dragged me through the door and out of the room.

"Deb we made her to take the magic and if we leave her the magic will consume everything, it's too powerful," my father screamed at her.

"You are going to kill YOUR daughter," my mother snapped rushing out the door. "I'm not letting this happen to our child!" The guard released me as she ran toward the car. "You will be safe little girl as long as I live."
End of Memory

"Still after all these years you wish my death for your purpose," I snapped as he froze.

"Sapphire calm down," he said taking a step closer. I lashed out with a fire whip hitting just before his feet.

"I loved you dad. I wanted this to work. I was happy to have a family and now you stole that from me. How dare you try and hurt me. A Phoenix won't fall but rise despite the evils of the world," I growled as I was hit with a familiar wave of magic.

"Sister dear left your left side open," my brother laughed as I smiled at him.

"So did you my friend," I smirked knocking him to the ground.
End of Memory

"Wondered when you'd show," I snapped facing him. I froze at the sight before me, he had marvelous dark wings and dark tattoos all over his body. He made a deal and now had mystical magic the rivaled my own.

"Bow Sapph take the ancestors offer and it will be painless," Lane said with a hint of sadness.

"Lane I'm your sister and I would give my life for you but if I do this Dad gets what he wants and the balance shifts," I snapped my heart beating rapidly threatening to burst from my chest. I looked down my heart racing as I pictured my death, I refused to fight Lane, he was my family.

"Come with me," he said firmly grabbing my upper arm dragging me into a white light. Where was he taking me and why?

The dress in the picture is the dress Sapphire was wearing. What do you think will happen, I'm curious what your thoughts are on my book.

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now