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"Sapphire are you coming to the party? I know you hated those things when you were trapped here," Eric asked as I faced him.

"Is it a masquerade ball?" I asked as he held up a black porcelain mask with silver accents along the edges. I grabbed it putting it on my face.

"I'm glad you are coming," Eric smiled as I ran to the closet. I ripped several dresses out of the closet before deciding on a black sexy lace dress with a slit up the side and a plunging neckline. I pulled the dress on before placing my mask on my face. I looked in the mirror with a smile. "I knew that mask would go well with your eyes."

"So what about Jamie?" I asked him. I walked toward him taking his arm.

"She will be with my most loyal follower playing games," Eric smiled as we made our way to the top of the stairs. His followers faced us as we descended the stairs. Once we reached the bottom several people rushed toward us including the old woman who tried to kill Eric.

"Sapphire you look lovely," the woman said pulling me aside.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she looked at me sadly.

"I warned you that Tony and you were destined to break up. You failed to listen," she said as I looked at her.

"If you think I'm trapped you are mistaken. I chose to be here with him," I snapped causing her eyes to widen.

"If that is the case my entire coven will come for you both. You two could destroy everything!" The woman snapped harshly. I rolled my eyes trying desperately not to use my dark powers on her. I turned to walk away when I felt a jolt of magic rush through me before everything went black...
(Eric's POV)
I looked around the party trying to find Sapphire before I looked around the rest of the house.

"Have you seen Sapphire?" I asked Joe but he shook his head. The more people I asked the more I got worried. It wasn't like her to vanish without warning. I began running frantically through the hallways checking every room. I stopped cold in the entryway. The front door was open and Sapph's mask was on the driveway. I reached out trying to find her with my magic but all I got was silence. Sapphire where are you?
(Sapphire's POV)
I woke in a car my hands tied together with a gag in my mouth. I squirmed but for some reason the more I tried to use magic the more the ropes tightened. I looked out the window but the only thing I saw was grass for miles.

"Betty Do you think he'll come for her?" A man asked the woman who took me.

"Brody he will always come for her," Betty said as they continued down the road. "She is his only weakness." I struggled harder against the ropes knowing I needed to protect Eric. I winced as the rope bit into my skin sending a few drops of blood down my milky white flesh.

"Why would he come for her?" Brody asked as she laughed.

"Because she was designed to be his undoing. When she died the ancestors manipulated her to make her irresistible to him. For that reason she couldn't be with Tony anymore," Betty said as tears slipped down my cheeks. I felt Eric's magic calling to me but I tried my best to push it away knowing the only reason they didn't kill me was to kill him too.

"Is she really that special we had to take her at a crowded party?" Body asked as Betty nodded.

"She has the power to change the world. If we let her stay with him they would be unstoppable but apart they are worthless," Betty said as the car stopped. I watched as Brody got out walking to my door. He opened it reaching for me. I struggled against his hold as he laughed.

"You realize you could get hurt right," Brody said throwing me over his shoulder. He walked to an altar tossing me at the base of it. "You will give off your location no matter if you want to."

"Pull the gag off," Betty said as Brody pulled it out of my mouth.

"Go to hell," I spat angrily. Brody struck me across the face sending me to the ground. I winced before facing Brody.

"You are lucky we haven't killed you," Brody snapped as I glared at him.

"Kill me!" I growled as Betty started chanting. I felt a scream rip through my body as my body begged for the pain to stop. The screams didn't stop until Betty stopped chanting. She walked toward me holding a knife. She pulled the blade across my hand before pressing my hand against the rock. I could barely move as my body was still in immense agony. Betty tossed me into Brody's arms as he pressed the cool knife to my neck.

"I can't wait to kill you. Someone as evil as you are, it's been amazing watching you suffer," Brody whispered in my ear. I felt tears rush down my face as we waited for Eric to show. We didn't have to wait long before he appeared before us.

"Eric please go!" I begged as he looked at me.

"You'll die," he began but I cut him off.

"The ancestors made me to be your weakness," I said as Brody nicked my throat causing me to stop talking. Eric stiffened his eyes going from concern to rage. I shut my eyes hoping he would leave.

"Leave and I'll kill her!" Brody yelled as my heart cracked. I opened my eyes finding Eric standing there watching us. I tried my powers but the knife only shot magic into me.

"Sapphire I can't leave you to die," Eric said as I looked at him sadly.

"You don't have a choice," I whispered launching myself forward into the blade. I gasped as blood gushed from my wound and Brody stared in disbelief.

"Oh shit," Brody said trying to dodge a spell headed straight at him. I watched the spell strike him causing him to erupt in flames. Eric then faced Betty as she sent a wave of magic at him. He laughed blocking her powers with one hand before launching more magic at her. Eric proceeded to rush to my side as my vision blurred.

"I couldn't let you die," I whispered stroking his cheek before he faded from view. I couldn't let him die...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now