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I stood in my room looking at all the books made available to me and it appeared as though they were selected to be of no use to me. I walked to the door to find it was unlocked but I suppose they thought Van would keep me here. I walked through the mansion until I felt a magnetic pull toward a room. I knew that was where Van was. I leaned against the door hoping he would feel me there.

"Sapphire they let you out?" Came shortly after.

"Yes Van," I said softly.

"Leave. You can go and find a way to save yourself I don't deserve to live," Van said but I knew my body wouldn't let me leave him.

"Van, Magnus came to me and said that I can use the same magic as Cam," I whispered.

"That's great, if you figure it out they wouldn't be any match for you," Van said as I pressed my hand to the door.

"Sapphire what are you doing?" Cam asked as I faced him.

"Talking to my husband through a locked door wishing I could be in there with him," I said flatly as Cam's eyes widened.

"How can you love a monster?" Cam questioned as a tear fell down my face.

"He is good. Maybe at one time he was bad but he has changed. He has sacrificed himself for people. He came back for his people leaving me on earth," I said firmly to Cam. "He isn't the monster of this story, you are."

"How am I the monster?!" He growled grabbing my arm yanking me toward him.

"You are killing me when I have a family who needs me. I didn't know your sister and it isn't my fault she died," I said calmly. I was aware of how close Cam was as his breath caressed my cheek. I looked into his eyes reading an emotion that caused me to shift uncomfortably. It was as if he had feelings for me but he was the reason I'm going to die.

"Come with me, there is much to discuss," Cam said pulling me down the hallway. We made our way inside a library. Cam took me to a book resting on a table in the center of the room.

"What is it?" I asked as he stroked the binding of an old leather book.

"Something lost," Cam said yanking it open to a page. "I know who you are."

"What are you talking about?" I asked as he looked at me sadly.

"You were the great great great granddaughter of the leader of an ancient witch coven. They used the magic I am using. You are the last link to the coven," Cam spoke quickly causing me to take a sharp breath. He couldn't be serious.

"What does that mean?" I asked as he took my hand the magic crackling in my body. It wasn't my normal power but something Magnus knew I could use.

"You are special. The reason your death didn't stick was the power buried deeply inside your body. You are the way to save the ancient power," Cam said as I pulled my hand from his.

"But I'm going to die," I said as he laughed.

"Yes but you will give me your memories first," Cam snapped as I tried to run from the room. I was grabbed by the guards as I was forced to my knees. Cam touched my forehead tapping into my head. Pain rushed through me a scream escaping my lips despite my effort to stay quiet. I felt him digging through every memory before he hit a block. It was my memories I couldn't remember. I gasped as he broke through the barrier pulling me into the memory with him.

"Brie," my grandmother called. I smiled running to her.

"Yes Grandma," I said as she took my hand in hers.

"I bestow all my power on you Brie," she said as I pulled my hand from hers.

"Why?" I questioned.

"You are destined for greatness. Don't forget to fight with your heart and to use everything I taught you," she gasped before collapsing. I screamed as my mother ran to us though she knew it was too late.
End of flashback

Before the age of five I watched my grandmother die. I collapsed on the floor in exhaustion as Cam stared at me.

"That's not possible. You can't transfer power like that!" He yelled as I lay there barely breathing. Fight with my heart she said, I think she meant to try and embrace Van as it will somehow save me. I got to my feet shakily as Cam grabbed my arm trying to take the power.

"You should know better than that. You can't take a witch's magic that way," I snapped as he struck me across the face. I gasped touching my cheek finding a small cut.

"Give me your magic," he growled as I looked at him with rage.

"I'd rather die, oh wait I am dying," I sniped as he snapped his fingers. Van was dragged into the room forced to his knees. Cam touched him causing Van to cry out in pain. I felt his pain but it wasn't nearly as much of it as Van was feeling.

"You can stop this Sapphire," Cam barked as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Van," I gasped looking at my hands. I felt the power stirring deep inside trying to awaken. If I ever used the power now would be the time to use it.

"Last chance before I kill him," he growled snatching a knife from a guard. He pressed it to Van's neck making a small drop of blood drip down his neck.

"No," I screamed as my hands began to glow a brilliant white color. Cam's eyes grew with both fear and fascination. We stared into each other's eyes neither of us willing to give in. I will fight for Van with my love but I won't bend to Cam's will. We were locked in a battle with two possible outcomes, my death or his...

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