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I woke to the guards and no one else. I got out of bed walking to Van's closet. I looked to find several silk dresses to choose from. I pulled out a golden silk slip before walking into the bathroom to put it on. I fixed my hair walking toward the door pulling it open. I stepped into the hallway the guards flanking me as I wondered around. I reached the room where the party was but it was empty. I stopped in my tracks as a scream echoed across the palace. The guards grabbed hold of my arms quickly pulling me toward a strategic vantage point.

"What was that?" I gasped when I felt Van's magic hit me like a shockwave. It wasn't close by but it was a substantial amount of energy. He was being attacked. I wanted to rush toward where he was but that would only put him at risk. I was one of the few mortals in this realm.

"Stay hidden," a guard said pushing me behind a statue as the doors burst open. I covered my mouth as the guards started fighting the man. I could see an energy field around the man. It was so dark and so evil I wondered if he had the power to kill the four guards with me.

"Where is she?" The man said killing three of the guards as a tear fell down my face. The final guard trembled with fear but he never gave me up.

"Please I have kids," he said as I looked down trying not to move but I felt guilt over his family losing him.

"Tell me where she is and I'll let you live," the man snapped his eyes glowing red. I watched as he pulled out a knife holding it to the guard's throat. I couldn't just watch as he killed the guard so I did the unthinkable. My feet carried me out from behind the statue catching the man's attention.

"Leave him alone and I'll go with you," I said no hint of the fear I felt.

"Come child," the man said beckoning me forward. I took slow calculated steps toward the man.

"Tell Van don't be stupid," I said firmly to the guard taking the man's hand as he pulled me quickly down the hall and out the front door. I gasped as I felt a burst of magic flow through me but I fought it continuing to follow the man. He dragged me through the city only stopping when a child blocked our path. He took aim and the child without hesitation. "No!" I screamed pushing him saving the child. He growled sending his magic into me. I let out a whimper as he dragged me into the woods.

"It shouldn't take long for Van to realize his best guards he left with you are dead," the man said gripping my left wrist tightly in his hand.

"Who are you?" I asked as he laughed.

"The only person who could challenge Van, we are two of ten immortals in this realm. Surprisingly he couldn't help but fall in love with someone I could hurt," the man said as I glared at him.

"That doesn't tell me who you are," I snapped harshly as he looked at me. He grabbed my face looking into my eyes.

"You have his magic, I can see it in your eyes," he said as I pulled away.

"He will kill you," I growled as he smirked.

"He can't, I'm more skilled which is how I got you. Did you enjoy the party?" He asked as I looked at him. The man who tried to kill me was following his orders.

"Your man learn of my power the hard way," I said firmly as he looked at me. "He fired an arrow at me which I stopped easily."

"He wasn't supposed to touch you I'll have to remind people what happens when you ignore orders," the man snapped as I crossed my arms. My mouth parted slightly as I felt Van's magic touch my arm. It kept coming entering my body. I fell to my knees as pain radiated through my body. "Oh shit!"

"I warned you," I muttered launching my magic into him blasting him through a tree. He glared at me using his magic to push against me. I refused to give in so I used more and more power. It felt as if there was no end to the magic. I gasped as our magic exploded launching fire into the air. We were an even match now that I had Van's power assisting me. The man grew angry using every ounce of his power on me. I winced before closing my eyes. I used my instincts to fight him. I thought of Van picturing him as I used the power. I held out my hand calling to the man's energy pulling it into my body.

"Stop!" He snapped but I felt the magic strengthening me the more I used it. I gasped as I felt a sharp pain as I opened my eyes. I touched under my eye finding blood. The power was too much. "Stop now or you won't make it. Your body is mortal and easily burns out with this level of power!"

"I have no choice in this," I breathed before collapsing onto the hard ground. The man approached picking me up not bothering to heal me as he carried me. I hung limp in his arms as we approached a building. He walked inside putting me on a couch.

"What happened?" A woman asked seeing me on the sofa.

"She attacked me with more magic than her body could handle," he snapped as she touched a cut on his left eyebrow. I felt my heart slowing as black spots filled my vision. I was dying and he didn't care. I felt Van's magic rush from my body quickly returning to him. I hoped Van would stay away no matter what. I felt myself get swallowed by the darkness as I slipped into unconsciousness...

Thank you again for the 600 plus reads and over 30 votes. I hope that you all have a wonderful day and this second post in one day is my way of saving thank you.

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now