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"Van how could you?" The girl growled as I pulled away from Van.

"I'll just go over here to give you two space," I said walking onto the balcony.

"You said you were done with her for good. You said you couldn't understand why she left the twins with no explanation," she screamed as Van tried to calm her.

"Look I am sorry but she is my wife and you don't just get over that," Van said firmly as she took a swing at him. Van dodged it before looking sadly at her.

"You are going to regret this Van. You told me her secret and I will take her from you if its the last thing I do," she snapped walking away before Van could stop her.

"Are you okay?" I asked taking his hand in mine.

"Where were you?" Van demanded as I looked down.

"I had only been gone a week of earth time which apparently is a lot longer here," I whispered as Van looked at me.

"Sapphire it's okay I get it now. Had I known I would have come to get you but I thought you moved on," Van said softly. I leaned into his arms as the party guests looked at me with anger and disgust. I left a queen and came back a villain. I pulled away from Van as he looked confused.

"You are different," I said seeing his power he had been using a lot in my absence and it wasn't the good part. I looked out at the city to find the very family Van was supposed to feed starving. "You let my absence change you."

"Sapphire you pushed me away for the people and were gone for a long time. You don't have a right to judge how I dealt with that pain," Van snapped as I looked at him in frustration.

"Van you left me and nearly died but I didn't use dark magic," I said harshly as Van grabbed my arm. I yanked my arm away feeling afraid of him for the first time. Before I left I could only see a light in him and now I was struggling to find that light in all the darkness. "Where is the man I married?"

"Right here!" He yelled catching everyone's attention.

"No he isn't," I said tears building in my eyes. "The man I married wouldn't have yelled the way you just did Van. I love you but right now I don't feel safe with you."

"You have got to be joking. I haven't ever hit you," he snapped but that didn't change the fear that came with the darkness. Darkness and fear go hand in hand and have an complex set of dance moves in a terrifyingly beautiful dance.

"Van as long as the darkness over powers the light my fear won't rest. I am not leaving you but I won't feel safe with you either," I said firmly as he looked at my ring in his hand. I could see his inner battle as he tried to find the light hidden in the center of the darkness.

"Sapphire I will try to fix it but you opened a rift in my power that I didn't know I had," Van said handing me my ring back. I slipped it on taking his hand.

"I love you do you hear me," I smiled as he smirked at me.

"I hear you," he said as we walked through the palace. Lane was dancing with the twins as Van and I made our way to the garden.

"My brother's girlfriend is having twins. That is why I stayed on earth," I said as he pulled me toward him. I gasped as his lips touched mine taking me by surprise. I felt a warm glow but it was followed by a spark of dark energy entering my body. He pulled away as I looked at him.

"I had to kiss you. The way the sun was catching your hair made you look like a goddess," Van said causing a blush to spread across my face. I looked at him seeing a piece of the man I used to know peaking through the darkness.

"I found you," I smiled as he reached up caressing my cheek.

"SAPPHIRE," Lane screamed from inside the palace. I ran quickly up the steps and into the castle stopping when I saw Lane laying in a pool of blood. My lips parted slightly as I froze thinking of Josh. Lane was face down just like Josh was. I couldn't move as tears spilled down my face. Van ran to my side before turning to Lane.

"Sapphire," Van said but I couldn't speak as terror filled every inch of my body silencing me. I was losing everyone around me and there was nothing I could do, while death was my friend death wasn't anyone else's. "Sapphire say something!" Van healed Lane quickly. Lane faced me looking at me. I could see it in his eyes that he knew something was wrong with me.

"It was Taylor, she came and took the twins. I tried to stop her but couldn't," Lane said as Van tensed.

"It's my fault. I chose Sapphire in the worst way possible and I didn't listen to her vow to hurt us," Van said and I knew he was talking about the red head. "Sapph you need to talk this through!"

"Van I don't think she can. Look at her," Lane said as Van walked to me.

"She's scared. It's as if she's having a nightmare," Van gasped grabbing my arms. "Sapphire you are a strong fearless woman now wake up. The twins need you right now."

"I think we might be on our own," Lane said as Van pressed his lips to mine. I felt an electricity fill my body replacing the panic in my body. Van pulled away as I looked at Lane.

"What does she want with them?" I finally spoke. She took them alive for a reason but what was her plan?

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now