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"Josh you're scaring me," I whispered holding back tears. "You would stay here without me, without Tony and without the twins?"

"Sapphire I don't know I mean a lot had changed and you were hardly here. You left numerous times to deal with Eric," Josh groaned.

"But what could have changed to make you leave your family?" I questioned trying to keep my voice calm. I didn't want him to be afraid to be honest with me. "I love you Josh but I deserve you being straight with me as my next decision changes everything."

"Fine I met someone and she can't leave!" Josh yelled causing me to wince.

"Josh why didn't you tell me you met someone?" I asked softly sitting on the bed facing him.

"She isn't exactly a good member of the pack. She actually tried to get you exiled once. I am in love with a girl who has family obligations preventing her from leaving," Josh said as I looked up at him.

"Does she still hate me?" I asked as he shook his head.

"No she thinks you are the best actually," Josh said a small blush creeping across his cheeks.

"Can I meet her?" I asked a smile playing at my lips. He looked so happy, more so than I had seen him ever.

"Promise you won't be mean!" He said causing me to burst out laughing.

"I was nice to everyone. This entire pack feared me until recently," I smirked as he pulled me to my feet. We walked down the stairs and out the front door. I walked a few paces behind Josh still trying to wrap my mind around what to do. I felt as if my heart was being torn in two my family and my duty were tearing me up inside. Josh knocked on a door. I put on my biggest smile as the door open.

"Joshy!" A woman smiled wrapping her arms around him before her eyes landed on me. She pulled away from Josh quickly walking toward me.

"Joshy," I laughed as she looked at him.

"Gwen this as you know is my sister, Sapphire this is Gwen my girlfriend," Josh said as I pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for making my brother happy," I smiled as she stood in front of me clearly feeling awkward.

"Gwen she doesn't care if you liked her at first," Josh said taking her hand reassuringly.

"Yeah I mean pretty much everyone hated me at first," I said softly. I gasped as a pain rushed through my thigh. I winced leaning against the railing as Josh ran to me. "I will be right back," I said teleporting to the San Diego pack only to find a giant battle going on around me. I gasped unsure where to start. I shifted into my Lycan form quickly identifying the intruders as hunters. I crept along the edge of the fray before launching into one of the hunters. I locked my jaw around the hunters arm giving it a sharp twist. I felt the small bones snapped as the taste of copper filled my mouth. I spun as I felt a bullet lodge in my shoulder. I gave a small yelp before swiping my paw at the shooter. I watched as the second hunter hit a tree his neck bending at an unhealthy angle. I looked around trying to spot other hunters but it looked as if there was only two. I shifted human wincing as the pain became more evident. I looked at my shoulder seeing the bullet lodged itself in my left shoulder. A few Lycan doctors ran toward me quickly yanking the bullet out.

"Sapphire are you okay?" Amber asked which was surprising coming from her.

"Yeah was anyone seriously hurt during this? It wasn't even a full moon so you guys couldn't defend against bullets," I asked as I looked at my fellow pack members bleeding around me.

"No it was just grazes not any fatal injuries," the doctor said wrapping a bandage completely around my shoulder.

"Were they alone?" I asked as they nodded.

"They were really unorganized," Amber said as I walked toward the still breathing hunter I had bitten.

"What's your name?" I asked as he clutched his arm.

"I won't answer mutt," he snapped as I sighed.

"I spared the last hunter who wasn't afraid and trying to kill me," I said as he reached for his gun. I quickly snapped his neck before he could even line up one shot not willing to risk the children who had gathered. "I should return to my brother but I have decided that it would be best if my family came out here with me." I said looking away from them as tears slipped down my face. I knew this meant I might never see my brother again but today it was clear they needed me more than my own pack. They could have died, they didn't have weapons or training. I teleported to Josh as he gasped.

"Your covered it blood," Josh gasped as I nodded looking down at my bloody tee shirt.

"Hunters attacked one of the San Diego packs. Let's just say I was the only one trained enough to beat two hunters," I said as Josh's eyes locked on my shoulder. "Yeah it stings when you get shot."

"Sapph, you are leaving aren't you?" Josh said clearly reading my thoughts.

"Josh I promise I'll visit at least once a year but they need me. This pack has you to help," I said tears cascading down my cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you!" Josh said holding me close.

"I love you Josh," I said firmly allowing his scent to wash over me. I had chosen my new pack over Josh and I felt miserable about it. It was the right thing to do but that doesn't mean I liked it in anyway, now the only question was how Tony was going react to me deciding without consulting him...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now