Save Him

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I gasped as Tony smacked me across the face again. I got to my feet shifting into Lycan form when I heard chanting. I winced as I felt the bond grow stronger and I knew why he brought me here. He was going to force the bond into submission. He needed me in my weakest form with less witch magic to fight with. I shifted human quickly only to be launched into a tree. I gasped spitting up my crimson blood.

"Stop fighting the magic," Tony ordered but I just laughed.

"I'll fight you to the day I die," I spat getting to my feet shakily. He ran at me but I used my powers to lift him into the air.

"Sapphire," I heard Eric's voice now barely a whisper. He was hurt badly and it was Tony's fault. Rage filled my body attacking the already frayed bond between Tony and I. I knew the rose had vanished as Tony's eyes became darker and angrier.

"Tony please, you can stop all this," I pleaded for him to see reason. He smiled enjoying my pain and it was then that I knew it was too late for him. Tears cascaded my cheeks as I looked up at the man I used to love. I was going to end his life here and not full understand what happened. "I love you," I whispered shutting my eyes tightly unable to watch as I pushed my full magic into him. I felt his life fade as I continued forcing the powers into him. I opened my eyes once I felt he was dead before rushing toward Eric. I found him on the brink of death, the scent of his blood causing me to gag.

"Sapph," he started when I was hit from behind. I hit the ground pain radiating off my skull. I touched my head feeling my warm sticky blood as I rolled over to find Amber. I tried to use my magic but couldn't focus on the magic as my vision blurred. Eric reached for me. Amber grabbed my ankle trying to pull me away from Eric. I quickly reached up grabbing his hand a burst of magic rushing from my body. I watched as Eric's wounds closed as Amber pulled me out of Eric's reach.

"Why you?" Amber growled her eyes giving off the same red glow as Tony's. I was puzzled by the change in her demeanor. She was selfless before now she was dangerously selfish fighting over a dead man.

"Amber stop," I whispered as she straddled me her hand wrapping around my throat. She started squeezing tightly cutting off my airway. I grabbed her arm trying to push her off me but she just squeezed harder. My lungs screamed for air as spots filled my vision. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness when suddenly she was ripped away from me. I coughed sucking in as much air as possible. I got to my feet quickly stopping Eric from killing her. "She's the only way to figure out what happened."

"Did you get the twins?" He asked as I looked at her.

"You won't find them," she laughed as I smacked her.

"Where are they?!" I growled as she rolled her eyes. I hit her over the head knocking her out. Eric scooped her up as we made our way back to the clearing. I froze as we reached the empty clearing no sign of Tony's body. "That's not possible."

"What?" Eric asked as fear prickled my skin.

"I killed Tony right there," I said as Eric grabbed my arm teleporting the three of us home quickly. Eric tossed Amber on the ground snapping the Lycan handcuffs on her. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of the twins. Eric rushed to me pulling me into his arms as I sobbed. "They could be in those woods freezing."

"There isn't anything that can be done in the dark," Eric said softly as I pulled out of his arms.

"We just left them there!" I yelled harshly. I knew he was right but I couldn't live with the fact that this may kill them.

"Sapph," Nathan said catching my attention. We shared a look that said it all, we were going to find them together. I walked toward him as Eric grabbed my arm.

"At least let me come," Eric sighed as he put Amber into the basement before returning to the living room. He took my hand as the three of us teleported to the clearing. It was still dark but between the three of us we could create enough light to see more than before. I took a deep breath trying to pick up the twins scent but all I got was the smell of blood. "Sapphire."

"What is it?" I asked as Eric pointed at magical markers on every tree for miles.

"Did you hear chanting when you entered the clearing?" Eric asked as I thought of my fight with Tony.

"No but when I was in my Lycan form I did," I muttered as Eric sighed.

"Did you give in?" He asked his eyes trying to mask his pain.

"No I shifted human and that's when the rose disintegrated," I said as he looked relieved. "What is it?"

"Old magic, darker magic than I have considered using. The Magi used it on their enemies to either kill them or control them," Eric said as I looked at him.

"What's a Magi?" I asked as he looked around the clearing.

"Very dangerous people, we should go like now," Eric said his eyes filling with panic.

"But what about the twins," I said when he faced me. He was the most powerful person I had ever met and even he was afraid of the Magi. He had two of the strongest witches and still Eric was panicking.

"Sapphire you don't get it I can't protect you here," Eric said firmly when suddenly the ground beneath us exploded launching us in opposite directions...

Thank you guys so much we just passed 500 reads. Thank you all for reading my story and for continuing to read it. I am far from finishing this book. This book started out as fun and it became so much more. Thank you all for everything so this part is for you guys!

Gemini LycansΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα