Stay for Me

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It had been a few weeks and still I was miserable. I found myself thinking of Tony wondering what he was doing without me. Surprisingly Nathan decided to make San Diego his new home as to help with our children.

"Sapphire," Amber called from the living room. I walked down the stairs and into the living room quickly.

"Yeah?" I asked as she faced me.

"He's here," Amber said pointing out the window. I walked over to it my heart racing as my eyes locked onto Tony. He was getting out of the SUV and walking right toward the house. I felt a mixture of sadness but also hope that he really loved me. I looked at my ring finger which was bare except for the thorn mark linking Tony and I. I made my way toward the entryway as Amber followed. I heard Tony knocking on the door. I motioned for Amber to get it wanting to see what he would do. Amber groaned pulling the door open facing him.

"Tony," Amber smiled as he looked at her.

"Amber," Tony said softly not stepping toward her. "I know Sapphire's here, let me see her."

"I don't think she wants to see you. She was a mess when she got here and she is barely holding it together thanks to Nathan," Amber said firmly as Tony stiffened.

"Nathan came," Tony said and I could see it in his eyes that he was shocked. I could feel his panic with a hit of jealousy at Nathan being here.

"Sapphire," Nathan called as I faced him. I her Amber yelling at Tony to stop as I spun to find him a few feet away.

"Sapph," Tony said his eyes locking on mine. My breath hitched as we stared at each other neither of us moving.

"It's fine Amber," I said dismissing her from the room. Nathan came up behind me glaring at Tony.

"Sapphire please let me in. I miss you," Tony said his eyes filling with pain. I looked down knowing that he loved Amber and that I couldn't be his second choice, I deserved to be loved.

"Tony can you honestly tell me that you wouldn't go to Amber if she asked?" I demanded harshly tears filling my violet gaze.

"Sapphire it won't be a problem if you come back with me," Tony said and I felt myself wanting to say yes.

"Tony that won't solve anything!" I snapped as he reached for me. I stepped back keeping him at a distance, I knew if he held me I wouldn't be able to make responsible choices. "Amber loves you she just doesn't want kids but maybe some day she will come for you and Jamie. I can't live with that hanging over my head."

"Sapphire please," Tony begged as I looked at him.

"Tony please stop. I don't want to love you!" I said softly tears staining my cheeks as he looked sadly at me. "If you keep trying to get me I will come back but if I do you need to make sure you want me and only me."

"Sapphire," Tony said stepping toward me grabbing me. I felt a rush of heat enter my body as he pressed his lips firmly to mine. Tears poured down my face as my heart raced. I pulled away quickly looking up at him.

"I hate you," I sobbed knowing that I loved him even when I knew he loved Amber. "Do you care so little for me that you are going to keep trying to catch me even when you don't want me?!"

"Sapphire I love you," Tony said as I tapped into his emotions. It was true he loved me but I could still tell he loved Amber most.

"Tony it's not enough," I gasped as Nathan took my arm. "Tony go!"

"Sapphire stay for me!" Tony said as I started to walk away. I paused feeling my heart urging me toward him but my head was telling me to run. My love for Tony was tearing me apart shredding me from the inside. Our relationship has become toxic on every level putting our own needs above each other's needs.

"Stay away for me," I said as he stayed silent not moving away. "Just go Tony."

"Sapphire," Tony said as Nathan rushed past me grabbing Tony.

"She asked you to leave!" Nathan growled pushing him out the front door locking it. I broke down in sobs as Nathan faced me. He walked to me pulling me into his arms.

"I can't handle this. I can handle hunters and evil family members but a husband who loves another and won't let go. I can't handle any of this," I gasped feeling my agony as Nathan tried desperately to calm me.

"Sapphire it's okay to not be able to handle it," Nathan said softly which only made me feel guilty for my inability to love him.

"I'm an Alpha who loves someone who can't choose me. Nathan I know you love me and it would be simple if I loved you but I don't. I wish I loved you the way you love me," I whispered pulling away looking up at his kind grey eyes.

"I didn't come here for you to love me. I came here to help you through this," Nathan said softly as I faced him. "I know you don't love me like that anymore. You haven't loved me like that since before Tony."

"Nathan you will find someone and she will cherish you always," I said softly walking away from him quickly. I rushed up the stairs and into my room shutting the door. I locked it sliding to the floor thinking of Tony. He not only broke me but now refuses to leave me alone in my grief. How could I mean so little to him. I knew he didn't love me as much as he should but to continually rip my wounds open for his own selfish reasons is angering. Why couldn't he love me?

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now