Take Flight

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I woke in a bed fully healed with Charles next to me.

"Stupid girl I have magic and healers everywhere," Charles snapped as I glared.

"Sir the army in on the horizon," a guard said as he scooped me into his arms flying high into the sky above the army.

"Call for him," Charles ordered but I kept my mouth shut. "Fine I'll call him myself. Van look what I have!"

"Put her down Charles," Van yelled his eyes locking onto us.

"Send the army away and I will," Charles growled. He knew Van wouldn't leave my safety to chance by sending an army here alone, he knew Van would come.

"No," I called to Van tears spilling down my face.

"Go home guys," Van said never taking his eyes off me. I felt an idea pop into my head. If our powers we linked I might be able to use his to break the ropes. I felt the hum of magic running through Van as I felt the ropes stretching until I could slip them off. I quickly pushed myself from Charles's arms using my magic to slow my fall. I landed next to Van turning my full power plus the little bit I took from Van on Charles.

"You want power you got it!" I snarled as he plummeted toward the ground before exploding. I gasped the power shifting causing me to fall to my hands and knees. I gasped my chest tightened as Van looked at me with concern. I felt the power strangling me from the inside. "Can't stop," I choked out as Van knelt down in front of me cupping my cheeks.

"You can do this Sapphire," Van said looking at me but I was starting to feel dizzy.

"Love," was all I could say before Van started to pull the magic from my body. I felt my chest lightening as I took a small breath. Van kept pulling the power into his body until I was breathing normally.

"Sapphire are you okay now?" Van asked as I nodded leaning into him.

"Was that the person who attacked at the party?" I asked as Van stiffened signaling no. "Why did Charles need me to get to you?"

"I'm immortal Sapphire and they only way I can die is to give myself for another. We should go back," he said quickly lifting me walking to the car. He placed me in the backseat before sitting next to me. "Sapphire."

"Yes?" I said as he looked at me.

"When you said love what did you mean?" He asked as I looked at him.

"I was wondering if you loved me. Charles said you never cared until he took me so you must have feelings for me," I said as he looked at me.

"I wanted to give you space but yes I have developed feelings for you. I don't know if it's love but it definitely is feelings," Van said softly as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I think I have feelings too," I muttered as he grabbed my hand.

"We will figure it out together," Van said as we reached the palace. We got out walking inside. I felt Van's arms wrap around me his lips pressing against mine. I was shocked but didn't pull away as an electricity flooded my system.

"Sapph," I pulled away from Van finding Eric standing there.

"Eric," I gasped as we stood eyes locked unmoving. "What are you doing here and how did you get here?!"

"I came to find you. Something felt wrong so I came. I shouldn't have left, I can't believe you moved on not even two days after I left!" Eric snapped as I stepped toward him wanting to take his pain away before stopping. I wasn't with him anymore he doesn't get to be hurt by this.

"You left Eric and never even hesitated. It was clear to me you no longer loved me like I loved you!" I snapped as Van took my hand trying to calm me.

"How did you move on so fast huh?" Eric demanded as I glared.

"We share the same power. My parents used his power to give me extra magic," I said as Eric looked angry. He lunged at Van tackling him. I gasped grabbing Eric's arm as he hit Van repeatedly. He swung his hand connecting with my cheek knocking me to the ground. I cupped my cheek as blood dripped down my face. Van seeing me hurt quickly used his full strength to pin Eric to the ground.

"Sapphire," Van said as the guards grabbed Eric. Van helped me to my feet touching my wound healing it completely.

"I'm okay," I whispered as Van put his arm on my waist holding me tightly against him as if Eric would get free and hurt me.

"Lock him up I'll deal with him later," Van snapped as they dragged Eric away. "Your Ex?"

"You have no idea," I said as Van led me to his room.

"What would you like done to him?" Van asked as I sighed.

"Send him back and make sure he can't return I guess. Don't hurt him please," I said unable to think of hurting him yet. There was too much history not to care for Eric. I think that's part of the problems with Eric and me at this point. We had too much in our past for either of us to be happy together. I left him, he left me, twice. He tried to kill me it's just too hard to be with him. A relationship isn't supposed to feel this difficult its supposed to feel natural.

"Okay but get some rest you had a long day," Van said as I climbed into his bed slipping my shoes off. "I'll leave four guards to protect you."

"Van hurry back," I whispered as two guards stood in the room one on the balcony and one outside the door.

"Goodnight Sapphire," Van said kissing my forehead leaving me to deal with his business. I shut my eyes thinking of the twins and Josh, I missed them as I drifted into a deep sleep exhausted from the day's events.

Oh my gosh you guys are amazing. Thank you so much for over 600 reads. I am glad you guys enjoy my story. Thank you for the votes for adding my story to your reading lists. This part of the story is for all of you!!

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now