Eric Come Back

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I rushed Eric to the hospital as he still hadn't woken up several days later. I felt overwhelming fear of losing both versions of Eric.

"What's wrong with him?" I said when the doctor came in.

"We aren't sure but he is in a coma," the doctor said as I fought back tears. "There was a lot of blood on his shirt but he had no wounds."

"We were cleaning a few deer we killed when he collapsed," I lied quickly as the guards stood outside the door waiting for me to come out. I was lucky I even was able to bring him home by myself.

"Oh that was all the blood. I thought you guys killed someone," the doctor laughed before exiting the room. Tears poured down my face as I gripped his hand. Normally I could just heal him but since coming back I haven't been able to heal anyone.

"Eric come back please. I came back for you now it's your turn," I said softly. I looked at his body with tubes all over. It was hard to look at him like this. He was so strong but now he could easily be injured.

"Ms. Drew you should let us take you home. Eric wouldn't want you to stay here," one guard said as I looked at him.

"But Eric would have stayed with me," I said when I felt magic shoot up my arm. I gasped pulling my hand from his as I stood. "Guys he can hear me."

"How can you tell?" The guard asked.

"His magic rushed through me," I gasped when the guard looked skeptical. "I show you." I said conjuring a small flame. "Eric is you can hear me do it again." I gasped as the flame grew almost out of control.

"Holy shit," the guard said as I sat down determined to stay with him.

"Eric you have to come back," I whispered as the memory of my arrival at the house floated back to me.

Flashback one day ago
"Did Eric wake up yet?" I asked through the closed bathroom door as I looked at the pregnancy test in my hand.

"No Ms. Drew," the guard yelled through the door. I gasped as the familiar double lines appeared signaling the test was positive. I put my hands on the counter steadying myself.

"We have to take him to the hospital," I said after a moment. I can't be pregnant, not now.
End of flashback
"Please wake up. I have something important to talk about," I whispered getting up. I walked toward the guards. "Two of you should stay and the third come back with me."

"Yes Ms. Drew," the guards said as I headed for the elevator. I stood there resisting the urge to cry. My hormones made me more emotional than I usually am. "Are you okay?"

"That's a stupid question," I snapped as the guards knew of the pregnancy.

"Sorry," he said as we got into the SUV driving to my house. We pulled up as I unbuckled my seatbelt rushing inside and to the living room. I paused seeing several of Eric's followers.

"Can I help you?" I snapped causing them to flinch. They had no idea I was vulnerable.

"Sorry but we need to see Eric," they said as I crossed my arms.

"He's busy, he left me in charge!" I growled as they bowed. He actually had them bow?

"The witches are rising again," the first one spoke. I pinched my nose right between my eyes. They were looking to me for an order and I had no idea how to authorize killing thousands.

"What you don't have the power or what?" I demanded as they looked at each other.

"We need you to allow us to kill," the second one said. I laughed knowing what needed to be done to keep my family safe but I also didn't want to hurt people.

"Do it," I said firmly as they vanished. I hated that I told them to kill but Eric would have authorized it so here I was following his wishes.

"You should eat," the guard said handing me a turkey sandwich.

"Thanks," I said eating it quickly. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I walked up to my room collapsing onto the bed taking my shoes off. I rubbed my own feet before laying down. I shut my eyes allowing myself to be swallowed by exhaustion.
When I woke I took a shower before changing my clothes. I had to go see Eric. I rushed down the stairs only to find the followers from earlier.

"It was a success," the first one said.

"Good," I snapped harshly. I dismissed them before finding the guard. "We are going to the hospital."

"Okay," the guard said as we walked out the front door and into the car. We drove to the hospital quickly. I got out walking into the cold hospital my heels clicking across the tiles. I turned the corner pressing the up button. The glowing red light making me uneasy. I never understood why a hospital would opt of a red button was it to hide possible blood stains? I got on the elevator riding it to the fourth floor where the coma patients were. I walked to his room stopping in the door way. I still wasn't used to seeing him so frail. I sat in the chair taking his hand hoping he could still hear me. I couldn't keep the pregnancy a secret from him any longer as tears dripped down my cheeks.

"Eric I can't do this with you. I'm pregnant Eric," I said softly as I felt a huge burst of magic. I hoped the magic would be enough to heal him. I struggled to conjure the power to heal him but eventually I did. I watched his eyes fly open. I pressed the nurse call button quickly. The nurse followed by a doctor raced into the room. They pulled the tube out quickly and checked his vitals.

"Sapphire," Eric said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Eric I thought I lost you for good," I said with tears in my eyes. I looked at him and began to realize he was still filled with Magi magic and not quite himself.

"Don't worry I'll make sure you and the baby are completely safe," Eric said as I nodded. The doctor excused herself as I helped Eric get up. We had to get out of here before they asked too many questions.

"Teleport now!" I said as he held my waist teleporting us home. I was so close to getting him back but I would have to settle for the dark half I got back. Even his evil half was worth everything to me. He was my eternity...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now