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It was as if time was standing still as our powers pushed into each other. I clamped my jaw shut as my strength started waning. I gasped as his magic knocked me off my feet. I flew back hitting a table. I groaned as I crashed through the unforgiving table.

"Nathan," I gasped rolling onto my hands and knees. "You have to fight please!"

"Nathan doesn't have the magic required to beat me. You don't even have the strength!" Eric laughed as I got to my feet quickly. I reached deep into my soul finding my Lycan form shifting into it. I snarled at Eric calling my magic to me before blasting it at him full force. I watched as he went flying hitting the wall. I continued pushing toward him my Lycan form adding to my power. Eric struggled trying to use his magic against me but he wasn't able to send me through the air anymore. "Sapphire what about Nathan? If you do this he's gone forever!" I felt a small crack in my heart as I thought of this. I knew what Nathan would want but could I condemn him to a life trapped in his own body?

"Nathan," I whispered still using every ounce of my strength to hold Eric down. I felt tears filling my eyes as Eric allowed Nathan out. I looked into his grey eyes as more sadness rushed through me. I saw how much pain Nathan was in and I felt it chipping away at my willingness to destroy the man I used to love with ever fiber of my soul.

"Sapph," Nathan gasped fighting against the agony he was clearly feeling.

"Nathan I don't think I can do this," I whispered shifting to human form.

"But think about the twins," Nathan said before Eric took over. I shifted quickly to my Lycan form before pressing my power against Eric. I gasped when I felt a sharp pain rip through my side. I looked seeing a magical dagger as it was dragged across my side. I howled it pain facing my attacker seeing the woman who liked Eric.

"What's up dog?" She laughed lunging at me again. I dodged when suddenly I felt a darkness swirling around me. I felt myself shifting back to human form unwillingly.

"Hello beautiful," Eric laughed grabbing me by my hair roughly. I gasped as he jerked my head so I was looking up at him.

"Let go!" I growled trying to kick him. He smirked before striking my cheek. I hit the ground touching my burning cheek. I felt my magic flare as I tried to launch it at him. I watched as it stopped inches from his face before fizzling out.

"Yeah did I forget to mention I put a spell on you so your magic couldn't touch me," Eric smiled as I breathed heavily as blood continued to drip down my left side. I held my side trying to slow the bleeding.

"Can I kill her pretty please?" The woman smiled at him. He looked down at me as if I was pathetic laying on the floor bleeding out.

"No need to stoop as low as to attack an already dying mutt," Eric said and I knew he said that because he knew Nathan had said I was a mutt. I felt tears streaking my cheeks as I lay on the floor. He stepped toward the woman pulling her in for a long slow kiss. I knew he didn't love her, he was using her to get to me.

"What should we do then keep it as a pet?" The woman said giving me a hard kick. I whimpered as I felt my rib crack. Eric smirked grabbing me by my hair dragging me up the stairs tossing me in my room. I hit the bed as he sealed the room completely with dark magic. I could feel the hum of electricity as crawled toward the door. I stopped knowing if I reached the door I would get a jolt of electricity. I managed to get to my feet walking into the bathroom. I pulled my shirt off inspecting my wound. I took a shaky breath seeing it was deep. I called my magic to me holding my glowing hand on the wound. I screamed out as the wound started healing itself sending pain rushing through my body.

"Nathan please fight for me," I whispered to myself as I made my way into the bedroom again. I picked up my new phone dialing Josh. I fought back the tears that wanted to escape as Josh answered the phone.

"Sapphire are you okay?" Josh asked as I leaned against the bedpost.

"Josh I'm not going to be home for a really long time. Eric is too strong and now I'm trapped in his house. You need to keep the twins safe!" I snapped firmly as a single tear slipped down my right cheek.

"Sapphire I'm coming to get you!" Josh said causing panic to flood my overloaded system.

"No Josh, he will kill you, stay with the twins please!" I begged as my heart raced.

"Fine but I really don't like this Sapph," Josh said as I hung up. I broke down in sobs collapsing on the bed thinking of Tony. I was never going to feel his touch, his embrace, his sweet kiss. I lay on the bed sobbing until I drifted into an uneasy sleep...

I stood in the middle of a field as Tony walked toward me. I rushed toward him jumping into his arms. I breathed in his scent allowing it to wash over me.

"Tony I'm sorry I couldn't stop this," I sobbed as he reached up stroking my cheek to wipe the tears from my face.

"Sapphire I made this decision, you can't blame yourself!" Tony said firmly as I looked into his sincere chocolate eyes.

"I wish this was real," I muttered, my finger brushing the edge of his silky lips...

I woke to fresh tears on my face knowing that was the closest I was ever going to get to Tony. It was on this day that I vowed to find a way to defeat Eric even if it killed me.

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