Til Death Do Us Part

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"Sapphire," Van said taking my hand. I looked up at him my heart reaching for him. He pulled me to my feet caressing my cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said tears rushing down my ghostly face. He shook his head holding tightly to my hand.

"Sapphire you have nothing to be sorry for. You couldn't have known," Van said firmly.

"I missed you," I said as he pressed his lips to mine. I felt a warm glow followed by the hum of magic. I knew he was slipping away from me. "No I don't want to leave you!"

"You must for our child and the twins," Van said to me as he faded from view...

My eyes flew open as I blasted Elle away from me. Her eyes widened in shock.

"That's not possible you didn't have a heart beat!" She screamed angrily. I stood knocking Nathan across the room. This is why the twins were brought here, Nathan wanted his children. I couldn't help but wonder how Elle managed to bring him back from the dead.

"If you had a family you would know that death isn't forever," I growled but knew it only applied to somethings, Van was never coming back. I felt Van's magic dancing across my skin. He was giving me the strength I needed to fight for the twins.

"Sapphire you are evil and must be stopped. You nearly killed Elle after she helped you," Nathan yelled. He clearly was too blind to see she was the monster in this scenario. I felt the darkness I had been using fade as Van's light magic boosted my own. I launched it at Elle sending her into Nathan's arms. They landed on the floor groaning.

"Look again Nathan, she is the evil one. She wanted my power so she could control people," I said to him. No matter what Nathan has done to me I still cared for him. He was like a brother to me and he tried to kill me twice.

"Liar, I don't believe you. How could you lie about this?" Nathan screamed as tears spilled down my face. He couldn't see it and he never would.

"Nathan damn it I care about you," I sobbed as Elle stood behind him a sick smirk on her face. She enjoyed manipulating people into hurting each other. "Please don't make me do this." Nathan paused a moment of inner conflict filling his grey gaze.

"Nathan I'm scared," Elle said weakly though her eyes said a different story. She knew Nathan was losing his will to attack me. I backed toward the railing as they kept coming at me. My back pressed into the railing and I knew there was no escaping this.

"Once you realize she's bad I forgive you for anything that happens today," I said shutting my eyes unwilling to make this harder on Nathan. I felt his hand touch mine as he started to dig through my memories until he found what happened the night Elle tried to kill me. He pulled back startled as my eyes opened. I walked toward him pulling him behind me to try my best to protect him from Elle who just realized what happened. Her eyes went hard as she tried to hit Nathan with her magic. I jumped in front of Nathan blocking her blow.

"How did you steal him?!" She spat as I pushed her away.

"By telling the truth. Nathan no matter how he feels about me will always yearn for the truth," I said softly.

"You both are dead you know!" She yelled as I put up a barrier. Her power bounced off it knocking her off her feet.

"Where are they and does she know?" I asked Nathan as I struggled against her magic.

"No she doesn't and they are safe," Nathan said taking my hand giving me his magic to boost my own.

"I promise you I will kill everyone you love," Elle said her blue eyes turned a murky black color. Something was wrong with her, she was evil before but now something was using her.

"Who are you?" I demanded as a smile played at her lips.

"You're not gonna like it," she mocked before crashing through the barrier knocking me to the ground. Her hands wrapped around my throat cutting off my airway. I struggled under her trying to get free. Nathan ran toward us but hit a magical wall keeping him away. I wasn't the one who made it but I was grateful. Elle would kill him without even flinching. I kicked up tossing her off me.

"Who are you?" I screamed getting to my feet.

"Little bird," she smiled as my heart stopped. Martin used Elle to come for me to make me pay. I was finally happy and Martin couldn't stand that.

"Martin," I said harshly. I watched as Elle's body formed the shape of Martin. I took a step back fear rushing through me. Martin knew I was supposed to be with Van and that I didn't deserve true happiness.

"Natalie," Martin smirked as he approached me. "You look amazing. Grief suits you." He was mocking my pain and loving how sad I appeared.

"You caused this," I said softly as he stepped closer to me. I refused to be afraid of him as I pushed it aside. His lips were inches from mine but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of making me uncomfortable. He took a step back looking at me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked momentarily confused by my reaction to him.

"Nothing you couldn't have stopped," I said thinking of Van, he could have saved Van.

"How so?" He asked as my anger flared. I hit him with my power knocking him off his feet.

"You could have left Van out of this," I screamed as he laughed.

"There's the Nat I fell in love with," he said as I slapped him. He was doing everything in his ability to see just how much he hurt me. How could Martin be so evil? When I thought Van would be happier without me, I walked away but Martin didn't love me enough to let me go. This was ending with his death or my own...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now