Malum Forever

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"Sapphire stop," I heard Van's voice in my mind. "You are better than him."

"I'm not," I said as my father looked puzzled at me. I felt rage like I never felt before knowing my father killed the one person he vowed not to.

"Who are you talking to?" My father demanded as I forced more power into him. I had total control over the magic no fear of death as I used it. I was connected completely to the power.

"It's okay to stop," Van spoke his magic caressing my hand in an effort to calm me. I ignored Van's magic as I continued to use my power on my father. My father deserved to die by my hand after everything he had done to me. He lied to me about everything and I was naive to think he had changed. I should have known someone as evil as him couldn't change.

"He killed him," I sobbed when a bright light filled the battlefield. Van stepped toward me as tears spilled over my face.

"You are so good Sapphire," Van said putting his hand on my cheek. "You are so innocent and kind I would hate to see him ruin you."

"Where is Katherine?" I asked Van as he looked down refusing to look at me. "No, she can't be."

"I'm sorry," Van said as the power stopped and I crumbled to the ground my heart fracturing.

"Katherine," I wailed as Van knelt in front of me as I buried my face in my hands. "I killed her. I should have saved her!"

"Sapphire you couldn't have changed this," Van said firmly before he turned to my father. I felt Van's magic spreading around us as he killed my father and everyone who was a part of the Brotherhood of Malum. He turned to me as I looked around finding Katherine's body. I pulled her tiny body into my arms. She was still warm and I could almost pretend she was just sleeping.

"I lost everything today," I said with such agony in my body. "My brother and my daughter all because of my father."

"At least Brooke is safe," Van said taking Katherine into his arms. He held my daughter as we walked to the portal in silence. We stepped through as the guards looked sadly at me. Lane rushed forward pulling me into his arms.

"I got you," Lane said as we walked into the palace. I thought it hurt when Van died but this wasn't like anything I had felt before. The pain I felt exceeded anguish and agony. It was more painful than death. I longed for the numbness I had felt with other losses but it never came.

"Where is Brooke?" I asked as a servant brought her to me. I held her in my arms as she touched my tears. I felt the hum of magic on her skin as I held her. The hum that got my family killed. I found myself resenting the hum of magic. I hated Van for giving me his power that I then passed on to the twins. I hated my mother for allowing my father to give me magic and I hated Josh for leaving me alone. I lost them and the only thing that lessened the pain even slightly was anger.

"Sapphire," Van said sensing my pain and my rage I wasn't expressing. "I am sorry that I couldn't save Katherine. I tried but by the time I got there it was too late." I faced him with a glare.

"Then what good are you?!" I snapped harshly as pain flashed in his eyes. "I wasted my immortality on you when I could have given it to Katherine!"

"Sapphire stop," Lane said as I rocked Brooke. "It's not his fault."

"I can't because if I stop it hurts Lane. I lost everything I cared about today. I lost my family the people who would die for me and I would trade places to save!" I gasped as Lane looked at me.

"If it helps to hate me Sapphire do it. I owe everything to you so hate me," Van said with nothing but caring in his gaze.

"I can't move it hurts so much," I whispered as Van stepped toward me. He took Brooke handing her to Lane before pulling me against himself tightly.

"Does this help?" Van asked. I leaned on him trying to push the pain away.

"I need my family," I said softly thinking of Josh. He gave everything for me, he bent his morals to save me, he died for my children. He was what I want to be for my family. I pulled away from Van walking to where they put Katherine's body. I sat next to her picturing the light that connected Van and me. I felt the crackle of light magic as I touched Katherine. I had to save at least one person. I winced as a shooting pain filled my head. I touched under my eye and felt the warm sticky blood signaling too much power for my body.

"Sapphire don't," Lane said but I called more power toward me putting it in Katherine. I let out a muffled cry as the magic started making me dizzy. I was going to save her even if it cost me everything.

"Protect them Lane," I said firmly as the last inch of power entered Katherine. I watched her eyes fly open looking at me before I fell off the chair hitting the ground. Pain radiated bouncing off my skull repeatedly. Lane rushed forward pulling me into his arms.

"No you can't die. You are changing everything and if you die our world will fall into a dark chaos. Van needs you to balance out his darkness Sapphire. Damn it don't leave me," Lane ordered as I smiled weakly at him.

"You left your left side..." was the last thing I said before I was pulled into the calm darkness of death. Hello old friend...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now