Ancient Battle

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"Let him go," I growled as he dropped the knife. The guards pulled Van from the room as I stared at Cam.

"Little Brie you lied to me about your name," Cam snapped as I blasted him with my power knocking him into a bookcase.

"In case you didn't notice I didn't remember my name until recently," I snapped harshly.

"Killing me won't save you," he growled getting to his feet.

"It might not save me but it will save the people who you kill for no reason other than vengeance!" I said harshly when he knocked me into the table my head catching the edge of it. I gasped as pain filled my head. I touched my head where it hit the table and found blood.

"Even the ancient bleed," he sniped as I got to my feet.

"I will never give you my magic," I said firmly as he rushed forward plunging a knife into my belly. I gasped as he pulled it out my blood soaking my dress. I put the hand to my wound but couldn't stop the bleeding.

"Even I could heal that. You are out of your depth here," Cam said harshly. I felt a burst of magic more powerful than anything I had felt before, without even trying to my wound healed itself. "That can't be real!"

"The difference between you and I is I will fight for my family always," I said as the old magic filled my body quickly. I gasped as it ripped through my body before entering Cam. He groaned before collapsing on the ground dead. I knelt next to him regret in my heart. I had hoped I could get him to see reason and lost control of the situation. I got to my feet rushing through the mansion until I found where they were keeping Van. I blasted the door open only to find ten guards. In an instant they had grabbed ahold of my arm.

"Keep them apart or everything is ruined," one guard said as I sent a wave of power into the guard. I ran toward Van as the magic pounded against my chest. I winced as the power escaped my body killing all who touched me. Tears raced down my face. The power was going to kill us all. I looked at Van as the light expanded from my body incinerating the guards instantly. I was stronger than death.

"I can't stop," I whispered as Van pulled away from the guard running to me. Van reached me the light fading away allowing him to get close. It was as if he was immune to it.

"Trust in me," he said reminding me of my grandma. Love will save me, but she meant from myself once my power was released. She knew the power would be too much for me but she trusted in my heart. He pressed his lips to mine silencing the magic screaming inside me. My hands lightly touched his waist as I felt the storm of power calm. I felt a piece of my magic fragmenting sending it into Van. We pulled apart looking at the guards most of them were dead the few left were too injured to stop us. I looked at my hand watching the wound heal showing I had broken Cam's spell.

"I will always trust you," I smiled as we teleported back to the palace. I looked out at the city as the survivors clung to the lifeless loved ones. My heart cried for them as I made my way out of the palace walking through town. Van followed me as I approached a child crying next to two bodies. I knew this child was an orphan. I bent down picking the child up cradling him close to me.

"Sapphire," Van said coming toward me.

"He has no one Van. This massacre is my fault. If I hadn't been in the palace the people wouldn't have protected us," I said tears brimming my eyes. Van looked at me with understanding as I rocked the child trying to calm him.

"We shall care for him but you shouldn't blame yourself. There wasn't anything you could have done to save them. This was the work of someone who didn't care about anyone," Van said softly as we continued through the city. We found no other orphans but we found several children dead on the ground. After we assessed the deaths we walked back to the palace with the boy.

"What's your name?" I asked as he clung to my body.

"Josh," he said as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was a sign I was supposed to care for him but it was hard hearing the name. I carried him to a room putting him on the bed.

"Van do you know where the twins are?" I asked as he nodded.

"I will go see if they made it to safety," he said leaving me to calm Josh. I conjured ice cream giving it to him. I watched as he started to eat it his breathing slowing to normal. I felt the ancient magic running through my veins as I sat on the bed next to him.

"Do you want to live here with me?" I asked softly as he nodded.

"Yeah," he said as he finished the ice cream. I gave him a weak smile as I knew it was my fault he was an orphan.

"Lady Sapphire," a guard said as I faced him. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Who was it?" I asked my voice trembling.

"Lane got the twins to safety but he was hurt really badly and he died," the guard said as I looked down tears streaking my face. I lost someone again and this proved I would survive but my family would not. Anyone who gets close to me has been marked by death to keep the balance. I was supposed to die but Van and I cheated death so death took my brother. Death wasn't a friend to me in fact death was angry that time after time I slipped away. Lane's dead and it's my fault...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now