Saddest Joy

625 49 1

(Sapphire's POV)
I woke to the smell of bacon floating up the stairs. I hopped out of bed rushing to the kitchen finding Tony cooking breakfast. I felt a small smile playing at my lips as he scrambled around the room frantically.

"Need a hand?" I asked as he looked at me as if just noticing I was here.

"Sapphire go back upstairs I'm making you breakfast in bed," Tony said pointing to the stairs.

"But I'm already down here," I said but all he did was point again. I rolled my eyes making my way upstairs again. I sat on the bed crossing my legs. I looked down at my hand my eyes locked on my ring finger. We are magically joined together.

"Okay now you can eat," Tony said placing the food in front of me. I felt my small smile turn into a huge grin. I picked up a velvet box opening it. I gasp at the beautiful rose engagement ring with a band that looked like little leaves.

"Is this what I think this is?" I asked as he placed it on my finger.

"Will you marry me this time?" Tony asked as I nodded. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him close my lips caressing his. "I was thinking today."

"Are you serious?!" I gasped as he nodded. "Fine just give me an hour. And no stupid superstitions this time."

"Okay I'll leave you to get ready," Tony said planting a quickly kiss on my cheek before rushing out the door. I hopped off the bed not bothering to eat as I conjured a beautiful silk mermaid wedding dress with a plunging neckline and lace over the top. I pulled it on before brushing my hair quickly. I put on a light pink lipstick and mascara with thin layer of eyeliner. I looked in the mirror my breath catching in my chest. I looked beautiful more so than I thought the first time. I pulled on white high heeled sandals before making my way out of my room. I froze seeing Nathan conjuring beautiful flowers leading down the stairs and into the ballroom.

"Wow you look amazing," Nathan said as I blushed.

"Thanks," I smiled as he walked toward me.

"Are you nervous?" Nathan asked me.

"Surprisingly no," I said as Josh half tackled me before pulling me into a tight hug.

"My sister finally can marry the man of her dreams!" Josh said as I looked at him.

"You are such a dork," I smiled when the music starting playing. I took a small breath before taking Josh's arm. I descended the stairs finding Mark and the other guards waiting for me. We walked past them and into the ballroom room. The entire pack faced me as my eyes found Tony. My breathing quickened as we made our way down the isle. The pack melted away until I was Tony and I standing there alone.

"Sapphire looks amazing," I heard the whispers filling the room around me. I reached Tony as Josh handed me to him.

"You look amazing," Tony smiled as I felt a blush creeping across my face.

"Thank you," I said as the Nathan stood in front of us. I was shocked he was performing the ceremony but I was grateful it must be hard for him.

"Sapphire do you take Tony as your mate forever?" Nathan asked as I smiled at Tony.

"Yes I do," I said firmly without fear or hesitation in my voice.

"And do you Tony take Sapphire to be your mate always?" Nathan asked as Tony looked me right in the eyes.

"Yes I will," Tony said as our hands clasped together.

"Are there any objections because if so I'll kick your sorry ass," I burst out laughing as Nathan spoke.

"I thought it fitting," Tony said as I smiled at him.

"I pronounce you mates forever until everything ends," Nathan said as Tony pulled me in for a long slow kiss. I heard cheers erupt around the room as we pulled apart. I walked down the isle with Tony before making our way outside to the reception. I faced Tony as we swayed to the music. I leaned against him as he held me gliding across the dance floor.

"Finally you're mine," Tony said as I looked up into his honey gaze.

"And you are mine," I smiled as he reached up caressing my cheek gently.

"Hey love birds," Josh teased making kissy faces at us. I ignored him continuing to look at my husband's face. Husband such a wonderful word I can now use to describe my love for Tony.

"Tony," a woman said as he stiffened next to me. I pulled away finding a woman with dark hair and dark eyes approaching us.

"Who are you?" I asked softly curious as I hadn't seen her before.

"Mother who invited you?" Tony snapped harshly. I went to shack her hand only for Tony to yank me away from her.

"No one. I was told you were getting married to your mate. I had to see who she was and if she deserves you. I can see she is far below your last one," the woman said coolly. I felt a flare of anger but I contained it as Tony looked like he was going to explode.

"How dare you say that to my wife at our wedding!" Tony growled lunging at her as I held his hand pulling him toward me.

"Tony its fine it doesn't change anything," I whispered to him holding back the tears threatening to slip down my face, stupid hormones. "I love your son that I would die if necessary in fact I nearly did yesterday."

"You aren't even influential in the pack!" She sniped as a few guards looked over.

"Marissa stop!" A council member snapped harshly. "Sapphire is one of the most influential Alpha's in the world right now."

"She isn't an Alpha my son is," Marissa laughed as Tony glanced at me.

"Mom she gave up Alpha to save Jamie," Tony snapped as a single tear slipped down my cheek.

"An Alpha doesn't cry!" Marissa snapped harshly.

"Mom she's pregnant," Tony said as I slipped from Tony's grasp walking toward the house unable to keep it together in this volatile situation. How could she hate me so much when she's never even met me, and why hadn't Tony told me about her...

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