Darkness Burns Brightest

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"Let me try and heal it," Van said as I gave him my hand. I let out a whimper pulling my hand away as pain rushed through me.

"It's bigger," I snapped angrily.

"Of course. You didn't think it would be that easy do you," Charles said in my head.

"I can hear his voice," I said pacing trying to calm my rising anxiety.

"I think I know what spell he used but I can't change it. The spell is so old and powerful we agreed as a collective to never touch the spell," Van said only making this worse.

"What's going to happen?" I asked as Van sat on the bed.

"Your true nature will reveal itself. Until then the spell will keep us apart," Van said as tears spilled down my face. I was scared at what I would discover about myself.

"I hope you were right about me being good," I said softly as Van caressed my cheek.

"You have nothing to fear," Van said before walking out leaving me alone. I held the ring wishing I could wear it. I put it on the table before sitting on the bed. I shut my eyes searching for the magic swirling in chaos inside me. I felt the darkness chasing the light. I reached out touching the darkness causing it to freeze.

"I knew you would be fun," Charles said a smile evident in his voice. "I knew you had a darkness unlike anything I had seen."

"No I'm good," I said when I felt the high of dark magic as the light started to fade. I didn't want this but it was so good. I felt my body giving in to the darkness as Charles laughed.

"Come on give in. You can enjoy the darkness," Charles whispered trying to tempt me.

"No," I gasped my eyes flying open to find everything floating around me. I looked in the mirror to find my eyes glowing red. "I don't want this at all!"

"But you do," Charles said his ghostly figure forming in front of me. He stepped toward me his hand gripping my wrist. Ghost aren't supposed to be able to touch you.

"Stop!" I screamed as he pushed dark energy into my body. He was swaying the spell as I embraced the evil power without hesitation.

"Bring me back," Charles smiled. I touched him sending my magic into him. I watched as he became solid.

"Thank you for showing me the way," I said as he pulled me to my feet. He pulled me close pressing his lips to mine sending a dangerous spark through me.

"Let's show Van who won," Charles said draping his arm over my shoulder. We walked down the hall until we found Van with Brooke. He stiffened as his eyes landed on Charles. Van handed Brooke to Lane.

"Don't let them near the twins," Van ordered causing me to laugh.

"I'd like to see you try," I said as Charles slid his hand down to my waist.

"My girl looks badass right?" Charles said baiting Van.

"Sapphire you are good. Don't let him change who you are!" Van said as Charles smirked.

"She's gone man," Charles said firmly.

"I don't believe that," Van said as Charles pulled away from me.

"Kill him," Charles smiled as I forced Van to his knees. Van refused to fight as I pushed my power against him.

"I love you Sapphire. You are worth everything remember that. Sapphire I will give my immortal life for you always. Remember who you are," Van said as a glimmer of light rammed itself into the darkness. My hand began to shake as the light tried to stop the darkness.

"Do it Sapphire," Charles yelled as a tear fell down my face.

"Van help me," I gasped as Van looked at me. I could see the pain he was enduring for me. I felt the remnants of my feelings for him in pieces located in my heart. I loved him but Charles showed me who I was. Wait Charles didn't show me who I was but who I could choose to be. I don't want to be evil and kill my family. I fell to my knees as I tried to stop the darkness flowing against Van.

"Sapphire kill him or I'll kill you!" Charles growled as Van put his head down.

"Sapphire it's okay," Van said tears in his eyes.

"No I won't be a servant to the darkness anymore!" I yelled as the light exploded from my chest filling the room. The light was overwhelming as I faced Charles. "Looks like your spell worked!" I sniped using my power to take back the life I gave him. He screamed in agony as I stripped his body away from his soul. The body hit the floor Charles's ghost fading into nothingness.

"Sapph," Van rushed to my side his hands on my waist. Tears slipped down my face as I realized the full destruction my power could cause.

"I could hurt somebody," I said as Van cupped my cheek.

"Sapphire he is a horrible person who killed thousands," Van said trying to reassure me.

"So have I," was all I said pulling away from him.

"Where are you going?" Van asked as I walked out the front door. I walked through the city the people looking at me but keeping their distance. I walked until I was outside the city sitting under a tree.

"Princess Sapphire," a man said as I looked at him.

"Hi," I said flatly unable to give my bubbly hi that I normally would have.

"Shouldn't you be in the palace with guards or something?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"No I can protect myself," I said firmly as he sat next to me.

"My parents say you are changing things around here. They say Master Van isn't as heartless as he used to be. They also said the people who tried to hurt us wouldn't dare now," he said as I looked at my hand. The wound was gone but still it left its mark on me.

"Yeah well people tend to fear me or try and hurt me," I said softly.

"My parents said most of the city would die to protect you. You made us seem human to the royalty," he smiled as I looked at him.

"I know what it feels like to be less valuable and it's not right. Everyone is worth something," I said getting to my feet.

"Even you princess," he said firmly. He was right I am worth something. More than I wanted to give myself.

"Thank you. I was feeling a little off but you helped me." I said to him.

"No problem Princess," he said waving me off. I am worth a lot to so many and now I had to live up to their expectations.

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now