Tick Tick Tick

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I sat in the cell time passing slowly by me. The only time I saw anyone was when they brought me food. Today lunch was a brown blob that I couldn't identify and yesterday it was a green one. I poked at it but finally decided to try and eat it as my stomach grumbled. I took a bite and nearly spit it out, it tasted like vomit. The door was pulled open.

"Mr. Zayn would like to see you," the man said as I stood up. I gasped as my clothes turned into a stunning maroon tight floor length dress with a plunging neckline. I followed the man down a dark hallway into a dining room. The room had a dark wooden floor with red walls. There was a romantic table waiting for me. I was puzzled as Cam said I would be dead in a few more weeks. I had three weeks left and it scared me. I pushed the thought from my mind. I saw Cam as he pulled the chair out for me. I sat down staying quiet.

"You look stunning in that dress," he said as I glanced at him a hint of a blush on my face. I was angry that I had blushed at his compliment.

"Why am I here?" I asked as a plate of spaghetti was set in front of me.

"You are here to eat and relax," Cam said as I looked at the food. I wanted nothing more than to eat it but all I could think of was Van. Was Van getting food?

"How is Van?" I asked not even reaching for silverware.

"He's fine," Cam said tightly as he clamped his jaw down.

"Look it's nice you are giving me good food but I'm not hungry," I said when my stomach growled. Cam looked at me knowing I had lied to him. "I don't want your food, I want to see my husband!"

"This is how you repay my gift by refusing and demanding to see a murderer," he snapped as I glared at him.

"Yes as you are going to kill me when I have done nothing to you," I sniped as he snapped his fingers. My lips parted slightly as Van was tossed into the room. I made a move to get up when Cam pointed for me to stay where I was. Van's eyes locked on me as he got to his feet slowly.

"Sapph," Van breathed as I wanted to rush into his arms.

"Now eat!" Cam snarled as I picked up my fork putting some spaghetti into my mouth. I picked up the wineglass taking a sip before I returned to the spaghetti and soon I finished the food on my plate. I finished the red wine as Van stood and watched. Van took a step toward me but was stopped by a soldier. "No touching." I was confused, why couldn't we touch? I looked at Van as we understood perfectly. We were both longing to be together but we were also thinking of why he would be so afraid we would touch.

"Dinner was nice," I said as a piece of cake was placed in front of me. It was a three layer chocolate cake. It looked so good. I took a huge mouth full and I was right, it was so delicious. I ate more and more until the piece was gone. I watched as a glass of milk was placed next to me. I drank it glad to have something to wash the cake down with.

"I'm pleased you liked it. Would you like to have meals with me every day?" Cam asked as I looked at Van.

"Will Van be there?" I asked as he paused contemplating.

"Fine," he said as I stood. "You won't be returning to you cell."

"Sapphire I love you," Van yelled as I was led from the room. I walked down a long narrow hallway taking two rights and a left before I was led into a lavish room. There was a bed with dark purple satin sheets and a bookcase filled with books. I walked to another door which led to a large bathroom with a hot tub in it. I also had a closet filled with fancy dresses. Again I was troubled by Cam going out of his way to make me comfortable when I was to die soon. I sat on the bed after the man left and wept. I cried for my family who wouldn't even be aware of my death, I sobbed for Van as he was going to watch me die. I was painfully aware of the ticking of the clock on the wall. Tick tick tick as it counted down the time I had left.

"Magnus I'm sorry I couldn't find my happy ending," I whispered thinking of the man who made my life possible. "I tried so hard to make a life for myself and I couldn't even be with the man I loved. I'm not going to see my brother's children being born. I must be cursed to love a man I could never have, first Eric then Nathan and Tony now Van. How could I forget that I am cursed?"

"This is not the woman I saved," Magnus's voice filled the room. "The woman I saved wouldn't give up. She wouldn't walk away from love and she would kick fate in the mouth to be with the one she loved."

"But how?" I questioned.

"Sapphire Lucian you are the light in the world and you are strong. You have used ancient magic and you need to remember if you are to save yourself and Van," Magnus said.

"I don't know how to do this," I whispered standing up wiping the tears away.

"The thing you want is always the hardest to get. Fight for him Sapph and your body will recall the power that is forgotten and will use it with ease," Magnus's voice started to fade.

"I will try," I whispered walking to the glass door leading to the balcony. I stepped out onto it leaning on the railing. I watching as the sun lowered toward the horizon. It was a once beautiful sight but now only reminds me I am one day closer to death. I will fight for Van for eternity, so I will try and remember for him...

Gemini LycansWhere stories live. Discover now