Who is Good?

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I stood in the training room as my father ran toward me. I hesitantly use my magic to push him away.

"Brie if you aren't going to try and use all your power this training won't work," my father snapped as he swiped my legs out from under me. I hit the ground my back stinging with the pain. I gasped as my father pinned me to the ground his hands around my throat. I felt a surge of magic as I launched him off me scrambling to my feet. I ran toward the door as he knocked me against the wall. I winced touching a cut just above my left eyebrow. I felt my power heighten and become unstable again. I leaned against the wall as my father stopped looking at me. He could see the magic lifting training equipment causing it to fly around the room. "Control it!"

"I can't," I screamed as pain flooded my system. I attempted to feed the magic back into my body but it backfired as blood rushed down my face.

"Eric," my father called as Eric rushed into the room freezing at the bloody sight before him.

"She looks like Carrie, is that her blood?" Eric demanded as blood dripped from my eyes. My vision blurred as I fell to my knees bracing myself with my hands. The power hurt and wasn't like anything I felt before. With dark magic I got pleasure from it with light I felt joy but this magic wasn't enjoyable. It took everything I had not to buckle under the weight. Eric rushed toward me as I let out an agonizing scream.

"Stay back," I gasped as Eric stopped walking toward me. My father took a step forward as I put up a barrier to keep them away. I wasn't going to allow myself to hurt them.

"I warned you," my mother's voice rang out as the pain worsened.

"Deb stop," my father growled banging on the barrier as I fell to my side. "She's your daughter Deb look at her!"

"No Rick this is your doing. Had you never given her magic she could have been happy. You used a spell on me before she was born to have her be special," my mother snapped harshly.

"Mommy," I gasped stopping her cold. She faced me and I could see she didn't want this for me. "I'm not going to end up like him."

"You are dark, it's in your nature Brie. You loved dark magic remember," my mother said as she forced her magic into me making my own magic even more unstable than before.

"I'm not evil mom. Did you ever wonder if you were evil?" I snapped harshly as she glared. I felt my magic falter as I lost control. The barrier fell as my father knocked my mother across the room but it was too late. My power hit lights and broke windows before finally hitting myself. I felt the pain unlike anything I had felt ever as my wrist was ripped open sending blood pooling on the ground beneath my hand.

"Dedrick stop," my mother growled launching him away from me. She smirked at my pale body pleased with her destruction.

"Protect them," I whispered to Eric unsure what was going to happen. I reached toward my magic almost instinctively relaxing into it. I embrace the power as my wounds healed. I stood up facing my mother using my power to slice her throat open. She grabbed her throat trying to stop the bleeding as I smiled. She was getting what she deserved and soon they will all get what they deserve. I felt the hum of magic as it stabilized. I wasn't afraid of it anymore as I wielded it with confidence. Eric watched me as I brought my mother to her knees watching as she bled to death.

"Sapph, stop," Eric said as I made my mother scream out. I was puzzled by the fear in Eric's voice.

"Why?" I demanded as Eric stood in front of me.

"This isn't you," he said caressing my cheek.

"It is now," I said as my mother slumped lifelessly against the wall.

"Brie," my father said eyeing me carefully. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel amazing," I smiled floating through the air.

"Eric what do we do?" My father asked and I could see a sadness return to his gaze. I faced him as a few guards walked in.

"It's time for the party for her return," one said as I conjured a stunning black cocktail dress.

"I'm ready," I beamed as my father took my hand.

"Are you sure you are ready?" He asked as I pulled away.

"You don't trust me?!" I demanded angrily as Eric grabbed my arm.

"Sapphire you have to fight the darkness I see swirling inside you," Eric said causing and irritation to fill my body. I pushed him away roughly.

"You don't get to control me!" I snapped walking from the room with two guards trailing behind me. I walked into the ballroom as everyone parted to let me through. I gave off a confidence and controlling presence. I could see fear and curiosity in the people's eyes as I walked to the front of the room. "Hello I know many of you are curious about me. My name is Sapphire but I once went by Brie Turner. I am Dedrick's daughter and have returned to where I belong."

"Sapphire," I found the familiar grey eyes in the crowd.

"Nathan," I gasped as he stepped toward me. I felt an emotion deep inside move cutting off the darkness inside as my smile faded. I felt his hand clasp mine as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Control it don't let it control you," Nathan whispered in my ear as the magic flared. I fought against it as Nathan held my waist. My breathing became ragged as I fought to control the power no one was meant to have. "I'm sorry," he muttered pressing his lips to mine before I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasped looking down to find a knife sticking out of my belly. I looked up at Nathan in disbelief. He stabbed me, he was the one of the witches the ancestors sent and he agreed...

That's Sapphire's cocktail dress in the picture above.

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now