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I fought against the changing inside me but I couldn't win. It was a hopeless battle. I looked at the mark on my arm thinking of my brother. If he was here he would know how to beat him.

"Turn already!" He snarled baring his fangs at me.

"Sorry to disappoint," I gasped for air as the vampire strangled me from the inside. My breathing stopped as soon as the thirst began. I stood up quickly as my grandfather smiled.

"Let's go eat," he said grabbing my arm dragging me from the cave. I could smell the blood around me and hear the beating of a heart nearby. I ran quickly to them finding a woman sitting reading a book. She smelled so good making my throat feel dry with thirst. I grabbed her biting into her milky flesh without hesitation. The copper blood soothed my throat as I drained her. She didn't fight me in fact she relaxed into it. I heard her heart slowing as I finished her off. I dropped her onto the ground her green eyes staring at me blankly.

"How was that?" I asked as he smiled.

"A clean kill with no chance of her becoming one of us," he smirked draping his arm on my shoulders. I felt free as I was immortal. I knew before I was a vampire I was scared but now I can't remember why.

"Should we show them who we are?" I asked motioning to the castle in the distance.

"Yes let us show them we are the ones in charge," he said as we raced through the woods arriving at the palace in seconds. I stayed in the shadows as a man stepped onto the balcony. I felt like I knew him but I couldn't figure out how.

"Master Van should I tell the twins their
mother left?" A guard asked him.

"I will tomorrow if she hasn't returned by then," he said as my grandfather took my hand.

"He's perfect," he said as I felt something stirring inside me. My lips parted slightly as I got a whiff of his scent. It was intoxicatingly delightful. I wanted it to be mine and only mine.

"When do we show them?" I asked as he led me inside quickly. We walked down the hallway careful to be unseen. We reached a room with two girls playing together.

"Mom," one said rushing toward me. I looked at her calmly though all I wanted was her blood.

"Use them to get him," my grandfather said picking one up. I grabbed the other one catching my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were black my skin ghostly white. My facial features had grown more striking in a way that would attract anyone to me. I was the ultimate killing machine now. I gasped a sharp pain flooding my system. I put the girl down touching my chest. There wasn't a wound but I felt immense pain as my grandfather stopped to look at me.

"I feel pain," I whispered as he looked confused.

"That isn't possible. Pain isn't a thing for us, there is killing or getting killed but there is never pain with either," he said as felt a memory floating in the back of my mind just out of reach. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I said shaking the feeling from my mind. I grabbed the girl walking into the room where the man was.

"Sapph you're..." he trailed off as he looked into my eyes. "Vampire."

"Yes we are," my grandfather smiled. "Give yourself to us or we will kill them."

"Sapphire all you had to do was ask," Van said as my grandfather looked at me.

"Her name is Brie you stupid man!" He growled casting the girl in his arms aside rushing at Van. I watched as Van pulled a stake driving it into my grandfather's chest. He froze before turning to ash. I put the girl down running to the open window.

"Sapphire," Van called as I looked at him over my shoulder. I felt a pull toward him but instead of going toward it I followed the blood calling me. I jumped from the window taking one last look at Van's sad gaze before disappearing into the dark moonless night. I ran as fast as my vampire legs wound take me stopping only once I reached the edge of the forest. I saw a small cottage approaching it. I went to enter but blood dripped down my face. I back up in confusion. I had entered the palace but why not the cottage.

"Lady Sapphire, come in," a voice called from the door of the cottage. I put on my happy face walking into the cottage. I had to be invited but why not at the palace?

"Thank you," I smirked seeing three people their hearts urging me to take a bite. I went for the man first my teeth pierced his artery, he died in seconds. I turned next to the woman her screams filling the room until my fangs silenced her. Once she had died I began to feel full but I couldn't leave a witness so I faced the teenage boy as he trembled in fear. His fear caused a smile to pull at my lips. I circled him toying with his fear. I would press my lips to his throat, my teeth brushing his skin careful not to break the skin. Every time his heart raced as if it was going to pound out of his chest.

"Please don't kill me," he pleaded as I looked at the bloody mess around me. How fun is it to be a vampire. I caressed his cheek my face angelic before it turned hard sinking my teeth into his neck. He struggled as I pulled his blood into my body the copper tasted amazing. His blood was better than theirs as it was fresh. He went limp as I took the final drop. I let him go his body hitting the wooden floor with a loud thump. I looked in a mirror my clothes soaked with blood my face had some as well. I looked badass like this and I loved it!

Thank you guys so much. We have reached over 900 reads. I couldn't have gotten here without you. I will post two parts today to say thank you. Do you guys like Vampire Sapphire?

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