Flame Too Dark

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I paced nervously as Van grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry we will figure this out," Van said as I faced him.

"She's had them for hours and hasn't asked for a single thing," I snapped harshly. "I can't just stand around and wait. I'm going out there to try and find them."

"Sapphire stop," Van said blocking my path. "You froze when you saw Lane why would you leaving make the situation better?"

"Van I can't lose them. I just can't," I muttered tears brimming my eyes.

"I'll go to her," Van said kissing my cheek before walking out the front door. I stepped onto the balcony my power rattling inside me. My power was bouncing inside me as I was losing control of myself. I launched my magic into the sky releasing my fear. Once the magic stopped all that was left was anger and that anger fueled my power. I gasped as I felt a pain in my stomach. I stumbled back from the railing. I knew someone was hurt and exactly where they were. I teleported to them my heart froze as I saw Van bleeding out before my eyes. I saw Taylor holding the twins. She forced him to give his life for them.

"Leave him alone and you can have me," I said as she smirked at me.

"You were all I wanted anyway," she snapped as I walked toward her slowly. I sent my magic into Van healing him before getting on my knees. I faced Van as Taylor held a gun to my head.

"I love you Van Lucian and don't you forget!" I said as his eyes landed on me.

"Taylor please," Van begged for my life as I felt a power filling my body but this power was different. This power was familiar and I knew it was the ancestors giving me the strength I needed to fight to stay alive for Van and the twins. "She is something special and you killing her won't make me love you."

"Taylor if you are a good person at all you will let me live, for my children," I whispered as she shifted clearly debating what to do.

"Like you who walked away from Van once he was happy with me," she growled grabbed my hair.

"I tried to walk away but Van wanted me to stay," I said softly as Van looked confused unable to hear our conversation. "I'm sorry if our relationship hurt you but I can't stop loving him just as he can't let me go."

"What makes you so perfect for him?!" She spat as I felt his power reaching toward me.

"We are the same. He is dark in the same way as I am dark but we are both light. We balance each other. When I first came here I couldn't control my magic but over time I gained control because we were close," I said softly. "He is the one and I fought death to be with him. I died and he died and both times I cheated death bringing him and I back together."

"He is everything I wanted," Taylor said a tear falling down her face. "He didn't see me until you were gone."

"He wasn't meant to see you," I whispered as she released me tossing the gun to the side. She crumbled to the ground in a pile of tears. The twins ran to Van as I stood up. I walked into his arms burying my face in his chest as tears spilled down my face.

"Don't do that again," Van whispered as I laughed.

"No promises, I will give my life for you always," I smiled as he caressed my cheek.

"And I will always sacrifice myself for you," Van said firmly as we each carried one twin teleporting back to the palace. "How did you find us anyway?" We put the twins down letting them run off to play.

"I felt your pain the minute you tried to give your life for the twins," I said as he took my hand in his.

"I think you never changed fate but followed its plan all along," Van said. "We were meant to meet and to fall in love. You changed the world Sapphire and added a little bit more light to the world." My lips parted slightly as he spoke. Once he stopped talking I wrapped my arms around him pressing my lips to his firmly and hungrily. Fire rushed across my lips entering my body sending my heart racing. Van's hands snaked themselves around my waist pulling me tightly against his body. "Man I should compliment you more often."

"Did I mention the fact that I love you?" I beamed as he shook his head.

"Never," he teased as we walked into the palace. He was mine and I was his.

"You are a terrible liar," I smirked.

"You just might have to straighten me out then," he said as I laughed.

"In your dreams," I said as he spun me around quickly my smile fading as our lips were inches apart. My breath hitched in my chest as our eyes looked into each other's and it wasn't just looked but saw through all the way to each other's soul. It was as if we were totally connected in this moment. His hands slid up my arms causing my heart to jump. It was a game how close we could be without kissing. He wanted to affect me like this. I reached up touching his cheek lightly, two could play at this game. I felt his heart beating erratically in his chest. After a moment I pulled away walking away from him. I gave him a sultry look over my shoulder before disappearing around a corner.

"Damn you win," he called rushing after me. His arms wrapped around me pulling my lips onto his. The spark heightened my joy of winning our little game. We finally pulled apart and we were both grinning.

"I love you so much I can't always think straight," I smiled as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"You hold way too much power over me Sapphire," he said as I laughed. I was growing hopelessly, unchangeably, attached to Van Lucian...

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